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Again, who the fuck did she think she was?

“Like I said last time, Miss Naomi Collins. Fuck off,” I said calmly as I turned to walk away from her.

“Oh come on, man. You can’t talk to her like that,” one of the players said; in our dispute, we had gathered a bit of crowd, and I was too drained to even care what they thought. I looked at him, and he raised his arms up, backing off. “Sorry,” he whispered as he turned around to face the other guys.

I’m going home. Fuck this shit.

Chapter 4


I groaned as I dragged my feet to the meeting room. Nothing could ever prepare me for Monday. Absolutely nothing. Waving silently to my other colleagues, I pulled myself up and sighed heavily.

Should I just quit? I mean, just because I’ve only been here about three weeks or so doesn’t make me a sore loser, right? No, Alexander would rejoice in my quitting; I have to be victorious in this battle. What is it that I can do to bag him down?

Regardless of how he treated me in our last conversation, I never stopped trying to get him to attend the consultation sessions. I’ve been rejected a fair share of times in my life, but nothing compares to the way Alex does it. Had I been in elementary school, I’d have probably been balling my eyes out every night.

He is so mean and rude. I couldn’t stand him, but also, at the same time, I had to stand him.

Luckily, for me the other players weren’t as terrible as he was. Compared to him, they were sweethearts—honoring their consultation sessions, treating me with the utmost respect… respect that I would have liked to see a teeny bit from Alexander. Perhaps I was wishing for too much.

Alexander, respectful? Please; what a funny dream.

“What are you thinking about so passionately?” Dad wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me in for a hug. Once again, he left before me in the morning to fend for myself with time.

I was proud to admit that I had become way better with my time management, and I also did show up for work early… not every day, but I did strive for a two-day triumph out of five. It was pretty impressive, if you ask me.

“It’s nothing,” I sighed as I leaned onto his shoulder. It felt like all my problems were vanishing; that rustic earth oil he rubbed into his beard every day immediately soothed me. I used to hate the scent, but now I couldn’t think of anything else that would suit him.

“Now, you know I know you better than that. You’ve been standing in the hall balling your fists and sighing for quite some time. What’s wrong? Do you need my help?” he asked, and I stared into the same shade of eyes as mine, staring back into mine worriedly.

Aren’t daddies the best? Always worrying about their daughters—just after a few sighs and mutterings, he was ready to solve all my problems!

“It’s just—” I breathed as I looked up at the ceiling, batting my eyes. I wasn’t going to cry; I just wanted him to think I would. That way he would help me in any way I wanted. Perks of being the only daughter! “Some of the players are being difficult about attending the consultation sessions,” I whispered as I played with my fingers. Peeking at my dad through my lashes, trying to see if he was buying my act—which he was—I took a deep breath and placed my hands on my chest, trying to seem sympathetic. “If I don’t turn in the right numbers, some players will be benched, and it would seem as if it’s my fault. I don’t want them to think I did it on purpose. ‘Cause, Daddy, I know they all love playing, and with just the right amount of nudging, they will attend the sessions.”

He nodded enthusiastically, buying my act. I was being honest, but Alexander was a stupid thorn that wouldn’t stop pricking my skin everywhere. If he didn’t want to attend the sessions willingly, then they would just have to be compulsory.

“I hear you,” he said as he placed his thumb on his bottom lip. Just from that action, I knew I had gotten what I wanted. Can of corn! “Okay, let’s go.”

The meeting began when we all settled down in our seats. Alexander and some other players chose to stand, and he had to—just had to—do his signature pose while leaning against the wall.

My eyes met his, and his lips lifted up to a smirk. Did he think I was checking him out? Well, whatever. We’ll see how long he would be able to keep that smirk of his. Good news was coming his way.

“I hear that some players haven’t been attending the consultation sessions; is there a reason for that?” One thing I was glad for was that Daddy didn’t ask me for a specific list of players, but I was sure he knew who was being hard-headed about this.

The players looked around, muttering amongst each other. Alexander looked at me exasperatedly, and I couldn’t smile just yet. Oh fuck, I just want to jump in glee already! His reaction was everything, but I could just feel it was going to get better.

“Seeing how none of you have an answer…” Dad stood up, collecting his items. “Sessions will be made compulsory for whoever Miss Collins chooses,” he said, and Alexander finally pushed himself off the wall.

“What for?” he asked, looking at my father as if his rule was ridiculous.

“Miss Collins has the duty of handing in the correct numbers before your games. If I don’t see your names on the list, I’m benching you,” Dad said as he pointed to all the players. A choir of murmurs rose, and Alexander looked at the coach desperately.

“Coach?” He placed his hands on his waist as he looked at the coach, silently begging for his “no.”

“Sorry, boys, rules are rules.” Coach Anderson shrugged as he left the meeting room. My dad followed shortly after him, and when Alexander’s eyes met mine, I broke out smiling. His stare was full of extreme dislike. I was sure he couldn’t wait to express all of his newfound anger during the sessions.

“Mr. Harris, you’re first this morning,” I said as I got up, pushing my chair back in. His eyes twitched as he watched me walk away from the meeting room.

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