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As I expected, it took her no time at all to get pregnant, which is why we married so quickly in a small but lavish ceremony. With the way we still spend entire nights wrapped up in each other's bodies, I’m sure Kaia won’t be an only child for long either.

Meanwhile, I had begun training Devin to take over as CEO of my company. It had been a difficult decision to trust him after he had caused so much trouble in the past, but he had truly turned his life around. Thanks to Kasey's forgiveness and my guidance, he was now a better man. Just like I am.

Last Christmas, he shocked us all by bringing a young woman named Hanna to the celebrations. We all agreed, in hushed words and glances, to never tell Hanna the full truth of how Kasey and I met. It just works better that way.

Hearing Kasey’s breaths slow as she dozes off into an afternoon nap in the sun with Kaia, I realize that I couldn't be happier with the way things have turned out. I have the love of my life, a beautiful daughter, and a son that will take the reins soon enough while I travel the world with my sweet Kasey and Kaia.

I stand, gazing down at the cuff link before kissing Kasey gently on the lips so she doesn’t wake. My heart is full, and I wouldn't trade this moment for anything in the world.

I take a deep breath, feeling grateful for this moment and for all the moments that have led us here. As the ocean breeze blows over us, I know I’m exactly where I am meant to be—right beside my wife and daughter.



Ten Years Later

The first day of school is always chaos, and while I would never leave Kenneth behind, his unhappiness is palpable as he stands at my side. If he had it his way, we’d home school and the kids would never leave the house, but I fought for them to be able to attend school with other kids and make friends like any other child would.

I take my husband’s hand as we watch as our youngest child, Kyle, runs into the school, his tiny hands being held by his older siblings, Kaia and Kent, each on one side of him. Kenneth growls unhappily, but I laugh at his overprotective behavior, still just as present after all these years. He still sees them as his little babies even though they're growing up so fast.

"Kenneth, he'll be fine," I reassure him, but he can't seem to help himself. He's always been the stalwart guardian of our children, and I know it's just his way of showing how much he loves them.

As we walk towards the school gates, Kenneth's grip tightens around my hand. Something’s radiating off him, and I know what he's thinking. He hates leaving the kids out of his sight, even if it's just for a few hours a day.

"I don’t trust anyone else to take care of the kids except us," he tells me.

I turn to face him, placing a reassuring hand on his arm. "We pay for the safest and most prestigious private school in the area. Our kids are in good hands."

Kenneth nods, but I can tell he's still not convinced. I understand his fears, but sometimes I wish he would relax a little. We can't keep our kids under lock and key forever.

I tug his hand to move him forward. “Come on. We can walk to the door with them if you want.”

As we approach the school entrance, a mom I vaguely recognize greets us and starts making small talk. She's blond and incredibly fit, and it’s impossible not to feel a twinge of envy as she talks about her morning run.

"Kasey, you should come for a run with me sometime," she says, flashing a bright smile.

I make a polite excuse, but I can't help but feel sad. I used to be that fit, that active. But after three kids, my body just isn't the same. I feel thick and sluggish, and it's hard not to compare myself to this mom who seems to have it all together.

"What's wrong?" Kenneth asks, noticing my change in mood.

"I just wish I was still that fit," I admit, feeling vulnerable. "I feel like I'm not as attractive as I used to be."

Kenneth's expression softens, and he grabs my chin to make me look at him and no one else, uncaring that we’re out in public at our children’s school. "Kasey, you are more beautiful to me now than ever before," he says firmly. "Your body has carried and birthed three children. You are amazing, and I love you just the way you are."

I feel tears pricking at the corners of my eyes, touched by his words. It's easy to forget that he still finds me attractive after all these years and all the changes my body has gone through. It should be obvious by the way he worships me night after night, making me cry with pleasure at his touch. But hearing him say it so plainly and with such conviction makes my heart swell.

Kenneth lowers his face to mine and gives me a quick kiss that I know would be much more thorough if we were alone. "I'll show you just how attractive I find you when we get home," he adds, his voice low and suggestive.

My face feels warm as we say goodbye to the kids and head back to the car. Kenneth, distracted by what he’s promised to do once we’re home alone, is able to walk away from the school without much trepidation.

He climbs into the driver’s seat of our Land Rover, giving me that knowing smile that promises all sorts of thrills in the near future, and I laugh. I'm filled with a sense of contentment. Changing body or not, I have a loving husband and three amazing children. And that's all I need.

The End.

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