Page 13 of Untamed Hearts

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It was going to be one hell of a challenge to remain professional around her.



Iwatched Stephanie’s reactions to my directives regarding Phantom, and I couldn’t help but notice the subtle shifts in her body language. My ability to read body language had been honed over years of working with horses, allowing me to understand their needs and responses with remarkable precision. Yet it was the human nuances that often proved the most intriguing.

My ability to read women was a close second to my ability to read horses.

Stephanie’s initial response to my authoritative tone surprised me. I had expected her to meet my direction with a more assertive demeanor, given her history, her age and her role. But as I watched her more closely, I couldn’t help but notice the telltale signs of discomfort that belied her outward confidence. There was tension in Stephanie’s shoulders and a slight stiffness in her posture that betrayed her unease with my assertiveness. Her blue eyes, normally steady and unwavering, flickered with uncertainty as they met mine, a subtle indication of her internal struggle.

In that moment, realization dawned on me—an understanding that went beyond our discussion of Phantom’s training. It was clear that Stephanie’s response wasn’t simply about her desire to maintain control over the ranch. There was something more beneath the surface, something that spoke to a deeper connection between us.

As I continued to watch Stephanie, curiosity mingled with my newfound awareness of her. I couldn’t help but wonder what lay behind this beautiful woman's guarded façade. What emotions were

churning beneath the surface. And then it struck me—a realization so unexpected that it took my breath away. Stephanie’s response wasn’t rooted in defiance or resistance, but rather in something far more complex—a blend of attraction and vulnerability that she was trying to hide from me.

In that moment, I understood the unspoken truth that lingered between us. Undeniable chemistry crackled in the air whenever our paths crossed. And as I met Stephanie’s gaze, a silent acknowledgment passed between us. Both of us recognized the unspoken desires that pulsed beneath the surface.

With a silent vow to tread carefully, I returned my attention to the matter at hand, determined to navigate the complexities of our relationship with caution and care. But deep down, I knew that the

bond between us was stronger than mere words could convey—a bond forged in the fires of passion.

My mind drifted back to the journey that had brought me to this moment. A journey marked by moments of self-discovery and introspection. The trials and triumphs that had shaped the woman I had become. I had always known, on some level, that I was different—that my desires and attractions diverged from the conventional norms society prescribed. Yet, it wasn’t until my late teens that I fully

embraced my truth, acknowledging and accepting my sexuality as a fundamental aspect of my core being. I was unapologetic and unashamed.

During the years that followed, I embarked on a journey of exploration, seeking to understand the depths of my desires and the intricacies of my sexuality. There had been nights of experimentation, nights of passion and pleasure shared with partners who had come and gone, each leaving their mark on

me in their own unique way. But through it all, one truth had remained constant—an unwavering certainty that I liked to be dominant, both in and out of the bedroom. While some reveled in the thrill of switching roles, embracing the fluidity of their desires, I found solace in the unyielding strength of my dominance.

It was a force that defined me in ways I couldn’t fully articulate. It wasn’t just about physical control or power dynamics; it was about a deeper connection—a sense of purpose and fulfillment that transcended the physical realm. It was about embracing my true self, unapologetically and unabashedly, and finding someone who could meet me on that level.

As my thoughts swirled with the complexities of my feelings for Stephanie, I couldn’t help but notice Melody’s gaze lingering on us. Her eyes darted back and forth between Stephanie and me, a curious expression flickering across her features. For a brief moment, I felt a surge of panic rise within me, wondering if Melody had somehow sensed the tension that crackled in the air.

But as I studied Melody’s expression more closely, I realized that her gaze held more curiosity than suspicion. There was a knowing glint in her eyes, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken connection that simmered between Stephanie and me. It was clear that Melody was attuned to the subtle nuances of our interactions. To the unspoken gestures and shared glances that spoke volumes about the bond we shared. And while Melody’s gaze held a hint of curiosity, there was also a sense of understanding. A silent acceptance of the situation’s complexities.

I walked down to the ranch with Phantom by my side. As I approached the stables, I caught sight of Stephanie returning from her ride with Kenco, a seasoned horse who had been a part of the ranch for years. The two of them moved together with an effortless grace, their movements synchronized in perfect harmony.

Stephanie looked radiant, her eyes sparkling with joy as she dismounted from Kenco’s back. There was a sense of fulfillment in her demeanor, a quiet confidence that spoke volumes about the bond

she shared with him. “Ashlyn,” Stephanie greeted me. She smiled warmly, her voice filled with happiness.

“Looks like you and Phantom are getting along just fine.”

I returned her smile, feeling a sense of camaraderie wash over me. “He’s a remarkable horse,” I replied. “And you and Kenco make quite the pair as well.”

I couldn’t help my gaze running over the shape of the thighs in tight denim.

Stephanie’s smile widened at my words, a sense of pride evident in her expression. “Thank you,” she said, her voice tinged with gratitude. “He’s been my companion for many years, through thick

and thin.” As Stephanie dismounted from Kenco’s back, her legs wobbled beneath her, betraying the fatigue that lingered after their long ride.

Without hesitation, I stepped forward, instinctively reaching out to catch her before she could stumble.

Our hands met in mid-air, a fleeting touch that sent a jolt of electricity coursing through me. There was a spark of heat and chemistry between us, undeniable and intoxicating, as our eyes locked in that shared moment of connection.

For a heartbeat, time seemed to stand still. We stood there, suspended in the space between us.

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