Page 21 of Velvet Vengeance

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“Yes, sir!” Pavel and Boris salute.

“With all due respect and for the record,” Boris states, “I don’t think you should be trusting him.“ He nods toward Temur.

“That’s the reason I’m keeping Temur with me, so I can keep an eye on him,” Konstantin tells Boris. “And the reason I’m trusting Pavel’s care and health to you, Boris.”

Boris nods.

“With no disrespect, Konstantin,” Pavel speaks, “I have to agree with Boris, and I’m well enough to help. I’ve had much worse.”

“I appreciate the enthusiasm,” Konstantin tells them. “I need the two of you to complete the main mission. And you are in no condition to do that at the moment, Pavel.“ His eyes turn to Boris. “And you are too important to be caught in the middle of this road bump in the plan.”

“Of course.” Boris nods and glares at Temur. “Know this, Temur, one wrong move, and I’ll kill you myself this time.”

Now I’m wondering what the fuck Temur has done to deserve such hatred from Boris and Pavel. Before I can ask, Boris turns to me.

“I am sorry, Pakhan Belov,” Pavel says to me, bowing slightly. “I’ve let you down and failed in my duty to protect your loved ones. I’m sorry I can’t continue the mission to retrieve them. But the Commander is right. I would only slow you all down at the moment.”

“It’s not true about Pavel failing anyone,” Boris disagrees with the man and looks at me. “Sorry, Pakan Belov, I mean no disrespect. But Pavel nearly gave his life to save…” he stops and looks at Konstantin before looking back at me, “our commander’s friend, Mrs. Belov, and your unborn child.”

Well, fuck me! I’m staring at those two men in disbelief. Not just by the fact that I’ve had an apology but also by the fact that they’ve acknowledged my position and are showing me respect. I was not expecting that, and now I’m confused as well. Just what the fuck is going on here? My eyes move to Pavel’s stomach, where his shirt is now soaked in blood.

“Were you stabbed or shot?”

“He was shot,” Boris answers.

Before I can ask more questions, Pavel starts to sway. “Go. Now!” Konstantin barks. “Get Pavel back to the hospital.”

The two men leave, and I glance at Temur, who is standing with his fists clenched at his side, and his jaw is stiff as he’s obviously controlling his anger. Well, this is fucking just great. I have the iceman and a smoking volcano in my office.

Konstantin turns back toward me. “Are you coming?”

“You haven’t told me where we’re going?”

“Vermont,” Konstantin replies.

My brow furrows. “Vermont?”

“Yes.” Konstantin nods. “We’re going hunting.”

“Hunting?” Now I’m confused and getting irritated as I want to know what we’re going to do to find my wife.

“For the fucker that took my sister, Stacy, and your brother!“ Konstantin calmly drops another bombshell in my lap.

“What?” I shake my head, wondering if I heard him right. “My brother?” My eyes dart from Konstantin to Temur, who has stiffened even more. “For fuck sake, can you sit down?”

“No time,” Konstantin tells me. “We need to move before my sister decides to do something stupid like escape and complicate matters even more. I’ll explain as much as I can on the way to Vermont.”

“Which part? The part about my brother being alive, or why you’re here in America, or why you hate your father—“

“You’re wasting time.” Konstantin cuts me off.

I nod, stand, and reach for my phone, scrolling through it. “Let me call James. I’m sure he’ll want to come too.”

“No!” Konstantin and Temur say in unison. Konstantin sends Temur a warning look before turning to me.

“It’s best you leave as many people out of this as possible,” Konstantin advises. “While we want to trust our men, we can’t be too sure of a leak at the moment. Especially after my compound was found and breached, then my sister’s whereabouts were found.”

“You think I don’t know my men?” My eyes narrow, but I’m pretty sure who the leak is, and it’s killing me that I think it’s Urie.

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