Page 30 of Forbidden Desire

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Jo was prepared to go anywhere with Ali, as long as she wanted. Jo nodded as Ali tossed down some money, and they got up from the table. As they headed to the door, Ali reached for Jo’s hand. It felt good that, for those few seconds, they could publicly display that they were together and didn’t care who noticed.

They reached the car, and Ali leaned into Jo, kissing her with this passion that Jo felt trail all the way down to her toes. “Let’s get you home,” Ali whispered, and they got into her car. Jo knew what those words meant, and she couldn’t wait to get Ali back in her bed. They both had an exhausting day, but knowing they were ending it together would only strengthen that bond.


Ali kept her hand in Jo’s as they entered an addition just a few blocks from Jo’s apartment. “This is a different route,” she teased. She saw the sign for the garage sales, just like Jo had, and she knew Jo rarely could scoff at a deal. It was one of the many reasons she was being pulled to Jo.

Jo grinned as they continued to take Maverick on his morning walk. Only this time, it was a bit extended. They both didn’t work until later and they didn’t have to rush to get around to go to the hospital. It was days like this that Ali couldn’t take things for granted. The peacefulness of being together was something that always caught her off guard.

But there was more to their booming relationship. Ali needed someone to push her, and Jo was that person. But it also was a relationship that had a lot of give and take. Jo needed someone who would show her that sometimes it was alright to fall as long as you continued to get back up. Ali didn’t want Jo to give in just when things were getting rough, because that would show her that she should quit. Ali didn’t want that strain on Jo.

It’d been nearly two weeks since Vincent had his surgery, and to Ali’s relief, it seemed like Jo had finally come to realize that she wasn’t this weakling. She was a strong and independent woman and, as it turned out, a damn good nurse. Ali was happy to be the beacon that Jo needed to comprehend that truth.

Ali pulled Jo’s hand up to her mouth and kissed her fingers. Jo looked over and grinned. “What’s that for?”

“Just relishing in how happy I am.”

“I am, too.” Jo leaned in and gave Ali a sweet kiss. They were miles away from the hospital, and the likelihood of encountering anyone who would squabble at their intimate connection was slim to none. They walked up a driveway, and Jo peered at the tables, picking up a few odds and ends. Ali just glanced around. Their hands were connected when Jo wasn’t breaking from the connection to pick up something else.

Ali grabbed a book and read the back of it, then flipped through the pages to see if there was any writing in them. She held it while Jo continued to look over another table. Jo looked over and shrugged. “I think I’m good. Are you getting something?”

“Just this book. Wait for me, won’t be much more than a minute.” She left Maverick and Jo at the end of the driveway and went to pay for the book. There was a line waiting, and only one person was working the sale, so she stood back and looked at the other tables that were set up in the garage.

“Ali? I thought that was you.” She glanced up and saw she was the next person in line. Jessica stood, grinning. Then her eyes went past Ali to glance at Jo and Maverick. “She works in your department, right?”

“Um yeah, Jessica. Just out killing some time.” Ali shrugged, acting like it was the most natural of things, but her mind went back to HR, where she caught her there to pick up an application. Why was it that she didn’t have to fill out the application much later? Was there a conspiracy going on? She nervously shifted her feet and smiled, holding up the book. “You have a line forming, and I don’t want to keep people waiting.”

“Oh. Right.” Jessica smiled, but Ali could nearly read her mind. “How are things going?” Jessica asked. “I heard you applied for the nurse educator position. You would be doing really well at it. I’m positive. I hear they’re narrowing it down shortly. Now that you’re in the running, I probably don’t stand a chance.” Jessica replied, a soft giggle coming from the other side of the table.

“I’m doing well. Haven’t really heard a whole lot about the job lately. Not sure I would really do the job justice.” Ali handed over a dollar for the book. “But I guess we will see. You, on the other hand…” Her words trailed off.

Jessica shrugged. “Who knows? I’ve been contemplating taking my hat out of the race. I haven’t been there nearly as long as you have. Or others, for that matter.”

“Well, if your supervisor thinks you’re qualified, I would say that’s all that really matters.” Her heart fell to her stomach. Would seeing her there with Jo get her disqualified? She swallowed. “Thank you.”

“Yep, of course. Happy reading.” Jessica smiled but then looked out past Ali again. She smirked, or at least Ali suspected it was a smirk. Ali grimaced and turned on her heel, then hurried away to meet up with Jo.

“She’s busy,” Jo commented.

“Um, yeah, she is,” Ali mumbled.

Jo reached out for her hand, but Ali slipped it into her pocket, while the other one held her purchase. She wished they hadn’t made the stop into the addition. Her heart wouldn’t be bleeding at that very moment.

“Something wrong?” Jo asked.

“Can we just go back to the apartment? I don’t feel all that great.”

Jo’s brows furrowed. “Do we need to take you to the hospital?” she asked, concern etched on her face. Ali shook her head, and they headed in the opposite direction. Once they were on the path back to Jo’s apartment, Ali heaved a sigh.

“That garage sale,” she started. “Well, turns out the owner works at CAPMed.”

Jo’s jaw dropped. “I see.” She then stopped walking and the concern returned. “And?”

“Well, she made mention of you and how you work in my department, and I’m sure she was just probing for some sort of green light where she suspected what she knew she suspected.” Ali groaned. “I mean, we were holding hands and all.”

Jo nodded. “This is all my fault. I should have never taken the detour. I got too comfortable in us being us and forgot that there could be real complications that come from this.”

“Hey, this is not your fault. We both knew that something like this could be inevitable. I do NOT blame you. Do you hear me?”

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