Page 8 of Untamed Hearts

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Melody chuckled, giving me a playful shove. “Fair enough, Steph,” she conceded, her tone affectionate. “But just remember, if Ashlyn turns out to be as great as she seems, don’t let her slip away.”

I smiled at Melody’s words, feeling a surge of gratitude for her unwavering support.

“Thanks, Mel,” I said softly and with sincerity. “I’ll keep that in mind.” Hesitantly, I turned to her. “Hey, Mel, um . . . would you want to be there for the meeting with Ashlyn tomorrow?” I asked, my voice tinged with nervousness. “I’m feeling a little . . . well, you know.”

Melody smiled gently, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “Steph, you’ve got this,” she said, her tone filled with confidence. “You’re the best person to talk to Ashlyn, trust me.”

I nodded, grateful for Melody’s reassurance, but still a bit apprehensive. “Yeah, I know, but . . . I just feel like I’m better with horses than with people sometimes,” I admitted, a hint of self-doubt creeping into my voice.

Melody shook her head, her expression growing more serious. “Don’t sell yourself short, Steph,” she said firmly. “When it comes to Ashlyn, you’re the one person who has always believed in Phantom. You’ve worked with him day in and day out, and you know him better than anyone else.

You’ve always believed that he could be something special, maybe even a derby horse someday.”

Her words struck a chord within me, reminding me of the deep bond I shared with Phantom and my unwavering faith in his abilities. “You’re right, Mel,” I said softly, determination settling over me. “And besides, I wouldn’t feel comfortable having a male trainer around the ranch long-term anyway.”

As if I felt totally comfortable with having a woman I couldn’t keep my eyes off around the ranch long term.

Melody nodded in understanding, her gaze unwavering. “Exactly,” she said. “And Ashlyn is the best female trainer and jockey to set foot in Texas in a long time. She’s the perfect person to help Phantom reach his full potential, and you’re the best one to make sure it happens.” Her words filled me with a renewed sense of purpose, dispelling the last of my doubts and fears. With Melody’s support behind me, I felt ready to face whatever lay ahead, confident in my ability to do right by Phantom and ensure his success. As we headed back to the house to prepare for the meeting with Ashlyn, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement building within me, eager to see what the future held for us all.

I tossed and turned in bed that night, sleep eluding me. I couldn’t shake the nervous anticipation gnawing at my insides. Thoughts of my impending meeting with Ashlyn danced through my mind, taunting me with their persistence. When morning finally arrived, I dragged myself out of bed, exhausted. Catching sight of my reflection in the bathroom mirror, I was frustrated to see the tired, worn-out face staring back at me. Lines had etched themselves into my skin, a stark reminder of the passing years. For a moment, I couldn’t help but feel a pang of dissatisfaction at the sight.

But then, I shook myself out of my reverie, chastising myself for such shallow thoughts. This day wasn’t about how attractive Ashlyn was, nor how tired I looked by contrast. It was about Phantom and his future. And besides, even if Ashlyn happened to be stunning, just because we were both gay didn’t mean she would be interested in me.

My blue eyes once upon a time had been something I had been proud of. My blue eyes had drawn admiration from women and given me confidence in myself. Now, they held none of the sparkle they used to have.

I gave myself a little pep talk, forcing myself to focus on the task at hand. Pushing aside the doubts and insecurities that threatened to derail me. I straightened my shoulders. I was determined to face the day with confidence and poise, regardless of the nerves that churned in the pit of my stomach. With a deep breath, I plastered on a smile and resolved to give it my all, knowing that Phantom’s future depended on it.

A wave of gratitude washed over me at the sight of the spread in the kitchen, which Melody had laid out. The aroma of freshly baked goods filled the air, mingling with the rich scent of coffee brewing in the pot. It was a small gesture, but one that spoke volumes about Melody’s thoughtfulness and generosity.

I had to smile as I took in the scene before me—the neatly arranged paperwork, the stack of mugs waiting to be filled with steaming coffee, and the array of snacks laid out on the counter. Melody had thought of everything, ensuring that I would have what I needed for the meeting with Ashlyn.

I poured myself a cup of coffee and grabbed a pastry from the plate, reflecting on just how lucky I was to have Melody by my side. She had been with me since the very beginning, showing up on the doorstep of the ranch that first day and asking if I would consider letting her work in exchange for a room.

Facing the daunting prospect of taking on the ranch alone, I had agreed without hesitation. Since then, Melody had become an indispensable part of our team. Her dedication and hard work had helped to turn the ranch into the thriving sanctuary it was now. I was grateful for her unwavering support every single day.

It didn’t hurt that the property had three smaller buildings that had always been used as workers’ accommodation, which meant that both Melody and I had our own space and freedom. Living on the ranch could be isolating at times, but having our own quarters allowed us to maintain a sense of independence, while still working together toward a common goal.

My thoughts drifted back to the stark contrast between my life in the army barracks and the isolated tranquility of the ranch. It had been a difficult transition, to say the least—a shift from the constant hustle and bustle of military life to the vast expanse of open space and silence that surrounded me now. I remembered how strange it had felt at first, and the overwhelming sense of emptiness that seemed to engulf me during those early days. After spending so many years of my life never being alone, always surrounded by the camaraderie of my fellow soldiers, the sudden solitude of the ranch had been jarring, almost suffocating in its stillness.

But slowly, over time, I had come to appreciate the quiet solitude of the ranch and the sense of safety and peace that it provided. It was a stark contrast to the chaos and uncertainty that had plagued my final days in the army, after the incident that had changed everything.

For a moment, a flicker of that darkness threatened to resurface in my mind, the memories of those final days clawing at the edges of my consciousness. But I quickly pushed them aside, refusing to let them overshadow the gratitude I felt for the life I had now. I glanced around the kitchen, taking in the warmth and coziness of the space, and felt a swell of appreciation for all that I had. Melody was more than just a coworker—she was like family, a constant source of support and companionship.

I heard the confident tap at the door. As I went to answer it, my heart pounded with nervous anticipation. I took a deep breath to steady myself. With determination, I reached out and grasped the doorknob, twisting it and opening the door to reveal the figure standing on the other side.

Even before the door had fully opened, my gaze flew to Ashlyn. She had already stepped back slightly, her attention focused on the sprawling expanse of the ranch before her. Dressed in boots and jeans, she exuded an air of effortless elegance, her form lean and sculpted.

Every muscle was honed to perfection.

The early morning sunlight danced across her tanned skin, casting a golden glow that accentuated the angular lines of her jaw and the curve of her lips. A pair of expensive sunglasses shielded her eyes from the glare, adding a touch of mystery to her already captivating presence.

As I took her in, I couldn’t help but feel a pang of awe at Ashlyn’s beauty and poise. She looked every inch the seasoned equestrian, her posture confident and assured as she surveyed the ranch with a practiced eye. For a moment, I found myself momentarily transfixed by the sight of her, unable to tear my gaze away from the vision before me. There was something about Ashlyn that was undeniably magnetic, a charisma that seemed to radiate from her every pore.

But then, with a shake of my head, I pushed aside my momentary distraction and focused on the task at hand. With a warm smile, I stepped forward to greet her.



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