Page 100 of Velvet Vengeance

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“Sasha, go around back,” I order before Konstantin can. “Konstantin, you’re with me.” I speak into the earpiece and command the rest of them to get ready to breach on my signal.

Sasha gives a quick nod and disappears into the darkness, moving with the stealth of a ghost. I follow Konstantin as we creep closer to the farmhouse, every step calculated and deliberate. The rest of the fanned-out Zhukov forces surround the building.

Konstantin and I glance over our shoulders. “I wonder what Dmitry’s men are waiting for?” The hair at the back of my neck stands on end.

“I’m hoping it’s to help us!” Konstantin whispers. “Sasha will keep an eye on them. Let’s get inside and take down your brother and my cousin.”

“We don’t know for sure if Lucien is involved,” I remind Konstantin. “Your grandmother, who is a rather daunting woman for her age, was very adamant about that.”

“Lucien’s her baby.” Konstantin’s shoulders stiffen. “Grandmother coddles him. I, on the other hand, will gladly snap his fucking neck if anything happens to Isabella.”

“You’ll have to get in line,” I tell him as we reach the front of the farmhouse.

We fall silent, and Konstantin signals for us to hold. I can hear the faint murmurs of voices inside—Lev’s men, no doubt discussing what to do next. They’re confident, but they don’t know we’re here.

Konstantin nods at me, and I return the gesture, adrenaline pumping through my veins. This is it. With a swift motion, Konstantin gives the signal, and we move in. The door bursts open, and we storm inside, weapons raised. The element of surprise is on our side as we catch Lev’s PMCs off guard.

The hallway and living room is a chaotic blur of movement. The PMCs scramble to react, but we’re faster, taking them down with precision. Sasha enters from the back, cutting off any escape routes. The fight is brief but intense, and in a matter of moments, we have the upper hand.

I scan the room, breathing hard. Roman and my mother are standing near the center, their expressions a mix of shock and relief as they realize what’s happening. Konstantin strides forward, taking control of the situation.

“Roman, Grace, stay where you are,” Konstantin commands, his voice leaving no room for argument.

I turn my attention to Lev and Stacy, who are standing off to the side, surrounded by the last of their men. Lev looks furious, but there’s a flicker of fear in his eyes as he realizes how badly this has gone for him.

“Drop your weapons,” I bark at them, keeping my gun trained on Lev. There’s no hesitation—they know they’ve lost. The guns hit the floor with a clatter, and Lev’s men back away, raising their hands in surrender.

Konstantin’s men move in, quickly disarming and securing the remaining PMCs. Within seconds, the farmhouse is ours. The tension in the room is thick as our men finish rounding up the rest of the PMCs.

“Andrey.” My mother’s voice is filled with panic as our eyes meet. “Thank God you’re here.”

“Lev!” Stacy whines. “What’s happening? You said that your…”

“Shut the fuck up, Stacy,” Lev hisses.

“I see you’re back from being beaten to death.” My voice drips with contempt. I see the bruise on her chin. “Did Lev do that?”

“No!” Stacy spits and glares at Harry. “That fucker did.”

“She was trying to kidnap Isabella,” Harry defends his actions and shrugs. “Stacy’s had that coming for years.”

“You fucking bastard!” Stacy seethes and starts to laugh. “Oh, are you in for a…”

“Shut up!” Lev growls, grabbing her by the hair.

“You’re hurting me!” Stacy groans, and Lev lets go of her hair.

I frown. Something’s not quite right here. Lev and Stacy seem a little too at ease after just having their plan to get Isabella, which has been thwarted. My eyes scan the room and meet Konstantin’s. I can tell he’s thinking the same thing as I am.

We start to back up so we can see everyone in the living room in sight.

“Let’s all just drop our weapons,” my mother says. “For goodness’ sake, I’m standing between my two sons with guns aimed at each other.” Her eyes are filling with tears as she looks pleadingly at me. “Andrey, please… he’s your brother. Can’t we just sit and discuss this?” She turns to look at Lev. “My boy’s home. Back from the dead.”

“Grace…” Roman’s voice drops. “You know we can’t do that. Lev can’t go unpunished. He not only killed his father, he caused unrest in the crime world…” His jaw clenches. “It was like he was trying to recreate a modern version of twenty-nine years ago.” He smiles lovingly at her. “You and I both know how that ended.”

“She most certainly does!” Isabella’s voice booms from the door behind Lev and Stacy.

I look at her, and my heart lurches. She’s standing with a weapon in her hand, pointed at Lev.

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