Page 29 of Forbidden Desire

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She hooked Vincent up to the machines, so it would continue to check his vitals, then removed her mask and washed up in the sink in his room. There was a knock on the door, and she turned to find Ali standing there. She sighed. It was going to be more like the present to get out there what her thoughts were.

She glanced over to Vincent to make sure he was taken care of, then left the room, anticipating her scolding. She opened her mouth once she got out there, but it was Ali to go first. “You were great in there.”

Jo opened her mouth. “Not hardly. I felt like I was messing up every turn. I practically stood there gawking when he needed to be defibrillated.”

“Don’t be so hard on yourself,” Ali argued. “You don’t understand how difficult of a job it is to come in as a newbie and put to a test like that. In my opinion you soared and proved to me that you are cut out for this job.” Jo looked away from her. She said all the right things, but how could she honestly feel that way? “You’re new, Jo.” Ali reached out for her hand. “But new nurses stumble. You didn’t stumble in there. You were there to help give the instruments and you were there when you were needed. You got him hooked up to blood and you stuck him on one try. It was as if you weren’t even thinking about it.”

“Really? Because I felt like I was thinking too much.”

Ali snickered. “That’s because you’re in your head. You need to get out of there. You were magnificent and I’m glad you were my assistant today.”

Jo beamed at those words. “You mean that?”

Ali nodded. “I’m sure I can’t talk you into leaving. I imagine you’ll be by his side the rest of the day.”

“At least when his mom isn’t here,” Jo admitted.

Ali gave a smile. “Well, don’t get too burned out. Do you want to get supper later on? I get off at seven. I could pick you up.”

Jo liked the sound of that and quickly nodded. Ali gave her a wave and then turned on her heel and rushed off. Jo went back into his room and grabbed the stool, pulling it up beside his bed. She watched him as he quietly rested. It was a big surgery for him. And Jo knew that feeling, she was feeling the exhaustion setting in, but she would remain by his side until her services were no longer needed.

Jo took a bite of her chicken and looked around the restaurant, her eyes then slowly glided to Ali’s, who was staring at her. Jo blushed and looked down at her food. The shimmering of the sequins on her pants suit was glistening off of the soup.

“When you said we were going fancy, I had no idea you meant this restaurant.”

“You don’t like it?” Ali asked, quickly drawing Jo’s eyes back to her.

“Not at all.” She clamped down her mouth and smiled. “I mean, I love it. That’s not what I’m saying. I’ve just never been here and only heard some of the doctor staff mention it. It’s nice and elegant. And frankly, the company has never been better.”

Ali shifted in her seat and grinned. “I’m glad you feel that way.” She took a bite and slowly ate it as Jo pondered her next words. She felt so easy with Ali. It was scary how close they had gotten and so quickly, too.

“You deserved a celebration. After that amazing surgery performance today.”

Again, Jo blushed. She wanted to feel so confident about it. She wanted to be glad that Vincent was on the road to recovery and that the surgery was a huge success despite the minor setbacks. She just felt this weight that continued to cower over her, and while she wanted to be excited about her accomplishments, she just felt overrun by the weight.

“Ali,” she started.

Ali shook her head. “I don’t want this to be a moment of negativity. Just rejoice in the successes. That’s all.” Jo sighed. “Dr. Maples even commended you.

“He did?” Jo arched her eyebrow as Ali nodded.

“He said that he would like to request you for his next surgery. You see, you didn’t falter. You didn’t run out of there.” Ali laughed. “I can assure you that I have some major stories when it comes to first surgeries, and most of them end up with the nurses crying or running away. One even fainted at the sight of blood. She knew then that she wasn’t cut out for it. Yet, she still persisted.”

“She’s still a nurse?” Jo asked, incredulously. “Where? Do I know her?”

Ali smirked. “You’re looking at her. We all have stories that we want to hide from the world.”

Jo appreciated Ali’s words. However, in her heart, it was still hard to face the truth that was left there stewing. “I sometimes wonder if I’m cut out for this.”

Ali tilted her head. “Cut out for what?” she softly inquired.

“Being a nurse.” Jo stirred her soup as if to cool it off. But it had been there for thirty minutes already and wasn’t going to get much colder. “Maybe that’s why at my last job… I broke. I might just be too weak.” She shook her head, dropping her spoon until it clattered against the bowl. “Seeing the hospital with patients that I get attached to and worrying that the next patient that crosses my path might be the next one to die…” Her words trailed off, and a tear threatened to fall into her bowl. “We watch after pediatric patients, some that don’t seem much older than a baby. It’s tough. Ya know?”

Ali reached out and caressed her fingers with hers until Jo glanced in her direction. “You’re not weak, Jo. We all question our passions and our hopes, and we all look for answers. There’s no doubt that it’s tough looking after kids. We all fight that struggle. But you have a big heart. And that can’t go unnoticed. That’s not a weakness. It’s a strength. Don’t ever forget that.”

The genuine look that Ali gave her softened Jo’s thoughts. If Ali truly felt that way, then maybe she was being too hard on herself. Ali glanced down at the food and then looked up and smiled.

“Are you ready to get out of here?”

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