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"If you ever come near Blair again, I'll end you," I say and land a solid punch to his jaw.

The kid stumbles back but doesn't fall. He wipes the blood from his mouth and glares at me. "Fuck you." He spits and lunges forward, swinging his fist wildly.

I dodge the punch easily and deliver a blow to his stomach, knocking the wind out of him. The kid crumples to the ground, and I stand over him, resisting the urge to kick him when he’s down.

"This is your last chance," I say. "Stay the fuck away from Blair. Next time, you won’t walk away.”

He coughs and nods, and I turn and walk away, leaving him broken and bloody on the sidewalk.

Now that he's taken care of, it's time to go back home and take care of someone else—Blair who, if she's a good girl, will be waiting for me to return. Getting an alert from the tracker I slipped into her backpack that she had left on her own had put me on alert immediately. Something instinctual told me she was in danger, and I've never been more unhappy to be right.

While racing to the coffee shop, the tech guy I had put on the case of the stalker calls to tell me he has news. Blair, connected to the penthouse internet, had logged into her emails. This allowed him to see both the email she had received earlier this week and the one she had gotten just a few hours before telling her to meet at the coffee shop.

I'm pissed, but I can't be surprised. I was hiding things from her too. Most glaringly, that I’ve been putting things into motion to make sure she never moves back into her apartment. But I was doing it for her own good, and I would have told her the truth if the situation had gone down differently.

The point is, she needs a firm hand. Someone who will hold her accountable and keep her safe, even if it means making decisions without her knowledge.

Once I arrive at the penthouse, I take a deep breath and enter the elevator, steeling myself for what's to come. No matter how many deep breaths I take, I'm fuming. Fucking fuming. But seeing her in one piece waiting for me in the center of my penthouse foyer makes a wave of relief course through me. God, when I thought she might be hurt...

"What the hell were you thinking meeting that prick alone?" I bite out. "He's been making threats all week and you think the right move is going alone?!"

Blair's throat bobs as she swallows, tears forming in her beautiful eyes. "I just wanted it to be over. I wanted things to be easy for us."

"Well things didn't go easily now, did they, Blair?" I curse under my breath, stepping away from her and folding my hands behind my neck. I can still feel the soreness on my knuckles from knocking the kid out. I could have broken him if we hadn't been out in public. "Now I've got to pay off the cops, I'm sure, and we still don't know why he was bothering you."

"I do know," Blair says, her voice so small that it's barely audible. "It's because Tanner paid him to do it."

Instantly, my entire body feels chilled. " in my son?"

She nods. "It was revenge. For us getting together."

"That little fucking shit..." I'm going to have to confront him now too, but at least I know there isn't any immediate harm coming Blair's way. A bribe is a lot easier to deal with than a genuine threat. Pacing the foyer, I try to plan my next move, fury making it hard to think.

And Blair is still right there, waiting, her hands folded in front of her and misery written on her gorgeous face. I guess I have to do something about her before I deal with Tanner. The thought of punishing her in the sweetest way possible makes me smile just a little bit, a ray of anticipation piercing my anger.

"Take off your clothes, Blair."

Her eyes go wide. "W-what?"

"You heard me," I snap, pointing at the floor. "Take them off and lie down."

Her cheeks are pink, and she hesitates for just a moment before slipping out of her heels and undoing her dress. It slides off her curves and pools on the floor around her ankles.

"All of it," I command, and she peels off her bra and panties.

God, she's beautiful. Her skin is flawless, her body ripe and perfect, and her breasts are full and heavy, topped with pink nipples that are already hard. She's ready for me too, her pussy lips glistening with arousal. And I haven’t even touched her yet.

"Down on the floor. On your stomach."

She does as she's told, lying down, her arms stretched over her head, and her perfect ass in the air.

I raise a hand and smack one asscheek, massaging the spot immediately. "Did that hurt?"

"A little," she confesses.

"You deserve a punishment for meeting that creep without telling me, for putting yourself in danger."

"I know, Daddy. I'm sorry," she says, and a wave of satisfaction hits me. Hearing her submit and apologize makes me rock fucking hard.

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