Page 30 of Velvet Vengeance

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I settle in the back with Temur behind the wheel and Konstantin in the front. We’re about to pull off when Konstantin swears. “Fuck!”

“What is it?” Temur and I look at him.

“It seems my dear sister has gone on the run once again,” Konstantin informs us, making my stomach knot.

“Jesus!” I hiss. “What the fuck is wrong with her?”

“She doesn’t like to be caged and forced to do things against her will?” Temur looks at both of us accusingly. “And Isabella is tired of being a puppet with other people pulling her strings.” We glare at him and he shrugs. “That’s what she told Pavel.”

“Just get going!” Konstantin shakes his head and starts to direct Temur north, about ten miles outside Grafton.

“Where is she going?”

“Canadian border,” Konstantin and Temur say in unison.

“Great!” I throw my hands up. “She’s running to your grandmother.”

“No.” Konstantin shakes his head. “Isabella doesn’t know where to get hold of our grandmother. But she does have some other rather interesting friends in Canada that do.”

We drive in silence, the hum of the engine the only noise as we head toward where Isabella seems to have stopped. Evening is descending fast and I know Konstantin is probably hoping what I am—that Isabella has stopped for the night.

“This doesn’t seem right.” I frown looking around as we get closer to the signal. We are on the road out of Grafton and there’s nothing for miles as the road cuts through a forest. “It’s a road with no stops anywhere.”

“That is perfect for dumping a car,” Konstantin says as we pull to a stop behind a Land Cruiser. “Fuck!” He’s out the Jeep before any of us and checking out the vehicle.

I catch up to him and try the doors but they’re all locked and the vehicle looks like it hit something at the front. My heart starts hammering because now all sorts of scenarios are running through my mind like what if she’s hurt?

The vehicle tweets making me jump as it pulls me from my thoughts. I turn to see Konstantin has found the remote for it.

“Isabella hid it by the wheel.” Konstantin’s eyes are hooded as he climbs in. “Good news is I don’t see any blood.”

I climb in beside him and open the glove compartment. “Is this the watch you gave her?”

“Clever girl.” Konstantins eyes light with a flash of pride. “And a very frustrating woman!” He hits the steering. “Fuck!”

“Nice,” Temur says, walking toward us with Konstantin’s phone in his hand. “It’s armored.” He looks at Konstantin. “I wish we could keep it.”

“Check the GPS,” Konstantin orders Temur. “Get it disabled and we’ll take it with us. I think it will come in handy at the lodge.”

“It’s been damaged at the front,” Temur notes. “Like it went through a wall or something metal.” He hands Konstantin his phone. “There’s a message on there from Judy.”

“Judy?” His brows knit. “Canadian Judy?”

“I think so.” Temur shrugs.

Konstantin looks at the message while Temur and I search the cars for more clues. Konstantin gets out and goes to make a call.

“Judy, his woman?” I ask Temur.

“No,” is all Temur says before changing the subject. “I think Isabella went back into town.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Because she dumped a perfectly safe vehicle here.” Temur stands beside the road. “Isabella ensured it was facing north.” He points to the ground. “There are tracks. Two sets of footsteps walking a distance north and they stop at the side of the road.”

“So they walked, hiked, and got a ride,” I point out.

“Do you see any cars?” Temur asks. “This isn’t a major road.” He points across the road. “I’m betting if I go to the other side of the road I’ll find two pairs of footprints heading into the woods that will lead them to the center of Grafton.”

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