Page 26 of Untamed Hearts

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And the racetrack itself was a sight to behold, a sweeping expanse of emerald green stretching out before me, bordered by rows of wooden fencing and adorned with colorful banners fluttering in the breeze. The scent of freshly cut grass mingled with the aroma of hot dogs and popcorn, creating a sensory symphony that enveloped me in a warm embrace.

As I made my way through the crowd, I could feel the rising energy. An excitement that crackled in the air like static electricity. Spectators lined the grandstands, their cheers and applause echoing off the walls as the first race of the day was set up. Everywhere I looked, I saw the glint of leather and the gleam of sleek coats as horses and jockeys prepared for their moment in the spotlight. The tension was a palpable, tangible force that hung heavy in the air. Competitors steeled themselves for the upcoming challenges.

Despite my nerves, there was a sense of exhilaration coursing through my veins. A thrill of anticipation that quickened my pulse and set my heart racing. As I took in the sights and bustling sounds of the event, I couldn’t help but feel a surge of pride at being a part of something so vibrant and alive.

I approached Ashlyn and Phantom with a mixture of pride and anxiety. Ashlyn wore the regulation white breeches and boots along with the Blue Jockey silks I had chosen and ordered. A beautiful azure like the sky above our ranch. She looked so very different to the day to day cowgirl Ashlyn. Ashlyn was busy checking Phantom’s tack, her focus unwavering as she prepared him for the race ahead. I waited patiently for a moment, allowing her to finish her preparations before gently reaching out to touch her arm.

“Good luck out there,” I said softly, my voice tinged with emotion. Ashlyn turned to me, her eyes meeting mine with a mixture of determination and gratitude. Without a word, she leaned in, pressing

a tender kiss to my lips before turning back to Phantom, her resolve renewed. She stood facing his tiny racing saddle and looked to me for a second raising her right foot. I went immediately to leg her up onto Phantom as I had so many times before and she flew up as light and graceful as ever and swung her right leg over his back. They were ready to head down to the start. I glanced at them one more time before turning away, my footsteps carrying me towards the owners’ section of the grandstand. I took my seat among the other spectators, feeling the heavy weight of anticipation. From my new vantage point, I had a clear view of the racetrack below, and the horses and riders moving gracefully across the lush, green grass. The air was alive with excitement, the crowd buzzing with anticipation for the first race of the day.

I watched anxiously as Ashlyn and Phantom took their position at the start, Phantom so far co-operating and ready for the challenge ahead. He seemed unphased really by everything around him. The other horses, the noise, the crowd. As though all my fears had been for nothing. As though he was born to do this. My heart pounded as the starting bell rang.



Phantom and I were in position- he had walked easily into his stall in the starting gates and I was grateful for that. I could feel the tension coiling in his muscles. We had practiced starts at home so many times- it can be as stressful time for horses.

The air was charge, the roar of the crowd echoing in my ears as we awaited the starting bell. I stole a glance at the other horses, their sleek bodies quivering with excitement. Their riders poised and ready for the race ahead.

The sun beat down on us, enveloping the racetrack in a warm glow. We prepared to embark on our journey. I took a deep breath, trying to calm the butterflies that fluttered in my stomach, reminding myself to trust in Phantom’s abilities and in our bond as we faced this challenge together.

When the starting bell finally rang, signaling the beginning of the race and the gates opened, Phantom surged forward with a powerful burst of speed leaping out of the starting gates. His hooves pounded the ground beneath us, kicking up clouds of dust as we tore down the track, the wind at my face.

But as we approached the first corner, Phantom stumbled slightly, throwing us off balance and causing us to fall behind the pack. Panic threatened to overwhelm me as I felt him falter beneath me. I stayed calm and he regained his big strong stride.

I tightened my grip on the reins, my fingers curling around the leather as I urged Phantom onward with firm, yet gentle commands. I could feel his frustration mirroring my own, his muscles tense beneath me as he fought to keep ground with the other horses. With each stride, we gained ground, our pace quickening as we charged around the track. We were passing other horses now. The sound of our hoofbeats echoed in my ears, a steady rhythm that drove us forward with renewed determination.

The wind whipped past us, stinging my cheeks as we thundered down the straightaways. Phantom’s powerful strides carried us closer and closer to the front of the pack. I could feel the heat of his

body beneath me, his breath coming in hot bursts as we pushed ourselves to the limit. As we approached the final stretch, I could see the finish line looming ahead. The cheering crowd urged us on and I asked for more from Phantom. The taste of victory was tantalizingly close, spurring us forward with every ounce of strength we possessed.

With a burst of speed in response, Phantom surged forward again, his hooves pounding against the ground as we stormed up the finishing straight. I could feel his muscles straining beneath me, his determination driving us forward with unwavering resolve. And then, in a flurry of motion, we crossed the finish line, the crowd erupting into cheers as we claimed second place. Exhilaration washed over me as I realized what we had accomplished, and Phantom’s triumphant neigh echoed in my ears. We had won. A pretty easy win for Phantom’s first race. I had known he was special. And I knew in that win he hadn’t given all he had to give. He had more speed there that I would keep under wraps for when we really needed it.

We basked in the glory of our victory.

As our placement was announced over the loudspeaker, the crowd’s chatter filled the air, a cacophony of voices swirling around me. I could feel their curious gazes on us, their whispers and murmurs blending together in a dizzying haze.

But I couldn’t focus on any of it. My mind was still consumed by the rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins. The exhilaration of our victory tingled in every fiber of my being. All I could think about was the bond between Phantom and me. The undeniable connection that had propelled us to success on the racetrack.

I lead Phantom off to weigh out and get washed down, showering him with praise and affection, running my hands over his sleek black coat while whispering words of encouragement in his ear. He nuzzled against me, his warm breath tickling my skin as we reveled in the moment together.

The crowd’s chatter faded into the background as I focused all my attention on Phantom, the world melting away as we shared a quiet moment of celebration.

Stephanie and Melody spotted us as we headed towards the unsaddling area, their faces lit up with joy and pride. They rushed over to us, their excitement palpable as they congratulated us on our incredible performance. Stephanie wrapped me in a tight hug, her warmth and affection washing over me like a comforting embrace.

I wanted her to never let go.

“You did it, Ashlyn,” she said, her voice filled with pride. “I knew you two could do it.”

Melody joined the celebration, clapping her hands and cheering loudly. “That was amazing!” she exclaimed, her eyes shining with admiration. “You and Phantom make quite the team.”

I couldn’t help but smile at their enthusiasm, feeling a sense of camaraderie and belonging wash over me. In this moment, surrounded by my friends and colleagues, I felt like I was exactly where I was supposed to be.

I pulled Stephanie close, savoring the sweetness of our shared victory.

Then, I caught a glimpse of someone in the crowd. For a fleeting moment, my heart skipped a beat. I could have sworn that I saw a familiar face, a young woman. Someone from my past at Brooks Creek.

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