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I walk into the building with my luggage. The keys are held in a safety deposit box and I open it using a code posted out to me last week. I enter the elevator, press the neon green button for the 14th floor, and eagerly wait.

"Wow!" I exclaim as I open the door to the 1 bedroom condo. The furnishings are exquisite.

Stunning beige and blush pink decor complement the soft finishes. I head to the bedroom and jump on the soft queen-sized bed. I walk into the bathroom, which is heavenly. I absolutely love the spa vibe. I head to the kitchen. It’s just perfect.

I remember to call Dad and Rochelle to let them know I’ve arrived safely.

"Hey, Dad, I’ve arrived safe and sound. The condo is amazing!" I exclaim.

"Oh great, I can’t wait to see it. Look at you, all grown up," he says excitedly.

"When do you think you’ll be able to fly out?”

"I’m not sure, honey, but I’ll be sure to let you know soon. Anyway, isn’t it your first day at your new job tomorrow?”

"Yes, it is. I'm a little nervous."

"It's normal, honey. There's a surprise in store for you tomorrow. But I'll leave you to find out. Just relax, okay? You'll do great."

"Thank you, Daddy."

I hang up, wondering what the surprise is all about. I shrug it off and take a nice warm shower. I spend the rest of the evening getting groceries and unpacking my bags. I pick out a navy blue suit for tomorrow and black heels. I finish my spaghetti and tomato sauce and fall asleep with a big smile on my face.


The taxi pulls up in the campus of AlGage Tech, and I hurriedly walk into the humongous building. I make a mental note to look into sorting out a car after my first paycheck. My department is on the top floor and I'll be working closely with the new CEO who I'm yet to meet.

"Good morning Miss McKnight. Excited about starting?" greets Samantha Knowles, the head of HR as I step out of the elevator.

"Yeah. A little nervous, but mostly excited," I respond as she walks me to my desk. Her desk is right next to mine and the CEO is based in the last office at the end of the hall.

"What's he like? I mean … the new CEO."

"Hmmm," Samantha says leaning closer to me with a mischievous smile on her face. "Between you and me, he's a bit of a spitfire. So you'll have to be on your feet at all times. He hates delays and expects nothing less than perfection."

"Wow. I wish I’d met him during my interview last month."

"The board was still in talks with Mr. Alex Gage, our former CEO. Mr. Leonardo Mendez started here just three weeks ago and he runs this place like an army boot camp. But he's extremely smart and ... are you okay, Amy?"

That name ... if there really was a goddess named Fate, then she was playing a crazy trick on me.

"Yeah ... yeah I'm fine."

"There's no need to be worried. You'll do great. Just show him how efficient you are. You’ll be fine," she says, as she busies herself with getting my computer ready and starts to show me the ropes.

I unbutton my jacket as I feel myself getting hot and sweaty. I try and compose myself in front of Samantha. But how can I? The man I'm going to be working with is none other than Leonardo Mendez: the multi-millionaire bachelor and only man I have ever been attracted to. I doubt he even remembers me. Oh, and he’s also my dad's best friend! I guess this is the great surprise my dad was talking about.

Oh, Amy. Now what?

Chapter Two


"Hey, man!"

"Hi, Kevin. How's life as the next Sigmund Freud?"

"Ha, ha very funny Leo," Kevin replies dryly.

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