Page 78 of The Kotov Duet

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As soon as the last man cleared the doorway, Maksim was locking the door, and that had me asking, “What are you doing? What is this?”

Maksim crowded me until my back was up against the sink counter, and I wasn’t sure if the shiver that ran down my spine was from fear or something else, but whatever was going on right now, it was clear that I was not the one in control. Either Maksim knew that something was wrong, or else he was just showing me how his reputation had been well earned.

“So, what did you come up with, lyublyu?” he asked, his voice sounding raspier than before.

“What…what does that mean?” I stammered. “Lyublyu?”

“It’s Russian for love,” he answered, surprising me, though it could easily be something that he called all women. “Now, tell me. What did you come up with?”

“What…” I shook my head a bit in confusion. “What do you mean?”

“Isn’t that why you went to the restroom?” he replied, his voice a mocking lullaby. “To come up with an excuse as to leave? To cut our conversation short?”

I could feel my eyes widen.

How could he have possibly known?

“N…no,” I lied, feeling like a rabbit caught in a trap, which I was when you thought about it.

“Then tell me why you’re so nervous, Katja,” he ordered as his body heat warmed me from head to toe. “Does my name intimidate you?”

I felt trapped by those empty eyes of his, and it was crazy how a psychopath could be so gorgeous. “Isn’t…isn’t that what it’s supposed to do?”

“Forget my name,” he said, ignoring my question. “Tell me what I make you feel.”

Fear was the correct answer, but I couldn’t deny that he was making me feel something else, and if I wasn’t here to betray him, then I’d be game to find out what that something else was. However, I was here to betray him, and so the rest of it didn’t matter.

Nevertheless, my breath caught in my lungs when I felt Maksim’s hand slide underneath my dress and between my thighs. His dark eyes held mine as the heat from his palm left a trail on the inside of my right thigh, and my body clenched as he got closer to the apex of my thighs. I knew that I should be stopping him, but this was the whole point of me being here, right? Klive had ordered me to seduce this man, and while I’d come here to do just that, it felt like Maksim was seducing me, not the other way around.

When his fingers finally brushed up against my damp panties, my hands gripped the counter behind me, and I held on tightly as two of his fingers slid inside the gusset of the useless fabric. I should have felt embarrassed by how wet I was, but with the way that Maksim was staring down at me, I didn’t feel embarrassed at all. The desire in his eyes had me feeling emboldened, even when I should be fearing for my life.

The second that I felt his fingers slide into my pussy, I closed my eyes, let my head drop back, then let out a low moan. I was letting Maksim Barychev finger fuck me in the men’s restroom at The Swan, and while I should be feeling mortified, lust was only allowing pleasure to course through my body right now.

“Oh, God…” I whimpered when I felt his other hand slide up my chest to grip the side of my neck.

“Does that feel good, baby?” he asked, his breath hot on my ear, that damn voice of his making my entire body clench with need. “Do my fingers feel good inside you?”

“Yes…” I choked out, not caring how that made me sound.

Even though Maksim’s breathing was a soothing tempo in my ear, I could still hear how slick I was as his fingers were like torturous pistons, going in and out of my body. We could both hear how wet I was, and it was just turning me on more. Like most women, I had a healthy sexual appetite, and it’d been too long. Though common sense was telling me that I was crazy for doing this, my body was begging me to let this man do whatever he wanted to me. It didn’t even care that we were in a public place, having taken over the men’s restroom.

It wasn’t long before I was moaning my shame loud enough for anyone to hear. “I’m…I’m going to cum…” I panted. “Don’t stop…”

Maksim’s hand tightened around my neck, and my knees weakened with need. “So responsive,” he cooed in my ear. “So ready to cum for me, aren’t you?”


“Soak my fingers, baby,” he ordered. “Give me something to taste. Give me something to hold me over until I get you into a bed.”

I let go of the counter, then grabbed onto his forearm, my nails digging into his flesh as I came all over his fingers, his voice putting me under a spell that I wasn’t sure that I could break. In fact, everything about Maksim was everything that I hadn’t been expecting, and as my entire soul shook with the orgasm coursing through my body, I knew that I needed to tell him the truth.

Even if he was going to kill me over it.

Chapter 9


Katja Volkov was a beautiful woman, but she was absolutely breathtaking when she was cumming for a man. The flush of pleasure that raced up her chest to her cheeks made her look like a wanton piece of art, and I couldn’t wait until she was cumming on my cock. Now that she wasn’t running from me, I was going to spend the entire night ruining her for all other men.

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