Page 113 of The Kotov Duet

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“Then why call me?” I challenged. “If you’ve changed your plan to get to me, then why call?”

“For the same reason that Louie took Samara,” he replied. “To show you just how close I am, and to prove that I can get to you first.”

“Then why haven’t you come for me?” I bit out. “Why are you using women as your pawns? Why do you not come for me like a fucking man, Nikel? Is it because you are not? Is it because you know that you are outmatched against the bratva? Or is it because you are weak and know that you are nothing in comparison to me and Akim?”

As I insulted him, I quickly raced to my office to grab a burner cell. I needed to move fast if I had any chance of saving Katja. So, once I pulled out an extra phone from my desk, I fired off a text to Avgust, asking him to call Sartori and get Morocco to trace Katja’s number. While I wasn’t underestimating Nikel’s intelligence, I was also willing to try anything to find Katja right now.

“If that is the case, then why have you not caught me by now, Barychev?” he asked, purposely rubbing salt in that particular wound. “It has been five years since I have come here.”

“Because you were not a priority for us,” I semi-lied. “At first, we thought you were just riffraff, nothing important. Just someone that was irritating the syndicates.”

“But surely the kidnapping of Samara Kotov changed all that, no?” he retorted. “Yet, an entire year later, you still have not found me. Yet, I am supposed to believe that you are smarter than I am?”

“It is hard for me to credit any man that would use women for his vendetta,” I informed him as the burner chimed in my other hand.

Unknown: Done. As long as her phone stays on, he should b able 2 find her

Ignoring that, he said, “You know, I really thought that Katja would be the one to help me with my plan. She is very beautiful, and I certainly do not have to tell you what an incredible body she has.” Though very true, I knew that he was just trying to get a reaction out of me. “It is the eyes. I was certain that you would be powerless against them. I was certain that you would fall under her spell when she was on her knees before you, your cock in her mouth, those eyes of hers looking up at you for approval.”

“Do you take me for a fool, Nikel?” I asked, pacing my office. “Even if I did agree to trade my life for Katja’s, we both know that you would kill her the first chance that you got. Witnesses are never good in situations like these.”

“True,” he agreed. “However, Katja can be controlled by her love for her grandfather, and so all I would have to do is keep from killing him, and that would ensure that she remained my loyal whore.”

With no sense in arguing the truth, I said, “You still have not told me what this is all about, Nikel. While I know who you are and why you are here, what are you waiting for? Why have you not just picked me off already. While Akim and I are rather vigilant and guarded well, you still could have killed us long ago. After all, you know what we look like while you have been in disguise this entire time.”

“Because I am not in this as a suicide mission,” he spat, his emotions finally getting the better of him. “While I want you and your brother to pay for our father’s sins, my plan for revenge does not include martyring myself.”

Just then, the burner phone chimed again, a different number this time.

Unknown: Give him a reason 2 expect a call from u b4 u hang up. It’s easier if the phone stays on

My guess was that the text was from Sartori or Morocco, but it hardly mattered. Right now, I would take any help that I could.

“So, what is the plan?” I asked, my mind racing. “You have called me, we have chatted, and we are still no closer to taking care of this situation. So, what is it that you want from me, Nikel?”

“If you will not trade your life for Katja, then trade it for Akim,” he replied. “If not Akim, then your sister-in-law or their children. After all, it would be nothing to pick them off.”

That’s when the truth finally dawned on me, and it was clear that Nikel was a bad shot. He kept making references to not wanting to martyr himself for his revenge, but he’d only by martyring himself if we caught him, and the only way that we’d catch him was if he was close enough to catch. If he was a bad shot, then he’d have to be close enough to get the job done correctly, and he knew that there’d be no escaping the bratva like that.

“Deal,” I replied, letting him believe that he’d won. “But if I am going to give my life for the greater good, then you need to let Katja go.”

There was a moment of silence on his end, and that’s when I knew that I’d fucked up. “Well, I guess I was correct after all.”


“Keep your phone on you, Barychev,” he chuckled darkly. “I’d hate for you to miss an important call.”

With that, he hung up, making me grab the first thing that I reached for, then throwing the decanter of whiskey across the room.

Nikel was going to kill her.

He was going to kill her, and it was all my fault.

Chapter 32


My phone kept going off, and like an asshole, Klive kept checking it, making taunts about how I must be late for work, which would bring on a whole other host of problems if my supervisor or one of my co-workers decided to call the police for a welfare check.

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