Page 9 of Untamed Hearts

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Stephanie Morley opened the door to let me in, but my mind still raced with conflicting thoughts and emotions. Could I really do this? Could I leave behind the bustling movement of Brooks’s Creek, with its lively crowds and endless opportunities, for the isolation of this remote ranch in the middle of nowhere?

My doubts gnawed at me, threatening to undermine my resolve. This place was a far cry from the world I was accustomed to—a world filled with people and animals, where every move I made was accompanied by a constant buzz of activity. Here, in this quiet corner of the countryside, the silence was almost deafening, stretching out like an endless expanse of emptiness.

But despite my reservations, I couldn’t shake the pull of my curiosity, as well as the excitement that tugged at my heartstrings. The prospect of working with Phantom, of unlocking his true potential, and proving myself as a trainer once more, had given me purpose and determination.

I turned to take in the view of the ranch spread out before me. And then my breath caught at the sight of Stephanie standing on the porch. At that moment, all doubts and uncertainties were swept away, by the sheer beauty of her presence. There was something about Stephanie that was undeniably captivating—a softness to her features, a warmth in her gaze. I was drawn in like a moth to the flame. Her blonde hair framed her face, creating a halo of golden light, and her blue eyes sparkled with a quiet strength that spoke volumes about the depth of her character.

As we walked down to the stable, I made a conscious effort to shake myself out of my reverie and to adopt a more business-like demeanor. This wasn’t the time nor place for introspection. I had a job to do, and that job involved learning as much as I could about Phantom and to consider plans for his future.

Stephanie spoke animatedly about Phantom, her voice filled with warmth and affection as she shared her insights into his temperament and abilities. She answered my questions with ease, her knowledge of the horse evident in the way she spoke. Each word was tinged with deep understanding and respect for the animal.

I listened intently, absorbing every detail Stephanie shared about Phantom’s quirks and habits, as well as his likes and dislikes. It was clear that she knew her horse like the back of her hand. I found myself growing more and more impressed with each passing moment.

We had reached the stable and I felt the excitement building within me. I still felt the doubts, though. Could I really do this? Could I leave behind everything I had known and start anew in this unfamiliar environment? I pushed aside the doubts, focusing instead on the task at hand.

As we approached Phantom’s stall, I could feel my tension mounting. Stephanie paused in front of it, turning to me with a warm smile. “Ashlyn, I’d like you to meet Phantom,” she said, her voice tinged with pride. “He’s . . . he’s something special.”

I returned her smile, feeling a rush of excitement at the prospect of finally meeting the horse I had heard so much about. Stephanie opened the stall door and I stepped inside, my eyes immediately drawn to him.

Phantom was every bit as impressive as I had imagined. His sleek coat gleamed in the dim light of the stable, and his muscles rippled beneath his skin. There was a sense of raw power. But as I approached him, unease washed over me. I had a feeling that something was not quite right.

I reached out a hand to stroke his neck, but Phantom recoiled, his ears flattening against his head as he snorted in disdain. My heart sank at the realization that he was already sizing me up, his instincts telling him that I was a threat.

Undeterred, I tried to regain control of the situation, speaking to him in a soothing tone and trying to establish a sense of trust between us. But Phantom remained obstinate, his gaze fixed on me with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine.

Stephanie watched from the sidelines, her expression a mix of concern and determination. She had warned me that Phantom could be difficult and it wasn’t a total surprise that he reacted to me with such hostility. Despite my best efforts to assert my authority and show him that I was in control, Phantom remained aloof and unresponsive, his mistrust evident in every movement. It was clear that winning him over would be no easy feat, but I was determined to rise to the challenge.

As I assessed the situation, I knew that getting him out into the open would be crucial. The confined space of the stable seemed to exacerbate his sense of unease and resistance. I knew that allowing him some freedom to move would help to alleviate his anxiety.

With that in mind, I made the decision to lead Phantom out of the stable and into the open air.

I approached him, speaking to him in a calm, reassuring tone, hoping to convey a sense of trust and companionship. To my surprise, he seemed to respond to my voice, his demeanor softening ever so.

“Right, I said to Stephanie. Let’s get a saddle on and I’ll see what he can do. Have Melody saddle another horse and you can come with us.”

Stephanie nodded and gestured to the saddle on the wall and let me get on with putting it on Phantom. “He might try and kick you…” she said and although I appreciated the warning, I didn’t need it. I knew he was unsure and I knew there was always that risk with a horse like him.

“Mel, can you saddle Snow for me? I’ll take him out with Phantom and Ashlyn.”

I positioned my body at all times to avoid his back legs should he choose to strike.

He didn’t kick out at me and I was pleased with that. It was a good start.

I lead him out of the barn and into the open air and positioned myself by his saddle on his left side. I looked to Stephanie and raised my right foot asking without words in a language that all horse people understood- I was asking for her to hold my leg and boost me up onto the horse.

She moved towards me and as soon as I felt the touch of her hands on my shin, I felt a jolt of connection with her. I wanted her hands to run up my leg much further than where they were at my shin. There was something between us and I couldn’t shake it.

I hopped and she boosted me and within seconds I swung my right leg over and was astride Phantom.

This was my happy place. Riding was as natural to me as walking. I couldn’t remember a time before I could ride.

I sat quietly, allowing Phantom to figure things out himself as Stephanie mounted a smaller white horse and came to join us.

We began to move, and I could feel Phantom’s muscles tense beneath me, his movements hesitant and uncertain. But with each stride, I worked to assert my control, guiding him with firm yet gentle cues from my legs and ass.

We set off, anticipation crackling in the air like electricity, the tension palpable between Phantom and me and well, Stephanie and me. Obviously I was focussed on the horse.. but...

Things started well, Stephanie and I rode and talked and things felt easy. There was an easy peace between us that I liked. I think Phantom liked it too as he almost felt relaxed at times.

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