Page 14 of Velvet Vengeance

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“She was the same way with me.” The shudder creeps up my spine. “But she seemed genuinely excited when she saw my babies. You know, like a normal OB-GYN and not some dominatrix whore bitch of one.”

“Where’s Lev?”

“He was here for a brief moment,” Stacy tells me. “But he just wanted to see me and know that I was okay. Lev was in pain from seeing that doctor who patched up his hip and is fixing his leg braces. He just wanted to take a plate of food and eat in his room.”

“You should’ve gone with him.”

“I don’t think that would be allowed.” Stacy smiles. “Besides, I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

The dinner is surprisingly delicious and well prepared. If we weren’t being held at the lodge against our will, this would’ve been an enjoyable evening.

“Why do you think they’re giving us medical attention and taking such good care of us?”

“I was wondering that as well,” Stacy tells me. “I guess if we’re going to be held hostage anywhere, an old five-star hunting lodge that is well taken care of isn’t the worst place.”

“I’m working on a plan to get us out of here.” I lower my voice and lean closer to Stacy. “But I will need tomorrow to try and scout the place out better.”

“We’ll need to get word to Lev,” Stacy whispers back.

“Are his braces fixed, or is he still waiting for them?”

“He came to the dinner table with crutches, and when I asked, he said the person repairing them told him it would take a day or two,” Stacy replies.

“That will give me time to try and scout out the place,” I tell her. “Hopefully, they’ll keep letting us have meals together so I can keep you updated.”

“This time, I promise not to hijack your escape plan,” she teases and yawns. “Excuse me. I’ve been so beside myself worrying about you and Lev that I haven’t been sleeping.”

“I know. Same here.”

“Oh my God!” Stacy’s eyes widen. “What about Pavel?”

My heart squeezes, and a sickening feeling hits me in the gut when I remember him lying bleeding out on the floor. “I don’t know.” Reaching over the table and grabbing her hand, I tell her, “We’ve just got to keep positive. I’m sure a bullet isn’t going to stop that brute.”

Stacy gives me a tight smile. “You’re right.” She nods as our guards walk over to the table.

“Sorry, ladies, but if you’re finished eating, it’s time to get back to your rooms,” Stan informs us.

“You mean five-star prison cells.”

Stan sighs and shakes his head.

Stacy and I stand and then let the guards follow us out of the dining room. I freeze when I see the tall, good-looking man who’s walking down the stairs with Doctor Bimbo on his arm.

“No fucking way!” Stacy breathes, her eyes are as wide with disbelief as mine are. “Is that…”

I know my jaw is hanging open, but I can’t help it. As the man turns his head and his blue eyes connect with mine, they’re cool. He has a cut on his cheek and a bruise at the bottom of his one eye. My eyes fall on his hands, and his knuckles are blue like he’s been in a fight, but other than that, he looks like the ever-formidable Marco Moretti in his perfectly fitting suit.

“Stacy. Isabella.” He nods. “Are you being treated okay?”

I’m speechless for a few seconds as everything starts to make sense now. How well we’re being treated, the examinations, the five-star prison cells.

Doctor Bimbo gives me a smug look, tightening her grip possessively on my father’s arm.

“Dad!” I manage to splutter. Anger washes over me like a tidal wave. “This is all you!”

“Isabella…” Marco begins.

“You fucking bastard!” Before Stan or my father can react, I lunge at him and swing.

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