Page 7 of Untamed Hearts

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The troubled horses, the difficult ones, the ones the other trainers couldn’t work with- they were my speciality.

But for now, I could only watch from the sidelines. A silent observer of the struggle between horse and rider, although I could feel the love and determination that flowed between them. Emotion swelled in my chest, as well as a longing to be the one to guide Phantom to greatness. To unlock the hidden depths of his untapped potential and set him on a path to glory.

As Stephanie dismounted from Phantom, exhaustion seemed to wash over her, evident in the way her skin flushed with exertion and her tired body sagged. Her hair, tousled by the wind, framed her face in a wild halo of blonde strands under her hat.

I wanted her. That much was clear. But, I wouldn’t let my unruly desires take over this time. I was determined not to cross that line. I kept my eyes on her face, even though they wanted to stray leisurely over her body.

Years of army life had given her an athletic physique that I imagined carried a few more pounds than it had in her army days and I imagined I found her more attractive this way. Her body looked well fit enough for the demands of the ranch, but her breasts were fuller and her hips wider than I expected and I couldn’t stop my gaze from drifting over them even though I’d promised myself I wouldn’t.

I raised my eyes again.

Despite the weariness etched into every line of her face, there was a determination in Stephanie’s eyes that spoke volumes about her strength of character. It was a look that drew me in, capturing

my attention in a way I hadn’t anticipated. As I watched her, a sudden wave of desire washed over me, stirring something deep within my chest. I found myself drawn to her in a way I couldn’t explain, longing to reach out and touch her, to feel the warmth of her skin beneath my fingertips. Her tiredness only seemed to enhance her allure, adding a vulnerability to her demeanor that made me ache to protect her, to shelter her from the storms that raged within. In that moment, all I wanted was to wrap her in my arms and kiss away the weariness that clung to her like a heavy cloak.

But I held myself back, knowing that now was not the time nor the place for such thoughts.

Again, I felt angry at myself for entertaining such thoughts. How could I allow myself to be so foolish, to let my attraction to her cloud my judgment and make me doubt my resolve? With a steely determination, I made myself a promise—a vow never to entertain the possibility of pursuing Stephanie Morley, no matter how strong the pull of attraction might be. My focus needed to be on Phantom and on restoring my career, nothing else. I couldn’t afford to let personal feelings interfere with my goals, not after what happened last time.

Clamping down on the unruly desires that threatened to consume me, I squared my shoulders and steeled myself for the task ahead. I was here to unlock Phantom’s true potential and to prove myself as a trainer once more.

I repeated the promise to myself like a mantra, feeling a sense of resolve settle over me. Becoming grounded in purpose and determination. No matter how much I might be drawn to Stephanie, I would not allow myself to stray from the path I had set for myself. And with that, I pushed aside the tumultuous storm of emotions raging within me, focusing instead on the task at hand. There would be no distractions, no detours from the road I had chosen. For now, all that mattered was Phantom and the journey that lay ahead.



Ifelt tired as I dismounted from Phantom, but beneath it, I also felt a keen awareness prickling at the edges of my consciousness. I had sensed Ashlyn Beech’s presence from the moment she had arrived at the ranch, her car’s reflection catching my eye long before she had even stepped out of the vehicle. You don’t spend years in war zones without becoming hyper aware of your surroundings.

Not noticing the details, that is what gets you killed. I always notice the details.

But even though I knew that I was being watched, I refused to let it distract me from the task at hand. Phantom was his own soul, and no amount of scrutiny from an outsider could change that. All I could do was ride him to the best of my ability, honoring the bond we shared and the trust he placed in me as his rider.

I led Phantom back to his stall, unable to shake the feeling of Ashlyn’s sharp green eyes on me. Her presence lingered like a shadow at the edge of my consciousness. I pushed the thought aside, focusing instead on the familiar routine of caring for my horses. I felt soothed by the rhythm of their movements.

Deep down, I knew that Ashlyn Beech’s presence at the ranch was no mere coincidence. There was something about her, something elusive yet undeniable, that drew her to Phantom and me like a moth to a flame. And while part of me was wary of her intentions, another part couldn’t help but feel a spark of curiosity at the prospect of getting to know her better.

But for now, I buried those thoughts beneath the weight of my responsibilities as a caretaker and guardian of these magnificent creatures. Phantom needed me, and I would be damned if I let anything or anyone keep me from fulfilling my duty to him.

Melody and I were finishing up the evening chores at the ranch. Suddenly, she turned to me with a mischievous glint in her eye. “So, Steph, how are you feeling about your meeting with Ashlyn Beech tomorrow?” she asked, her tone casual, yet probing.

I shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant despite the nerves fluttering in my stomach. “Honestly, I’m not sure,” I admitted, my voice betraying my uncertainty. “She seems nice enough, but I’m not sure what to expect. I don’t trust easily- you know that.”

Melody nodded with understanding, a knowing smile playing at the corners of her lips. “Well, she’s certainly easy on the eyes,” she remarked, her tone teasing. “You can’t deny that, Steph.”

Heat rushed to my cheeks at her words, and I busied myself with checking the feed bins to hide my embarrassment. ”I . . . uh . . . I suppose,” I mumbled, unable to meet Melody’s gaze.

As if I hadn’t noticed.

But Melody wasn’t about to let me off the hook that easily. “Come on, Steph,” she teased, nudging me playfully with her elbow. “You have to admit, she’s totally hot.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle at Melody’s persistence. “Okay, fine,” I conceded, a reluctant smile tugging at the corners of my lips. “Ashlyn Beech is very attractive. I’ll give you that.”

Melody grinned triumphantly, clearly pleased with herself for getting me to admit it. “See, I knew you had a soft spot for Ashlyn,” she teased, her tone playful. “Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad thing

for you to get back in the saddle in other ways, if you catch my drift.”

I rolled my eyes at Melody’s innuendo, but couldn’t suppress a small laugh at her antics. “Very funny, Mel,” I quipped, shaking my head in mock exasperation. “But let’s focus on Phantom for now, okay? We can worry about my love life later.”

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