Page 23 of Untamed Hearts

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In that moment, I saw the genuine concern and understanding reflected back at me in Ashlyn’s eyes. And as she shared fragments of her own past with me, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for her willingness to open up and confide in me. Her stories of defying gender stereotypes and finding solace in the company of horses resonated deeply with me. I found myself hanging on her every word, captivated by the strength and resilience she exuded.

But within the tales of her childhood and her journey to becoming the accomplished equestrian Ashlyn was today, there was a shadow of uncertainty due to the looming question of Phantom. This was a topic that had been on my mind ever since Ashlyn had arrived at the ranch. It had become like a silent presence that hovered in the background, waiting to be acknowledged.

Whenever the conversation turned to Phantom, I couldn’t help but feel a surge of curiosity mingled with apprehension. I had seen the potential within the spirited horse and felt the raw power and energy that pulsed through his veins. However, I also knew the risks involved in pushing him too far, too fast.

“Tell me about Phantom,” I prompted gently, my voice tinged with a mixture of anticipation and concern. “What do you see for him? What are your plans?” A renowned horse trainer, she should be able to give me a better picture now.

“We have to get him racing. He is fast- I cross checked the times we took for him on the track. It is in his blood, of course. He looks so much like his father, Obsidian Storm and he runs like him too. And then, well, let’s see what he qualifies for. See how he likes it.”

But beneath her confident exterior, I sensed a flicker of doubt, a hint of vulnerability that belied her stoic facade. It was clear that Phantom held a special place in Ashlyn’s heart and the thought of that made me happy.

As Ashlyn spoke, I found myself drawn to the passion and determination that shone in her eyes. Her unwavering belief in Phantom’s abilities mirrored my own hopes and dreams for the future. She patiently addressed each of my questions, and I couldn’t help but feel a sense of gratitude for her guidance and expertise. Ashlyn’s calm demeanor and thoughtful responses reassured me,

easing any lingering concerns I had about Phantom’s future.

“What if Phantom isn’t a derby horse?” I asked, my voice tinged with uncertainty.

Ashlyn’s response was reassuring. “Every horse is unique, Stephanie,” she replied, her tone confident yet compassionate. “While I have every confidence in Phantom’s abilities, it’s

important to remember that not every racehorse will make the Kentucky Derby- it is the biggest race in the states. If he doesn’t excel in competitive racing, we’ll find another path for him—one that plays to his strengths and allows him to thrive.” Her words resonated with me, offering a sense of comfort and perspective. I nodded, silently

acknowledging her wisdom.

“Look how far we have come, already. Most of the time he is calm now, easier to manage, rideable- mostly. Phantom will have a future, but whether it is amongst the stars is yet to be determined.”

Next, I asked about the financial aspect of training and competing a horse at the Derby level.

“How much would it cost?” I asked, my gaze steady as I awaited Ashlyn’s response.

She took a moment to gather her thoughts before replying. “Training and competing a horse to that level can be a significant investment,” she explained, her voice calm, yet confident. “There are costs associated with everything—as soon as we start going to the track and race meets. And you can’t forget entry fees and travel expenses. But with the right strategy and support, I believe we can manage the financial aspect effectively and ensure that Phantom has everything he needs to succeed. At least with me you are getting a bargain,” she laughed.

Ashlyn’s assurance was settling. I felt a renewed sense of confidence in our ability to navigate the financial challenges ahead. As we continued to speak about this, she outlined the steps we would take to begin Phantom’s training journey. Ashlyn’s enthusiasm was contagious, and I found myself becoming increasingly excited about the possibilities that lay ahead.

However, I had another concern. “Could this type of training set him back?” I asked, my voice laced with apprehension. Ashlyn’s response was thoughtful and empathetic. “There’s always the possibility of setbacks in any endeavor, Stephanie,” she replied gently. “But with careful planning and attentive care, we can minimize the risks and ensure that Phantom’s progress remains steady and consistent. It’s all about finding the right balance and listening to what Phantom needs along the way.”

Her words resonated with me, offering a sense of reassurance and confidence in our ability to overcome any obstacles that might arise. However, I did notice that Ashlyn’s positive words contradicted her somewhat closed body language. Perhaps something was wrong. “What about you?” I asked softly, looking her right in the eyes as I did.

Ashlyn’s expression softened, her gaze meeting mine with a mixture of surprise and vulnerability.

“What about me?” she echoed, her voice tinged with curiosity.

I hesitated for a moment, the weight of my question hanging in the air between us. “You’ve shared so much with me about Phantom and your plans for him,” I began, my tone gentle, yet probing. “But what about your own dreams and aspirations? What do you hope to achieve through all of this?”

There was a flicker of hesitation in Ashlyn’s eyes, a brief moment of uncertainty before she composed herself. “I suppose . . . I hope to see Phantom reach his full potential,” she replied, her words carefully chosen. “To prove to everyone who has doubted him that he’s capable of greatness.”

Her response was measured and guarded, lacking the depth and sincerity I had come to expect from her. But I chose not to press the issue, sensing that there were layers to Ashlyn’s story that she wasn’t ready to share.

Instead, I offered her a supportive smile, reaching out to gently squeeze her hand. “I believe in you, Ashlyn,” I said softly. ”And I know that together, we can make Phantom’s racing dreams a reality.”

She returned my smile, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to Ashlyn’s story than she was letting on.

I found Melody in the barn, her hands busy with the daily care of one of our older horses. I couldn’t contain my excitement as I approached her, eager to share the news that had been swirling around in my mind all day. “Hey, Mel,” I called out, my voice tinged with anticipation.

Melody turned, a warm smile lighting up her face as she greeted me. “Hey there, Steph. What’s got you all fired up?”

I couldn’t help but grin as I launched into an animated explanation. “You won’t believe it, but Ashlyn has come up with a plan for Phantom. She wants to enter him in the local derby here in Texas to

see how he copes with race life.”

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