Page 15 of Untamed Hearts

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It took merely seconds before I felt the familiar beautiful heat rising from my pussy to my brain. That exquisite moment just before orgasm; I felt it everywhere building and building and then my climax crashed through me suddenly, through every inch of my body while I was still fully clothed.

I cried out into Stephanie’s ear and my cry was absorbed by the vast expanse of space around us.

Fuck, this woman. She did things to me, without even doing anything to me. She hadn’t even touched me and yet that was the best orgasm I could remember.

There could have, should have been a million thoughts in my head, but instead it was blissfully empty. All I could think and feel was Stephanie beneath me.

She reached her hands to my face and kissed me with absolute tenderness and openness. Her lips were soft and wet and her tongue probed into my mouth slowly and exploitively. I let her kiss me like that because I liked it.

And my own climax confirmed what I had known for a while.

Stephanie Morley was going to flip my world upside down.



Iwandered the ranch, thinking of my passionate encounter with Ashlyn. I couldn’t help but revel in the euphoria that enveloped me. It was a blissful haze that clouded my thoughts and filled me with a sense of contentment. With each step, I felt the warmth of the sun on my skin and the gentle breeze caressing my face, as if in silent celebration of the newfound joy that had entered my life. My body hummed with the lingering echoes of our pleasure, a reminder of the intoxicating connection I had shared with Ashlyn.

Our connection had awakened something deep within me, something primal and undeniable that I certainly hadn’t felt for many years- if, in fact, ever.

As I walked, lost in the happy haze of my thoughts, I couldn’t help but reflect on my past dating life, which had been marked by solitude and introspection. Throughout school and college, I had always been a loner, content to lose myself in my studies and the quiet solitude of my own thoughts. I had never been one to seek out companionship, preferring instead to forge my path and chart my course in life.

It wasn’t until I was twenty-one that I had my first dalliance with a woman—an older, married professor, Deborah Vanstone, who taught me many things, both in and out of the classroom. She was striking- beautiful, feminine, dominant; she was harsh and demanding of me. And I had liked it. Most of it. Our affair had been fleeting, a brief moment of passion in an otherwise ordinary existence. As quickly as it had begun, my affair with Deborah had come to an end when I joined the army, leaving behind the confines of academia for the rigors of military life.

And though I had tried to bury the memories of my time with Deborah, they had always lingered in the recesses of my mind.

While in the army, surrounded by the camaraderie of my fellow soldiers and the surge of adrenaline that came with each mission, I had often found myself the object of attention from men. It was a common occurrence. A natural consequence of the male-dominated environment we operated in.

At times, I had entertained the thought of succumbing to the allure of physical intimacy with a man—of satisfying my own needs and desires in the heat of the moment.

But then there had been Jon, a kind and gentle soul who had approached me one evening, his eyes filled with longing and desire, the scent of his sweat and testosterone unmistakably masculine and it did nothing but repulse me. In that fleeting moment, as his lips met mine in a hesitant kiss, I had known with absolute certainty that I could never find satisfaction in the arms of a man.

It wasn’t that Jon wasn’t attractive or desirable. He was, in his own way. But as our lips touched and his hands roamed over my body, I felt a profound emptiness. A sense of disconnect that left me feeling hollow and unfulfilled.

In that moment, I realized that my body simply wasn’t programmed to respond to the touch of a man, no matter how well-intentioned or caring he might be. And though I had tried to bury the memory of that kiss, it was always somehow still there, a silent reminder of the truth that lay at the core of my being.

From that day forward, I had embraced my truth wholeheartedly, accepting myself for who I was and refusing to compromise my own desires for the sake of societal expectations.

Then there was Lieutenant Sophia Clark—a force of nature, a woman unlike any I had ever encountered before.

Strong, fit, and fiercely independent, she exuded an aura of confidence and defiance that captured my attention from the moment our paths crossed in my earlier army days.

From the start, Sophia had dominated my thoughts, her presence looming large in my mind like a beacon in the darkness. I found myself longing for her, yearning to be near her. Wanting to bask in the warmth of her gaze and the strength of her touch.

Every interaction with Sophia had been like a jolt of electricity coursing through my veins, igniting a fire within me that burned with a fierce intensity. I found myself drawn to her, irresistibly caught in the magnetic pull of her presence. Unable to resist her gravitational force.

I would find excuses to spend time with Sophia, seeking out any opportunity to feel the warmth of her smile and the feeling of her fingers inside me. Though I knew that our connection was forbidden, because the army was in the dark ages of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, so our moments were stolen and secret.

Then there was the moment that changed everything.

Although we had never spoken about taking things further, beyond our secret meetings and hidden nights together, I had always just assumed we would. But a few nights before we left the middle east to fly home to the US and we both had two months off coming up, she sat down with me alone in our sleeping quarters.

“Steph, there’s something I need to tell you.” Her brown eyes were shifty and her full lips that I had enjoyed so much pleasure from kissing were finally spilling out the truth she had been hiding from me. She held my hand in hers and rubbed it with her thumb. “I’m married. His name is Martin. We have been together 4 years. We got married earlier this year. He is army too. He is based up north. I’m going to be spending the next two months with him and then we’ve asked for our next posting to be together. We will get a house together. Build a home. Have kids.”

A home with him? A home? With Martin? Have kids? My head was reeling. We had been seeing each other for 3 years. Sure, she always disappeared on me when she had time off, but she told me she was visiting her family. We had been on multiple tours together. I wanted her to want a home and kids with me. That was what I wanted with her.

I ripped my hand away from her.

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