Page 25 of Untamed Hearts

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With all the strength and skill I could muster, I fought to calm Phantom, to soothe his frayed nerves and guide him back to safety. It was a battle of wills and a test of our bond and trust in each other. I

was determined not to let him down.

Slowly, Phantom began to respond to my commands, and he came back to me. With each moment that passed, I felt a sense of relief wash over me, knowing that we were one step closer to overcoming this obstacle together. I headed him back toward the horse trailer at a trot. Finally, with a final nudge from my heels and a reassuring murmur, I guided Phantom to a stop beside the horse trailer. His sides were heaving after the exertion. I dismounted slowly, my legs shaking with adrenaline as I approached him, offering a gentle pat on his neck as a silent reassurance. As I looked into Phantom’s eyes, I saw a glimmer of trust and understanding. There was a silent acknowledgment of our bond.

Then my eyes flicked to where Melody and Stephanie stood, their expressions a tumultuous mix of shock, horror, and ultimately, admiration.

For a moment, the weight of their gazes bore down on me and the gravity of what had just happened sunk in. But as Stephanie rushed over, her eyes wide with concern, I felt a surge of relief flood through me. Without hesitation, she enveloped me in a tight hug, her arms a comforting anchor in the midst of chaos.

“I could have lost you,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. “You handled him so well, Ashlyn. I’m so proud of you.” Her words washed over me like a soothing balm, easing the lingering tension in my muscles. I returned her embrace, feeling the warmth of her body pressed against mine.

As Stephanie pulled back, I saw a glimmer of admiration in her eyes, and a silent acknowledgment of the trust she had placed in me, and the faith I had repaid in kind. And in that moment, I knew that our connection ran deeper than mere words could express. Without a second thought, I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers, the taste of victory mingling with relief on our tongues.

Melody’s voice cut through the tension like a pop-up ad in the middle of a serious movie scene.

“Well, looks like Phantom just couldn’t contain his excitement for the derby,” she quipped, her eyes dancing with mischief. Her remark elicited a snort of laughter from Stephanie and me, the absurdity of the situation hitting us like a well-timed punchline. Leave it to Melody to find humor in the midst of something tough, like a comedian crashing a funeral.

Stephanie shot Melody a mock glare, her lips twitching with amusement. “You just couldn’t resist, could you?” she teased, her tone fond, despite the lingering tension in the air.

Melody shrugged, a mischievous grin playing at the corners of her lips. “Hey, someone had to break the ice,” she replied, her eyes twinkling with mischief. And just like that, the tension dissolved, replaced by a shared sense of amusement.



The soft light filtered through the window, rousing me from my restless sleep. Pulling me from my dreamless slumber into the hazy realm of early-morning consciousness. My heart beat a steady rhythm of anticipation, the weight of the day’s coming events pressing on me like a heavy blanket.

Today was the day, the culmination of weeks of preparation and training. Phantom, my beloved horse, would make his debut on the racing circuit. The thought of it filled me with a heady mix of excitement and apprehension, my stomach knotting with nerves as I contemplated the challenges that lay ahead.

Turning to glance at the clock beside the bed, I saw that it was barely past five in the morning, the world outside still cloaked in the soft embrace of pre-dawn darkness. The hours stretched out before me, each moment laden with the weight of anticipation. I began to prepare myself mentally for the day ahead.

Beside me, Ashlyn slept on, her breathing steady and even. She was a picture of serenity , in contrast to the turmoil of my racing thoughts. Watching the gentle rise and fall of her chest, I found a momentary respite from the storm raging within me. A fleeting glimpse of tranquility amid the chaos.

With a heavy sigh, I reached out to touch her, my fingers brushing against the warmth of her skin as I traced the contours of her face with feather-light caresses. It was a simple gesture, born of a desire for connection in the quiet stillness of the morning, but it filled me with the sense of calm that I desperately needed during this moment of uncertainty.

I continued to watch her sleep, a wave of affection washing over me, banishing the lingering traces of anxiety that had plagued me since the early hours of the morning. Slumbering in the soft glow of dawn, Ashlyn was like a beacon of light in the darkness. A reminder that no matter what challenges lay ahead, I was not facing them alone. With a soft sigh, I leaned in closer, pressing a fleeting kiss to her forehead before reluctantly pulling away. I felt a soft stirring beside me, the warmth of her presence drawing me closer even as I reluctantly pulled away. Before I could fully retreat, Ashlyn’s lips meet mine in a tender kiss. A silent gesture of reassurance that sent a shiver of comfort coursing through me.

In that moment, as Ashlyn held me close, I felt a profound sense of appreciation for the strength and resilience she had brought into my life. Her touch had been a lifeline, grounding me in the here and now. Reminding me that I was not alone in facing the uncertainties that lay ahead.

“It’s going to be okay,” she whispered against my lips, her voice a gentle murmur that soothed the anxieties swirling within me. “Both Phantom and I are ready for this, Stephanie.” Her words helped ease the knot of tension that had settled in the pit of my stomach. With Ashlyn’s unwavering support, I felt a renewed sense of determination welling up within me. A quiet resolve that we would face whatever challenges might come our way. She held me close and I drew strength from her presence, finding solace in the warmth of her embrace. With a grateful sigh, I leaned into Ashlyn’s touch, savoring the comfort and reassurance she offered.

I drove my old Bronco down the winding country roads, the familiar hum of its engine providing a comforting backdrop to the whirlwind of emotions swirling within me. Alone with my thoughts, I welcomed the solitude, using the quiet drive to piece together the fragments of my scattered mind.

Nervous anticipation gnawed at my insides, creating a tangle of anxiety and excitement as I contemplated the day ahead. The prospect of being surrounded by so many people, each with their own expectations and judgments, sent a shiver of apprehension down my spine. Despite my years in the army, the memories of past traumas still lingered, casting a shadow of doubt over my confidence.

But it wasn’t just my own fears that weighed heavily on my mind. As I glanced in the rearview mirror, I saw the horse trailer behind me, carrying Ashlyn and Phantom to the race. The thought of Phantom, my beloved companion, facing the unknown filled me with unease. I

prayed that he would remain calm and collected, and that he wouldn’t succumb to the chaos and confusion of the crowded event.

And then there was Ashlyn. My heart ached with a mixture of longing and concern as I thought of her, riding alongside Phantom in the horse trailer. I knew she was capable, strong and confident, but the

nagging voice of doubt whispered in the back of my mind, taunting me with the possibility of disaster.

I wanted to believe that everything would be okay, that Ashlyn and Phantom would emerge victorious, but the fear of the unknown lingered like a dark cloud on the horizon. With each passing mile, I clung to the hope that somehow, against all odds, we would emerge unscathed from the trials that lay ahead.

As I arrived at the local derby race event, a wave of energy washed over me. The air was electric with excitement and anticipation, while the sprawling grounds were alive with activity. People and horses milled around, their voices mingling in a cacophony of chatter and laughter.

The atmosphere was charged with a sense of camaraderie and competition, as riders and spectators alike gathered to witness the thrilling spectacle unfold before them. Brightly colored tents lined the perimeter of the racetrack, offering an array of refreshments and merchandise to eager betters.

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