Page 10 of Forbidden Desire

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She was glad to have a few minutes of solace, even if that’s all she got. As she glanced around the empty bay, she spotted a piece of paper just lying on the edge of the desk. She grabbed it and smiled. “Pet adoption? Come get a pick of the litter. You won’t be sorry you did.”

It was just there, no rhyme or reason to it, looking like someone had easily discarded or conveniently forgotten it. She folded it back up and dropped it in the same location where she had found it. She didn’t want to appear nosey if someone came back to the nurse’s station and spotted her gawking at the flyer that wasn’t hers.

Ali got up from her seat and started to leave when she spotted Johanna coming out of a room and headed straight for the station. Ali nodded, and Johanna returned the gesture with a brief smile. Despite their awkward conversation the first week, things had improved between them. She worried that Johanna would get defensive and not understand where Ali was coming from. Well, at first, that was the case. However, slowly, Jo seemed to bask in how good things could go.

Jo grabbed the paper that Ali had looked at moments earlier. She picked it up and looked as though she was reading through it, then folded it up and slipped it into her pocket.

“Thinking of getting a pet?”

“Huh?” Jo looked up at Ali, clearly startled.

“I couldn’t help but see it there and was curious about it. Thinking of getting a pet?” she asked again.

“Hadn’t really given it much thought.” That wasn’t entirely true. She had often considered getting a dog, but the timing never felt right. “But I suppose it’d be interesting to look and see what they have.” Jo hesitated for a moment before actually turning her gaze to Ali. “How about you? Do you have any pets?”

Ali laughed. “Not one.” Jo’s jaw dropped, and Ali quickly continued waving her arms in front of her. “No…Not that I don’t love pets. I mean, I would so be interested in getting a dog, maybe even two. But I don’t really have time for a pet. I mean, they take work. Totally worth it, if you have the time. Unfortunately, I just don’t.”

“Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking. But I really think it’d be nice to have a dog. My apartment building allows it. The only thing stopping me is me.” She chuckled lightly. “This adoption event could be my perfect chance.”

“Wouldn’t hurt to go around and check it out,” Ali admitted.

Standing there talking to Jo was nice. There wasn’t any drama or work-related talk. There wasn’t any flirtation like the first time they met. But, still, there was a sense of relief that followed their conversation.

“I saw you walking to work. Do you live far?” Ali asked, leaning against the counter. She hadn’t had another patient for at least twenty minutes, and Jo didn’t seem to be rushing off to some other patient. What would a few lazy minutes hurt anyone?

“Well, I take the train here every day. As long as I’m within walking distance of the station, I might as well take advantage of it. It gets my exercise in every day. How about you? Are you far?”

“About fifteen minutes. I drive, though.”

“Shouldn’t you be working more and gabbing less?” Ali turned when she heard Nolan’s voice. She rolled her eyes, and he laughed. “Just asking a question.” He winked and then looked over at Jo. “Johanna, right?” he asked.

Jo gave a weak smile. “I’ll be heading back to work. Don’t want the boss to reprimand me.” She grabbed a chart and hurried away.

Ali frowned. “That’s weird.”

“What’s weird?”

Ali shrugged. “I don’t know. It just seems like something is off here. Jo rushes off every time we’re having a conversation. If it lasts longer than five minutes, she’s gone. I just don’t get her.”

“Maybe she’s just a nervous person.” He shrugged.

“I suppose so. Anyway, what brings you here?”

“Well, I just got off the phone with Brody.”

“Oh yeah? How’s lover boy doing?” she teased. Nolan’s boyfriend just got a residency in Milwaukee. He didn’t get to see Nolan often, and Ali was well aware of how stressful it became on Nolan and Brody’s relationship. But whenever Nolan talked about him, his face continually lit up, and Ali loved that about their relationship. She would give anything for something like that.

“He’s coming in this weekend. He said he was going to surprise me but couldn’t keep it to himself any longer. I have missed him so much.”

“That is amazing, Nolan. I’m so happy for you guys.”

Nolan beamed. “It feels like it’s been forever. I can’t wait to hug him.”

Ali shifted her gaze and laughed. “I’m sure there’s more than hugging you have in mind.”

He shrugged. “I never kiss and tell. I better get back to work. See ya around.”

“See ya!” Ali waved and watched as he disappeared in the elevator. Jo came out of the room but didn’t look in Ali’s direction. Was she deliberately ignoring her? Perhaps it was paranoia, but Ali wasn’t so sure. Jo seemed to run hot and cold, which didn’t make sense.

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