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Chapter One


"Hey Rochelle, yeah I should be out of here in about 10 minutes. I just have to finish packing. My flight leaves in an hour."

"Ok. Make sure you call me as soon as your plane hits the ground.” Ever since Rochelle married my dad, we’ve become closer than ever. She’s still more like a sister to me than a mum though. We did have that chat, and this dynamic is much more comfortable for the both of us. One mum is quite enough for me.

"I will! Say ‘hi’ to Dad for me. Love you.” I say with a big smile on my face.

"Love you too, Amy. Speak soon!" Rochelle hangs up.

I hurriedly pack the last of my bags and head down to the taxi waiting outside my apartment. As the taxi driver drives me to the airport, I think about the past grueling four years of studying for my business degree at the University of California. When my dad started talking to me about getting another degree, I wasn't exactly thrilled. But I'm one for compromise. I had promised Dad that if he paid for me to study fashion for my first degree, I would happily get a second degree in business. It wasn't that I hated business—I loved business and always wanted to study it. But fashion has always been, and will always be, my first love. I smile as I remember how he had frowned in disappointment, years ago, when I first told him I wanted to major in fashion—

"Dad, please don't give me that look," I’d said. “This is what I have always wanted to do."

"I understand but can't you do that later? Get your business degree or MBA first? Then you can become the next Vera Wang."

"I won't have time for fashion if I study business analysis first! Please, Dad!"

"Oh, honey I just want you to have a solid career base. Fashion is more like a hobby and it's unpredictable. Getting a business degree will give you a solid start in life. You can pursue your fashion while going to school. I'm not against it. I just want you to get your MBA first. Or a degree at least."

"OK, Daddy. Let's make a deal," I said as I came to rest on his shoulder. He smiled and patted my hand.

"I'll get my business degree and my MBA right after I'm done with fashion school. I promise! Please, Daddy?" I said and held him tightly.

"Fine. It's a deal. But I'll hold you to it, Amy."

Daddy had called me on the day of my final exam to remind me about our deal. That was four years ago, and on reflection, I’m so pleased he did as I feel much more prepared for this next adventure in my life.

"Thank you," I say to the driver after he hands me my luggage. I rush into the airport and briskly walk to the gate. After I get my bags checked in, I settle into my window seat and sit back, thinking about my new life, and the endless possibilities that lie in wait for me.

I’m finally flying to Boston! No more classes and assignments. I’m ready to put to good use everything I’ve learned into my new job at AlGage Tech, a Fortune 500 company. My dad was so excited when I told him the news. He had called several times and even sent me flowers just to say how proud he was. However, Boston is so far away from dad and Rochelle. He said he’ll fly out in a few weeks to check I’m all settled into my new condo, courtesy of the relocation package that came with the job. My dad has never been one for emotions but I guess love and marriage have a way of bringing out the soft side in you. I love seeing him so happy with Ro. It makes me want to burst with happiness. I smile again as I think about it.

I'd love to know what it feels like to love someone so much that you can't take your hands off them. One of the many things I hide about myself is that I'm a hopeless romantic. Yeah. I'm all for the fairytale love story and the knight in shining armor who lays down his life for the pretty damsel in distress. Strangely, I've never fallen hard for any guy. My dad used to be worried about guys when I started high school but I just never felt that way about any of the guys who asked me out. We just ended up being friends. There's only one man who has ever made me feel that hunger and desire but he is simply out of my reach. Thinking about him is both dangerous and forbidden.

My daydream ends as the plane touches down at Boston Logan. My legs feel like jelly after sitting for almost six hours. I long for a warm soak as I head to the checking area.

"Taxi!" I shout as I spot a taxi at the airport entrance. The driver, an elderly man, smiles and walks straight over to me.

"Where to, Miss?" He says, carrying my bags.

"Waterfront ... uh 15 Landen Boulevard," I say, looking at the deed for the condo.

"Wow. Fine neighborhood."


"Yeah. One of the finest neighborhoods in Boston."


Mr. Krytes, the taxi driver, tells me the history of Boston as we drive to Landen, and all the many reasons why he wouldn't live anywhere else.

Landen Boulevard is a fine neighborhood indeed. The houses are beautiful with manicured lawns and great finishes. Mr. Krytes points out the exclusive golf course, the sprawling park, and a few posh restaurants as we head to my condo.

We get to the building and I marvel at the amazing architecture. I wonder what the inside will look like.

"Thank you so much, Sir," I say, and I wave as he drives off.

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