Page 6 of Untamed Hearts

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Idrove back to my hotel, the events of the day replaying in my mind like a broken record that refused to be ignored. The encounter with Stephanie Morley, the doctor at the fair had left me feeling unsettled. A strange tingle of something I couldn’t quite place stirred within me. A feeling I hadn’t experienced in months.

In the wake of my leaving Brooks Creek, I had spun myself into a whirlwind of my favorite reckless behaviors, using my money, alcohol, and fleeting connections with women as a temporary distraction from the emptiness that gnawed at my soul. But no matter how many drinks I downed or how many bodies I found solace in, the void inside me remained. It was a gaping chasm that seemed to grow wider with each passing day.

When the girl at the bar had mentioned the fair in Texas, I hadn’t given it much thought at the time. But the next day, I found myself behind the wheel, heading toward a destination I hadn’t planned. I couldn’t shake the feeling that perhaps fate was leading me somewhere unexpected—somewhere I hadn’t realized I needed to go.

And then I’d met Stephanie Morley, with her soft southern accent, her golden hair and her gentle demeanor, and something shifted inside me. In her presence, I felt a flicker of something I had long forgotten, a sense of connection and understanding that transcended the superficial encounters I had grown accustomed to.

I drove through the darkened streets, the neon lights of the city flickering past in a blur of color. I couldn’t help but wonder what it was about Stephanie Morley that had drawn me in so completely. Was it her passion for her horse, Phantom, or the warmth and sincerity in her eyes when she spoke of him?

Sure, Stephanie was attractive. Older than me, but then we all know I love an older woman. I liked the curve of her breasts under her shirt. I liked the sharp blue of her eyes. Eyes that held a world of secrets, that had lived a thousand lives.

Or was it something deeper, something I couldn’t yet name but longed to explore? Whatever it was, I couldn’t shake the feeling that Stephanie Morley had stirred up within me, something I had been trying desperately to bury beneath alcohol and meaningless encounters. As I pulled into the parking lot of my hotel, I made a silent vow to unravel the mystery of that tingle I felt in Stephanie’s presence. To discover what had awakened within me, after so many months of darkness.

I like to find out more before I take a job. Between the internet and my vast web of contacts I can usually find out a lot. So, I did my best detective work on Stephanie.

Captain Stephanie Morley- US Army.

I found a lot of information while delving into Stephanie’s background, but it only served to deepen the mystery around her sudden withdrawal from the spotlight. Her records indicated that Stephanie had been a rising star in the army, her career marked by numerous awards. Not to mention the commendations for her exceptional service as a doctor.

But then, without warning or explanation, everything seemed to change. There were whispers of an incident overseas, something that wasn’t documented in the official records but had clearly left its mark on Stephanie in ways that were impossible to ignore. One moment, she was a shining star in the army, destined for greatness, and the next, she had retreated to a secluded ranch in the middle of nowhere in East Texas, far from the prying eyes of the world.

The more I dug, the more questions arose. What had happened to Stephanie overseas? What had caused her to retreat from the world and seek solace in the tranquility of the ranch? And perhaps most importantly, what demons was she wrestling that had made her abandon a life she had worked so hard to build?

Sifting through fragments of information scattered across the internet, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of empathy for Stephanie. Whatever had happened overseas, it was clear that she had been deeply affected by it and was still haunted by lingering memories. Finally, I closed the browser window, the weight of what I had uncovered settling over me. Stephanie’s journey from army doctor to recluse on a remote ranch was a testament to the human resilience, and a reminder that even the strongest among us are not immune to scars left by the horrors of war.

As I made the call to reserve a hotel near Stephanie’s ranch, anticipation coursed through me, mingled with a hint of nervousness at the prospect of meeting her again. It was a bold move, reaching out to someone who seemed content to keep to themselves, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to Stephanie than met the eye. I was determined to uncover the truth.

Leaving a message on the number listed for Stephanie’s emergency horse sanctuary, I requested a meeting with her over the next few days, hoping against hope that she would agree to see me. It made me smile to think that Stephanie wasn’t listed under her own name or the name of her ranch, but rather as a guardian for horses in need—a silent protector of those who had no voice of their own.

I hung up the phone, knowing that this was the first step on a journey that had the potential to change both of our lives forever. Making my way to the hotel bar to await Stephanie’s response, I couldn’t help but feel a glimmer of something stirring in me.

Still, I was quick to drown that out with a nice long drink of bourbon.

Observing the scene unfolding at Stephanie’s ranch from my hidden vantage point, I couldn’t help but feel a peace at the tranquil beauty that surrounded me. The sprawling landscape stretched out, bathed in the warm glow of the afternoon sun, while the gentle rustle of the wind through the trees provided a soothing backdrop to the rhythmic movements of the girl who seemed to be a ranch hand and Stephanie as they went about their daily routine.

The two women moved with a practiced ease, their movements graceful and purposeful as they tended to the needs of the horses scattered throughout the paddocks. I watched as they fed, groomed, and tended to each animal with a care that spoke volumes about their deep connection to the creatures under their care.

The horses themselves seemed to exude a sense of calm and contentment, their sleek coats gleaming in the sunlight as they grazed lazily in the fields or nuzzled affectionately against each other. Some were clearly older, their movements slow and steady as they navigated the terrain with a quiet dignity that spoke of a lifetime of wisdom and experience. Others bore the scars of past mistreatment, their wary eyes and cautious movements a haunting reminder of the cruelty they had endured.

But amid the tranquility of the scene, there was one figure that stood out above all others—Phantom. It had to be him from how Stephanie had described him to me. He was a vision of strength and beauty, his powerful frame standing tall and proud against the backdrop of the ranch. His coat, a rich black hue, shimmered in the sunlight, accentuating the powerful muscles that rippled beneath the surface as he moved with a grace and elegance that took my breath away.

A sense of awe washed over me as I watched him, mingled with a newfound sense of purpose. This was a horse unlike any I had encountered, a horse with the potential to become something truly extraordinary. Right then, I knew I had found my reason for

coming to Stephanie’s ranch—to unlock the untapped potential hidden within Phantom and, in doing so, perhaps find the sense of purpose and fulfillment that had eluded me for so long.

A sense of determination burning within me, I made a silent vow to myself—to do whatever it took to earn Stephanie’s trust and the opportunity to work with Phantom. In him, I saw not only

the chance to prove myself again as a trainer, but also the possibility of redemption. A chance to heal the wounds that had been left when my love of riding had been stripped away from me. I watched Stephanie mount Phantom, feeling excited but a bit nervous about their mismatched power. Phantom’s sleek muscles rippled beneath Stephanie’s lean denim clad legs as they moved together, his powerful frame poised and ready for action.

But as they began to move, it became clear that something was wrong. Stephanie struggled to control Phantom’s powerful strides, her body tense with effort as she fought to rein in his restless energy. And Phantom, sensing her uncertainty, held back—his movements hesitant and uncertain as he tried to accommodate his rider’s struggles.

I could see the frustration etched on Stephanie’s face as she wrestled with Phantom’s unruly strength, her attempts to assert control met with resistance at every turn. Yet despite their struggles, there was a bond between them that was undeniable, one forged through countless hours of hard work and dedication.

I could see Phantom was more patient with her than he might have been with another rider. But, his frustration was also evident.

A sense of admiration washed over me, mingled with a deep longing to intervene and set things right. Phantom was a magnificent creature and I yearned to help him.

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