Page 18 of Untamed Hearts

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As I contemplated the prospect of spending time with her, excitement bubbled up within me, tempered only by the nagging doubt that lingered at the back of my mind. I knew that getting involved with my new boss could complicate things, especially considering the delicate balance of relationships and dynamics at play.

But even as I wrestled with my doubts, I couldn’t shake the feeling that this was something worth pursuing. There was a connection between us. A shared understanding and mutual respect. It felt rare and precious. A hidden treasure in the midst of a vast wilderness.

I rummaged through my modest wardrobe, searching for something suitable to wear on my date with Stephanie. I was excited. The warm rays of the sun filtered through the window, casting a golden glow over the room and filling me with a renewed sense of joy.

After much deliberation, I started with matching panties and bra in a dark red silk. I’ve always been a fan of underwear. I can remember sweetly in my mind the black lace bra as I tore Stephanie’s breasts from it. The thought of Stephanie’s reaction to seeing me in this silk underwear excited me. I knew she liked my body. I had seen the hunger in her eyes as her gaze ran approvingly up and down scanning my muscles, the curves of my breasts and ass, the length of my legs.

For the rest of my outfit, I opted for comfort and casual elegance. A pair of my favorite denim shorts that I knew made my ass look great. I matched it with a soft, cotton tank top that offered just the right amount of coverage. Oh, and some exceptional boots and my favorite hat, of course. Because the evening air could get chilly, I grabbed a button-up sweater that I could throw over my shoulders, its soft fabric providing a comforting layer of warmth against the chill.

With a satisfied nod, I surveyed myself in the mirror, pleased with my choice of attire. The outfit was simple yet stylish. A reflection of my laid-back personality and the casual nature of our date. I made my way out the door, eager to see where the evening would take us and what adventures awaited on the edge of the ranch.

As I stepped out of the little ranch house I now called home, my heart fluttered with anticipation about the evening ahead. The warm breeze tousled my hair as I made my way across the sprawling expanse of the ranch, the familiar sights and sounds of nature soothing my nerves and filling me with a sense of calm.

When I passed Melody, a sense of curiosity tugged at me, prompting me to offer her a friendly wave. To my surprise, she returned the gesture with a knowing smile, eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief that piqued my interest. For someone so young, Melody seemed to possess a keen intuition and a deep understanding of the dynamics between the people on the ranch. There was wisdom in her gaze, plus a silent acknowledgment of unspoken bond that connected us all.

I couldn’t help but wonder what secrets Melody held. What insights she possessed that made her seem so attuned to the world around her. But the thought faded into the background as I walked, overshadowed by my excitement about my impending rendezvous with Stephanie. I quickened my pace, eager to see what the evening had in store. Ready to embrace whatever adventures awaited me.



As I waited for Ashlyn to arrive for our date, my mind buzzed with a mixture of excitement and nervous anticipation. Her simple act of agreeing to a date, and the look in her eyes when she did it, had sent my thoughts into a whirlwind. I felt both excited and nervous about what the evening might bring.

I kept replaying the moment she said “yes” over and over again in my mind, each time feeling a flutter of excitement in the pit of my stomach. There was something about her response that felt different, something that set Ashlyn apart from anyone else I had encountered. I generally prided myself on my organization and meticulous planning, but the prospect of a date with Ashlyn had thrown me off balance in the most unexpected way. Normally, I’d have mapped out every detail, from the venue to the activities—but with her, all my carefully laid plans seemed irrelevant.

I found myself Googling, reading blogs, and attempting to envision a perfect first date, but nothing seemed to capture what I truly desired, which was an unfiltered, uninterrupted moment of connection with Ashlyn. It was as if the simplicity of just being in her presence was all I needed to feel complete.

At the same time, my doubts had begun to creep in again. What if she didn’t feel the same way? What if my attempts at simplicity fell short of her expectations? The fear of rejection loomed large in my mind, threatening to overshadow the budding excitement within me. But as I smoothed out the edges of a worn chequered blanket and felt the soft blades of spring grass beneath my fingertips, I realized that my heart had already made its decision. What could go wrong, I wondered, when the possibility of being with Ashlyn felt so right?

Questions danced in my mind as I waited for Ashlyn’s arrival. I wondered how she would smile when she found me there. How she would react to my simple gesture of feeding her a strawberry. I wondered about the taste of melted ice cream on her fingers. But above all, I wondered about the possibility of Ashlyn kissing me again—of experiencing the electric connection that seemed to crackle in the air whenever our eyes met.

When I first caught sight of her, a rush of admiration washed over me. Ashlyn looked stunning, her outfit exuding an effortless charm and beauty that drew my gaze like a magnet. I couldn’t help but appreciate the way the sunlight played off her features, casting a soft glow that highlighted her natural allure.

Her choice of attire, a combination of shorts, a tank top, and a light button-down sweater, seemed perfectly suited for the warm Texan weather, and it allowed her to move with ease and grace. Every detail, from the way Ashlyn’s hair fell in loose waves to the subtle curve of her smile, only served to enhance her presence.

She drew nearer, and I couldn’t help but stand to greet her, my heart fluttering with anticipation at the prospect of spending time with this beautiful woman. My own outfit, a light skirt and a simple button-down shirt, paled in comparison to Ashlyn’s effortless elegance, but I felt a sense of comfort in its simplicity.

With a smile on my lips, I welcomed Ashlyn with open arms, feeling a surge of warmth and excitement at the thought of our upcoming date. As we settled onto the picnic blanket, a comfortable silence enveloped us, interrupted only by the gentle rustle of leaves and the distant chirping of birds. It felt strangely comforting to be in each other’s presence. As if we had known each other for years, rather than for mere moments.

“So, Stephanie,” Ashlyn began, her voice soft and inviting, “what’s your favorite color?”

I couldn’t help but smile at her simple question, and at the easy way she sought to connect with me. “I’d have to say blue,” I replied, my gaze drifting to the sky above us, where wispy clouds painted delicate patterns against an azure expanse. “There’s just something so calming about it, don’t you think? Like the sky. The ocean.”

“Like your eyes,” Ashlyn responded simply as she looked into them. I knew I could lose myself in Ashlyn’s eyes.

Ashlyn nodded thoughtfully as she looked up. “I can see that,” she agreed, her voice filled with genuine interest. “For me, it’s definitely

green. I love the way it represents growth and renewal, like endless possibilities stretching out before me.”

Ashlyn’s words resonated with me, stirring something deep within my soul. “That’s beautiful,” I murmured, feeling a kind of kinship as we shared our thoughts and dreams beneath the open sky. The conversation flowed effortlessly between us, so we delved deeper into each other’s lives, sharing stories and secrets with an openness that felt both exhilarating and liberating. We talked about our most cherished memories, our wildest dreams, and the places we longed to explore.

“I’ve always wanted to travel to Italy,” I confessed, my eyes alight with excitement at the thought of exploring its ancient ruins and sampling its delectable cuisine. “There’s just something so enchanting about the culture and history there.”

Ashlyn’s face lit up with a smile, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. “Italy sounds amazing,” she agreed, her voice tinged with excitement. “I’ve always been drawn to Japan myself. The vibrant culture, the breathtaking landscapes—it’s like stepping into another world.”

We laughed and joked together, our laughter mingling with the gentle breeze as we basked in the warmth of each other’s company. With each passing moment, I felt myself growing closer to Ashlyn, feeling our connection deepen with every shared revelation and touch. The sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the landscape, and I found myself lost in the moment, completely at ease in Ashlyn’s presence.

With a playful smile, I reached into the picnic basket and began to unpack our makeshift feast, laying out the strawberries, ice cream, and drinks with care. The tantalizing aroma of freshly picked fruit filled the air, mingling with the sweet scent of vanilla from the melting ice cream. I glanced up and caught Ashlyn’s eye. A smile passed between us, sparking a warmth in my chest that I couldn’t quite explain. It felt exhilarating to be sharing this moment with her, to be basking in the glow of her presence as we indulged in our simple feast.

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