Page 9 of Lone Star Secrets

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And that left Angel with a huge problem.

He could essentially be taking Mia directly into an attack. Because if this person had indeed come to her place to kill her, then the intruder could start shooting at them.

“The van is bullet resistant,” he told her. “But if something goes wrong, I want you to get down and stay put.”

Her eyes widened, and a soft burst of breath left her mouth. Yeah, she was quickly following the dots on how this could all end up playing out.

“Incoming drone feed,” Danno announced, breaking the thick silence that’d settled between Mia and him, and both of them glanced at the dash screen.

It was indeed the drone feed, but all Angel was seeing were trees and a narrow country road. Since Danno had programmed in the parameters for the search, the drone would no doubt soon get to the house.

And it did.

Angel volleyed his attention between the dash and the road, and the house soon came into view. It was positioned smack dab in front of that cluster of woods, and he was guessing from the pastures and fences, it’d once been a small ranch or farm.

Then, Angel spotted the vehicle.

A black truck was parked in the driveway.

He’d want the license plate numbers on that soon, but the drone would likely have to fly lower to get at the correct angle to do that. And, for now Angel had a different priority. He wanted a better look at the man in a hoodie who was peering through a window on the side of the house. That way, they’d know who they were up against.

“Danno, have the drone zoom in on the man’s face,” Angel instructed.

The would-be intruder helped with that by looking up in the sky. Probably because he’d heard the buzzing sound of the drone and had wanted to know what it was. He stared up, directly into the camera.

Both Mia and Angel cursed.

Because this was no stranger. Even after all these years, they could easily recognize the man in the hoodie.

RJ, their former foster father.

What the hell was he doing there? And Angel didn’t care much for the answer that came to mind. RJ and Melanie had been damn good foster parents, and he hated to think RJ was now out to cover his ass.

Mia seemed to relax a little. “RJ won’t try to hurt us,” she concluded.

Angel hoped she was right, but he wasn’t taking any chances. When he made the final turn toward Mia’s house, he went ahead and drew his gun. He wanted to be ready just in case.

Mia made a soft gasp, but she didn’t question him. In fact, she took out some pepper spray and a small pocket knife from her laptop bag. It was similar to the one she’d carried all those years ago. And that was a reminder for Angel that he still had her original pocketknife at his place and that he needed someone to pick it up for testing.

Not the cops.

Not yet.

But soon, it would have to be admitted into evidence in what would almost certainly turn out to be a murder investigation. Angel figured if Mia and he found the killer first, that would save them both a whole lot of headaches with the police.

Had they now found that killer?

Angel was about to find out.

He spotted the house just ahead, and he braked to a stop behind the black truck. RJ had obviously heard the approaching vehicle because he was now peering around the edge of the house. Angel took a moment to study the drone feed, and while he couldn’t see a gun or a knife, he saw something that could be used as a weapon.

A crowbar.

RJ had it gripped in his right hand.

“Stay put,” Angel told Mia, figuring he had a fifty-fifty chance of her actually doing that.

“Angel,” RJ said on a rise of breath.

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