Page 93 of The Kotov Duet

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“And how in the hell was I supposed to do that?” I hissed. “Send a carrier pigeon?”

He shot me a look that reminded me of Maksim, but I didn’t think that either man would appreciate the comparison. “Watch yourself, Katja Volkov,” he warned. “You are just lucky that I want Maksim more than I want to show you what I’m capable of.”

Like a glass of cold water in my face, that brought me back to reality. While I knew enough of Maksim’s reputation to be cautious of him, I knew nothing about Klive Simpson. For all that I knew, he could be more dangerous than Maksim, or Avgust Kotov for that matter.

Letting out a deep breath, I said, “Look, if you want regular updates, then you’re going to have to find a way to contact me. If not, then I’m not sure what you want me to do.”

“I have not survived this long by being stupid, milaya devushka," he said. “If you’ve truly caught Maksim’s attention, then he will take notice of another man being seen with you too often.”

“Then what do you want me to do?” I asked, and it was a legitimate question this time.

Eyeing me, he finally said, “I will think on it, then let you know.”

Still trying to prove that I was on his side, I asked, “What if I end up finding out something big?”

“I will find a solution to our problem soon,” he replied evenly. “However, I must warn you, Katja. If you even think to betray me, I won’t kill you. I’ll keep you alive as I do the most unspeakable things to you, and if you think that I have a conscience, you would be wrong.”

I was really getting tired of men threatening me, but I also knew that I couldn’t do anything about it. At least, not without some realistic plan in place. However, there weren’t any community college classes on how to deal with the Russian Bratva and their crazy relatives.

“Even with as much as I detest the position that you’ve put me in, I’m very much aware that you hold all the cards, Mr. Simpson,” I said with enough disgust in my voice to make me sound genuine. “I wouldn’t risk my grandfather’s wellbeing for anything.”

Klive eyed me for a long minute before finally saying, “There’s one more thing.”

My stomach tightened, but I did my best to appear confident. “What’s that?”

“You’ve an incredible face and body, milaya devushka,” he said, making the air in my lungs freeze painfully. “I do not see why Maksim should be the only one able to enjoy it.”

“Wh…what?” I asked, my mouth going dry.

“Why can you not be both our whore?” he asked as casually as if he were giving his food order. “You could let me know who the better lover is.”

I started shaking my head. “I am not doing this,” I insisted. “I’ve got Maksim believing that he is the only man that I am involved with. I am not going to risk my life for something that’s not necessary to what you’re trying to achieve.”

“You think you can tell me no?” he asked, a sadistic smirk on his face.

“I’m telling you that the risk is too big,” I said, praying for common sense to prevail. “I’m not that good of an actress, Mr. Simpson. I’m barely holding up under the strain as it is. If you decide to…to complicate things further, then you’ll lose your chance at Maksim. If he finds out that I’ve lied to him about sleeping with other men, then you’ll never get another woman close enough to him again.” I let out a deep breath, my heart beating painfully against my ribs. “Don’t let your hate for Maksim ruin the progress that we’ve made so far.”

He arched a brow. “We’ve?”

“I’ve already proved that I’m willing to do anything to keep my grandfather safe,” I told him. “So, yeah…we’ve. I have just as much invested in this as you do, if not more since I’m innocent in all this.”

After a few seconds, he said, “Fine. We can hold off on that for now. However, once I’ve taken care of Maksim and Akim Barychev, I’m coming for your pussy, milaya devushka. I’m coming for it, and you’d better be ready.”

He didn’t say anything more as he got up from the chair, then walked out. It wasn’t until the front door of the café shut behind him that I was finally able to breathe steadily. Now, while I didn’t know what the exact rules were, I knew that I had to talk to Maksim. This was the third time that Klive had ambushed me out of the blue, the second time since we’d made our agreement. I didn’t like continuously being caught unaware, and if Klive changed his mind about sleeping with me, then I had no idea what I was going to do.

Nevertheless, very aware that Klive might have eyes on me, I was going to wait until I got off work to text Maksim. He needed to know what was going on, and I wasn’t too proud to admit that I needed some serious advice.

Chapter 19


When Katja had texted me that she needed to speak with me, I had immediately suspected the worst. However, she quickly regained my trust when she arranged for me to meet her at her work. Used to late-night emergencies, no one would think anything strange about reporting for work so late at night. Plus, with Artur now in charge of Mr. Antonov’s care, Katja could come and go more freely.

So, after faking an emergency call, Katja went to the office to make it look like she was getting her necessary equipment, then she met me at one of our warehouses that was disguised as a legitimate business. I’d also had one of our kryshas meet her at the front door, taking the chance that Nikel wouldn’t recognize him as one of ours. However, even if he did, it would make sense that I’d call my ‘girlfriend’ to help me out with some computer issues, considering what she did for a living.

Watching as Jurik walked out of the room, once he shut the door behind him, I turned to Katja pacing the floor, then asked, “What was so important, Katja?”

“Klive ambushed me again,” she announced, making my back straightened. “He keeps doing that, and it’s starting to worry me.”

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