Page 43 of Lone Star Secrets

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“Not gonna happen. What did you remember?” Angel snarled.

Dwight huffed. “Well, if you’re going to act like that, I’ll just keep it to myself.”

“Fine. Then, this conversation is over,” Angel growled, and he was prepared to hang up. As he’d anticipated though, Dwight stopped that from happening.

“Wait,” Dwight snapped. “It doesn’t cost a damn thing to be civil, and I’m trying to help you out here. I’m trying to save Mia and you from having your asses thrown into jail.”

“From what I understand, your ass has a much higher chance of landing in jail than ours. Spill what you have, or quit wasting my time because I’m hanging up in three.”

Angel started to count, and he’d barely made it to two when Dwight blurted, “I think I know who killed my boy.”

“I’m listening,” Angel assured him, and he saw on the monitor that the tech had managed to trace the call. Dwight was in San Antonio, nowhere near Angel’s house. Of course, that didn’t mean the man’s hired guy wasn’t around.

“It’s about RJ,” Dwight said after a long pause. “A couple of hours after Kenton and I had our…disagreement.”

“The fight that RJ broke up,” Angel supplied.

“Yes,” Dwight confirmed as if the word was profanity. “Anyway, after I told RJ about Kenton being Melanie’s kid, he threw me out. I left but then drove up the block and parked, waiting in case Kenton came out and wanted to patch things up with me.”

“And did he?” Angel asked.

“No. And I fell asleep while I was trying to figure out what to do. When I woke up, it was dark, and I saw RJ. I don’t remember the time, but now that I think about it, this would have been when he said he was at his folks’ house. He wasn’t. Well, not the whole damn night anyway. Because I saw him get off a city bus at the end of the block and walk to his place.”

“And you think what—that RJ went inside and killed Kenton?”

“Well, it makes sense. Earlier that day, RJ had learned his wife had had a kid she hadn’t told him about. He had to have been upset, but he still left and went to his parents.”

Maybe RJ had done that to give himself some thinking time, something that surely would have been needed. But it was possible RJ hadn’t told the truth about when he’d come home. Then again, the more likely scenario was that Dwight was making all of this up.

“What do you want?” Angel repeated.

“That depends,” Dwight answered.

Angel groaned. “On what?”

“On how important this info is if you want to keep it from the cops,” the man finished.

Shit. There it was. The pitch for money.

Mia groaned and shook her head. Her expression mirrored the disgust that Angel felt for this piece of shit.

“Let me remind you that if you’re about to ask to be paid for your silence, that’s blackmail, along with a side order of obstruction of justice. The cops might add other charges when I tell them about this conversation—”

Dwight ended the call.

Angel wasn’t surprised by that. Nor was he surprised when Ruby rang in again on a video call. He answered, and she appeared on the screen.

“I’ll talk to RJ to see if there’s any truth in what Dwight just claimed,” Angel let her know. “And if he did go back to the house earlier than he said, I’ll encourage him to go to the cops.”

Ruby didn’t nod, didn’t give him a confirmation that it was the right approach. That’s when Angel saw there was dread written all over her face.

“Bad news,” Ruby murmured. “While you were on the phone with Dwight, I got word that Melanie was rushed to the hospital.”

Hell. “What happened?” Mia and he asked at the same time.

“Melanie attempted suicide,” Ruby explained after a short pause. “She’s alive, for now, but Angel, it doesn’t look good.”

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