Page 95 of The Kotov Duet

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“That’s him,” she finally confirmed.

“So, he’s not wearing a disguise when he visits you?”

She shook her head. “Not at all. Now, that’s not to say that he’s not wearing one when he’s spying on you or us, but when he’s ambushing me, he looks exactly like he does in that picture, only a bit older.”

Putting my phone away, I said, “You will meet me at nine o’clock at The Swan. From there, you’ll accompany me to my home. If Nikel is watching as we all suspect, then he’ll know that I am taking you to my place. He’ll think that his plan is working, and I’m willing to bet that he’ll probably approach you again the next day to satisfy his curiosity.”

“Fine,” she sighed tiredly. “Whatever you say, Maksim.”

I took her chin in my fingers. “Nothing has changed between us, Katja. You will continue to spread your legs for me, no matter how angry at me you are. There is no way out of this for you, except for one, and that choice will leave your grandfather with no one.”

Katja jerked her face from my hold. “You can save your threats, Maksim. I haven’t forgotten my role in all of this.”

“Lyublyu, you really need to learn how to control that temper of yours,” I said, quietly reprimanding her. “I’ve little patience as it is. My graciousness will run out sooner or later.”

Ignoring that, she asked, “Are we done here? I’m tired and want to go home.”

“I will see you tomorrow night,” I told her, refusing to give her attitude any credit. “Wear something that is designed to drive a man out of his mind.”

“Of course,” she bit out before turning to leave, and I let her go, giving Jurik the nod to follow her out to her car. While I did not like her driving around at night by herself, I had to remind myself that that was part of her job, and if I wanted to keep her, then I was going to have to find a way to make that work.

Saving my issues with Katja for another time, I pulled out my phone, then dialed Avgust to let him know what was going on, and that I was going to absolutely destroy Nikel once I got my hands on him.

Chapter 20


I walked into The Swan, and I felt like all eyes were on me, though that wasn’t true. However, now that I’d actually had sex with Maksim, I was officially a whore for the Russian Bratva, even if I was only laying down for Maksim right now. Like Klive, I had no idea what more would be asked for me at a later date, and I’d have to be super stupid to believe that Maksim might see me as something more than a means to an end.

At any rate, unlike last time, he hadn’t escorted me inside, and for whatever reason, it felt like déjà vu of the first time that I had walked in here. Honestly, I didn’t know which was worse, not knowing what I’d been getting myself into or knowing exactly what Maksim expected of me now.

It also didn’t help that I actually felt something inexplicable for Maksim Barychev. While it was rather sick and twisted if you thought about it, I couldn’t get the other night out of my mind, no matter how hard I tried. I’d never cum so hard in my life, and it was shameful to admit that I wanted him to do it again. I wasn’t sure what that made me, but I knew enough to know that it didn’t make me a good person; a good person would have gone to the police. Or maybe that was a smart person. A smart person would have gone to the police, and then allowed the wheels of justice to do their thing. Now I was embroiled in a mess that had me way deep in over my head.

As soon as I stepped up near the bar, I looked around the room until I saw Maksim seated in a corner booth. He lifted his tumbler of liquor in my direction, and I almost laughed like an idiot. I had no idea if he was just flagging me down, or if he expected me to get him another drink. A second later, I felt like crying. I felt like everything around me was falling apart, and no matter how hard I tried, I didn’t have enough strength to hold any of it up.

Figuring that it was a whore’s job to service her keeper in all areas, I turned to the bar, then signaled for the bartender. When she walked over, I asked, “Can I get a…Maksim Barychev needs another drink.”

Dropping everything, she quickly made his drink, and not wanting to offend her or Maksim, I held my tongue when she told me how much it cost. Thankfully, I’d had enough sense to put some cash in my purse before coming out tonight, so I slid her a hundred-dollar bill, then told her to keep the change. I felt stupid because she probably expected more, but I didn’t have much more to give her.

Doing my best to shake off my nerves, I grabbed Maksim’s drink, then turned to head towards his booth. Walking over, I was careful not to spill any of the expensive vodka because I couldn’t afford to get him another one right now. Granted, I could always use my ATM card, but I’d rather pay cash at places like this. It was an expensive slippery slope to start putting drinks on a tab.

When I finally reached the table, I placed the glass in front of him, and it wasn’t until I got comfortable in the booth that I notice how wild his eyes looked. “Is…is everything okay?”

“Did you just buy me a drink?” he asked, and his voice held a touch of that familiar darkness that I was beginning to recognize. Maksim was pissed, only I had no idea why.

“Uh…yes,” I stammered. “I…I thought that’s what you wanted when you lifted your glass.”

Maksim’s fingers grabbed me by my chin before squeezing painfully enough to get my attention. “Do not ever spend your own money on me, Katja,” he ordered. “Do you understand?”

“It’s…it’s just a drink,” I replied, resenting how he was making me feel stupid for doing something so simple.

“I support you,” he practically snarled. “You do not support me, understand? Do not ever do something like that again.”

I could only stare at him.

What in the fresh hell?

Before I could say anything to that, Maksim let go of my chin, then got up from the booth. I watched as he stormed across the room towards the bar, then tell the bartender that had helped me something unpleasant. She looked like she was facing the firing squad, and I immediately felt bad for placing her in Maksim Barychev’s crosshairs.

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