Page 17 of Lone Star Secrets

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Were Angel and Presley buying this sad father act?

She doubted it. There was just something off about the man.

Dwight lifted his head, looking up at the ceiling as if praying. “They found his body, and on the drive here, I got a call that they’re sure it’s my boy. Somebody killed him and buried him, hoping he’d never be found. Well, he was found, and I need to know who’s responsible.”

“On your drive over?” Mia questioned just as Angel said something similar.

It was Angel who continued. “Why were you coming here? How’d you know we’d be here?”

Dwight seemed to do a mental doubletake, and he paused for a long time. “I, uh, heard some things,” he finally said “And one of those things was that the three of you were here at the sheriff’s office. Four of you,” he amended. “Apparently, your former foster father is here as well.” He shook his head again. “Never could understand why RJ called himself that.”

“Called himself what?” Angel questioned.

“Father.” Dwight stretched out the word. “I mean, he never fathered a child so he wouldn’t know what it was like to have one. Or to lose one,” he added in a sad murmur.

She nearly blurted out that RJ knew far more about being a father than he did. After all, he’d lost custody of Kenton, and while she didn’t know the specific reason for that, it had to have been huge.

“You heard some things?” Angel pressed. He was in the cop mode now, and his tone let her know he wasn’t buying this grieving father act.

“Yes.” Dwight repeated it a couple of times. Stalling. “I have some friends in law enforcement.”

So, there was possibly a leak of some kind. Maybe a friend with the sheriff’s office or at SAPD since they were aware that Angel, RJ, Presley, and she were here.

But maybe there was no leak.

Maybe Dwight knew because he’d been the one who’d fired shots at them. Mia had to immediately rethink that though. He didn’t appear injured. That didn’t mean he wasn’t. Some blood had been found at the scene of the shooting, but the wound could have been minor.

Or Dwight could have hired the person who’d shot at them.

Dwight volleyed glances at them again before his focus settled on Deputy Rivera. “Could you give me a minute alone with them? I’ve got some personal things to say to them.”

Rivera looked at the three of them, and when they each gave him a nod, he muttered an agreement. “When you’re done talking to Mr. Barker, your statements are ready to sign. Mr. Matthews had already signed his and left with his wife. He wanted to get her home.”

With that, the deputy stepped out of the breakroom. Dwight reached behind him and shut the door. Later, Mia would wonder why Melanie hadn’t at least come in and spoken to them. For now, she kept her focus on Dwight.

“I’ll, uh, need to bury my son,” Dwight said. “And I’m a little short of funds right now. I figured since Kenton was your foster brother, you’d be willing to help me out.”

Mia huffed. So, that’s what this visit was about.

“It’ll be a while, maybe months before Kenton’s remains are released,” Angel pointed out. “Both the bones and the grave site will have to be thoroughly examined. SAPD will investigate.” He paused a heartbeat. “Unless you can tell them what happened to Kenton.”

“No.” Definitely not a hesitation that time. “I was hoping the three of you could tell me, but it’s obvious none of us knows why my son is dead.” His voice cracked, and he covered his face with his hands. “I just want to do what’s right by Kenton. I want to buy a grave plot to have it ready for when he’s finally released. I was thinking maybe ten grand would cover it.”

Angel stared at him for a long time, and when Dwight finally lowered his hands, he flinched a little at Angel’s intense stare. “Tell you what, I’ll buy the grave plot and that way you don’t have to deal with it. I mean since you’re obviously so torn up about your son.”

Something hard and cold went through Dwight’s eyes. “Okay. Thanks.” But there was no gratitude in his eyes.

Dwight stood there for several more moments, and she imagined he was trying to think of some argument that would get one of them to pay up and give him some cash.

“I’m guessing RJ and Melanie will be suspects,” Dwight threw out there. “Probably the three of you, too.”

“And you,” Angel added.

There it was again. That glimmer of the dark edge beneath the rock star surface. “Maybe,” Dwight muttered. “But Melanie and RJ will definitely come under fire. It’s a shame. I should be careful what I say to the police when they interview me.”

It was a threat, plain and simple.

Angel threatened right back.

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