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"Yeah," I reply without turning to her. I don't want her to see the effect the mention of her dad has on me. I wonder why she never told me her dad was a lecturer at Stanford.

"Don't be nervous. My dad's perfectly cool with it ... besides, I thought you loved my dad and liked hanging around him."

"I do. I'm just ..."

"Don't sweat about it, okay? It's completely cool."

Turning to her, I ask her the question that's been burning in my mind since the moment Dr. McKnight walked into class that day. "There's something though. Why didn't you tell me he was now lecturing at Stanford?"

"I guess it just slipped my mind," Amy laughs awkwardly. “I completely forgot that you were a psychology major at Stanford. Well, imagine having to live with your teacher and ... whoa! Are you sure you're okay? Your face is as red as a tomato."

I put my hands on my face and feel the heat burning through my cheeks. Amy has a worried look on her face. "I'm fine. It will be cool. I'll have access to a lot of information the other students won't."


Get yourself together, Rochelle! I chide myself for being so triggered by the mention of Dr. McKnight’s name. What will I do now that I'll be living in the same house with him? Since I left class and went to my apartment, I haven't stopped thinking about him. Even when Amy came and helped me move the rest of my stuff, it wasn't enough to distract me from him. Amy has always been good at reading my thoughts, and now I wonder what she will think of me, or what will become of our friendship, if she discovered that I had dreams of becoming her stepmother. It's not exactly the kind of thought that encourages friendships.

We pull up at Dr. McKnight’s beautiful Madison Avenue home. Amy and I carry the rest of my things into the house.

"Oh great! Dad's home already!" Amy gleefully observes. I look at Dr. McKnight’s parked Mercedes in the driveway and begin to feel hot all over. My heart is beating so fast that I'm sure anyone within an inch of me will hear it.

As we open the door and walk in, the scent of Dr. McKnight fills my nose. My heart pounds harder as I frantically look around for him.

"I think I’ll put the rest of these boxes in my room and get changed,” I say to Amy. “I’ll see you at dinner?”

"Sure. Make yourself at home. I’ll put these boxes in the garage,” I watch Amy leave through the kitchen back door, and then I head upstairs to my room. I walk past Dr. McKnight’s room and notice it’s ajar.

Just go to your room, Rochelle. Just go. But my burning curiosity gets the better of me. I slowly walk back and cautiously peep into the room. My mouth instantly goes dry as I see him standing close to the window with a book in his hands. He's wearing only a pair of slacks. I have never seen a more beautiful man in my life. He moves across the room, and my legs grow weak at the sight of his perfectly sculptured muscles. My mind begins to create pictures of me running my hands over his chest and abs. Suddenly, he turns to the door, and I dash to my room. I grab a towel from my room, then head to the shower so I don’t have to face him if he comes into my bedroom.

I let the water run over my body as I close my eyes, thinking about how it would feel to have those strong arms caress me. The tips of my breasts become taut and painful as I press one hand to my honey underneath me. I allow myself to get lost in my fantasies as I picture Dr Kevin's lips around my breasts and feel him thrusting in and out of me.

"Ro?" Amy calls, just as I’m on the edge.

"Um, I'll be down soon, okay?" My orgasm subsides.

"Alright. Dad decided to help out with the kitchen prep, too. Hurry!"

Oh no!

I wait for Amy to leave the room before stepping out of the shower. I feel too self-conscious to continue, but I’m even more worked up now. I think back to Dr. McKnight in his bedroom. What if he saw me? What will he think of me spying on him? I hurriedly select a short green lace gown and head downstairs dejectedly. Will my desire for him be so apparent, especially after I almost climaxed over the thought of him ravaging me, yearning for me too?

"Wow. Love that dress," Amy says, as she spots me at the doorway. She's setting a chicken platter on the table while her dad is arranging the cutlery. He turns to me and stares for a few seconds before smiling.

"Hi, Dr. McKnight. Um ... thank you for letting me stay."

"You're welcome, Rochelle. It's only fitting," he says. There's a dark, questioning look in his eyes that I can't decipher. A look that sends shivers running down my spine.

"Okay, everybody. Let's eat. Good job with the table setting, Dad," Amy says.

"Thank you, Ma'am," He replies playfully.

We all sit down to eat, with Dr. McKnight at the head of the table. Amy and I sit on either side of him. Being so close to him is dangerously unnerving, but I strive to keep it together. He pours us all a glass of wine each. We raise our glasses and Amy says a little toast towards my moving in. She’s so adorable. “So, Rochelle,” Dr. McKnight begins, looking at me curiously. “Amy tells me that you’ve been following my work. Anything in particular that’s taken your fancy?”

I blush furiously, and stare daggers at Amy. Amy is mid-bite but genuinely looks confused by my reaction. I clear my throat.

"Um ... yes, Dr. McKnight. I have always been interested in psychology, and I have been following your work. Your studies on the frailty of the human mind are my favorite."

"That's very flattering, Rochelle. So, have you decided on a specialty?"

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