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Motherhood looks damn good on my wife. My fucking wife. I still can't believe it sometimes. But here she stands, looking over the balcony of our new family home and smiling as she watches the sunset, our daughter in her arms.

We didn’t move far so I could keep my position at the police department, but I plan on retiring sooner rather than later. We had the house built to our exact specifications, and Delia was on cloud nine decorating to her heart's content. The basement is her very own bakery, where she can cater small batch orders on her own time.

"Princess," I say, coming up behind her and wrapping my arms around her waist. “And little princess Dana.”

She leans into my embrace, resting her head against my chest. "Hey, baby."

I smile. "Enjoying the view?"

"Wait one second." She hands me the baby and steps back about six feet until I'm also in the picture she's seeing, and Delia sighs happily. "There. Now it's perfect.”

Delia and I married six months after my proposal, and Delia gave birth to our first child—a girl—nine months after that. She's a gorgeous little thing, with her mama's dark hair and shimmering eyes, and a little dimple in her cheek.

And I'm trying my damnedest to be the best father I can be...and the best husband too.

I’m still the same asshole I’ve always been, but when Delia is around, I'm less tense and angry. She’s given meaning to…well, fucking everything. Even Brody and I are slowly rebuilding a relationship, and when he and his new girlfriend get married, I plan to welcome her into the family with open arms.

It's funny how life can change so quickly.

I wrap an arm around Delia and lean in, kissing her softly. She sighs, relaxing against me and our daughter, and I feel the warmth of my new little family spread through me.

"I love you," Delia whispers. "Both of you."

"I love you, princess. And I love you too, sweet girl."

I press a soft kiss to the top of my baby's head and pull my wife close.

Life can't get any better than this.



Ten Years Later

My wedding day was the best day of my life, but today might just top it. I'll never tell Dean that, though.

I'm sitting in the audience of the elementary school's talent show, and the kids are just finishing up the final act—a rendition of "All I Want For Christmas Is You" by Mariah Carey.

My baby, only three and a half, is the youngest in the talent show and the most nervous.

And the cutest.

He's dancing and singing along, and even though the song is way too fast, he's doing a great job. His dad and I are beaming as he takes his bow, and his sister and brother are cheering and clapping wildly.

Dean and I have three babies, and our family is everything.

After we were married, I went to work building my own business, and Dean and I lived happily ever after. I even got him to let his hair grow out a little bit, and he's gotten a bit softer around the edges. But again, I’ll never tell Dean that.

I love him so much, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

The show is over, and all the kids line up. I clap and cheer and scream along with my babies. They take their bows, and we head backstage to grab our little boy, who’s so excited to see us.

"Did you see me?!" he yells, running towards Dean. "Did you see me dance, Dad?"

Dean scoops him up, holding him close. "I did, bud. You did a great job, little man.”

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