Page 96 of The Kotov Duet

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When Maksim finally returned to the booth, he pulled out his wallet, and I watched in stunned silence as he pulled out a hundred-dollar bill, then drop it on the table in front of me. I stared at it like it was a snake, ready to bite me, but I didn’t know why. For some reason, this moment felt significant, but this was also just another game with no real rules. It was just a drink, but Maksim was acting as if I’d insulted his mother.

“Take it and place it back in your wallet,” he ordered. “Now, Katja. Do it now before I really lose my shit.”

Not wanting to cause a scene, I quickly did as he’d demanded, regretting not getting a drink for myself. I was also so damn sick of this shit.

“It was just a drink,” I repeated.

Ignoring that, he finally took a seat next to me, asking, “What is wrong? You seem upset.”

I looked over at him, my eyes wide. “Are you serious? Everything is wrong, Maksim. With the exception of my grandfather finally coming home, everything about these past couple of weeks is wrong. I mean, what is there that’s right?”

“Have you forgotten the other night already?” he asked, his voice low, and I hated how that simple question had my body clenching.


His hand on my bare thigh immediately shut me up, and I stared into his chocolate-colored gaze unbelievingly as his palm trailed up the inside of my leg, the man not caring that we were out in public. Though I couldn’t deny the dark shiver of need that raced down my spine, I’d also never been this adventurous. I’d never been a big public-displays-of-affection kind of person, and I’d definitely never been the type of person to have sex in public.

When Maksim’s fingers reached the apex of my thighs, he said, “Let me help you forget your troubles, lyublyu.”

I could barely speak as his fingers slid inside my panties. “Maksim, we’re…we’re in pub…public.”

“Do you think that anyone is going to comment?” he asked, his voice a dark symphony of need.

It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him that I wasn’t a whore, but the words wouldn’t come out. After all, that’s exactly what I was, and I needed to stop living in a time before Klive Simpson had entered my life; I was no longer that woman. Besides, sex in public didn’t automatically make a woman a whore. Lots of couples found the risqué behavior sexy and empowering. I mean, what was hotter than someone wanting you so badly that they were unable to wait until they got you home?

So, with nothing significant to say, I just stared into his dark gaze as his fingers worked their way inside me, the stretch eliciting a shameful moan from my lips. When the slick sounds of his ministrations hit my ears, I curled my fingers around the edge of the seat, the soft fabric tightening in my grip. It felt both embarrassing and exhilarating to be doing this, but I also wasn’t going to stop him. Even if I could, my body didn’t want him to stop. Everything that Maksim Barychev did felt like sin wrapped up in more sin, and every inch of me enjoyed it all.

With no choice but to just hang on for the ride, I licked my lips, then closed my eyes, and that’s when Maksim abruptly pulled his fingers from my pussy.

When my eyes snapped open, he said, “I’ve decided that this does not work for me.”

He was cancelling our arrangement.

I didn’t say anything as he dropped another large bill on the table, then stood up, leaving his fresh drink untouched. When he walked around to stand in front of me, he reached down, and on autopilot, I grabbed his hand, then allowed him to help me stand as I quickly grabbed my purse.

As Maksim escorted me out of The Swan, my mind began to race with what I was going to do now. Waves of rage also coursed through my body as I realized just how sinister Maksim Barychev really was. Like a sadistic sonofabitch, he’d waited until my grandfather was back home before pulling the rug back out from under me. He’d waited until I’d felt that familiar sense of comfort before finally making me pay for ever agreeing to help Klive. Everything made sense now. It explained why he hadn’t waited for me outside like he’d done before.

Since Maksim’s car had remained out front, just right across the street, as soon as Jurik saw us walking toward the vehicle, he walked over, then immediately opened the door to the backseat. With his hand on the small of my back, Maksim escorted me inside, then said something to Jurik in Russian before getting inside the car himself.

Once we were on our way, I stared at my hands in my lap as my heartbeat drummed in my ears. Everything was spinning so out of control, and I really felt like I was losing my mind. I had no idea if Maksim was taking me home or taking me out into the country to shoot me dead, and I almost laughed with the absurdity of it all. However, before I could become completely hysterical, Maksim Barychev was surprising me once again.

“Now let’s finished what we started, lyublyu.”

Chapter 21


“Wh…what?” Katja stammered as she looked over at me, her eyes wide.

Since I hadn’t bothered to put on my seatbelt, it was easy to turn in my seat. “I said that we can now finish what we started earlier.”

Her amber-colored gaze glanced over towards the back of Jurik’s head. “But-”

“He has his earbuds in and knows better than to look back here,” I reassured her. “It’ll be his life if he doesn’t keep his eyes on the road, and he knows it.”


“Come over here, Katja,” I ordered. “Come straddle my lap, baby.”

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