Page 6 of Stealing First

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“Charlie, Cici, and I are going to the bathroom,” Macy announces as she stands from Schmidt’s lap. The two of them have been cozied up all night, ignoring the rest of the group.

“We are?” Cici frowns at Macy. She’s been talking to Covey most of the night and I’ve allowed it. Out of all the players Cici could be interested in, Covey’s one of the few I’d allow near her. He’s a good guy, but I’ll never tell him I approve of him dating my sister. He has to have the balls to ask.

“Yeah, didn’t you know Macy doesn’t know how to piss without an audience?” I fold my thick arms across the table and narrow my eyes on Macy.

She’s spent the entire night trying to piss me off. Mission accomplished, sweetheart. I'm pissed and ready to fight.

Not only is she starting shit, but with a friend and teammate. We’re going to have words about this. There’s no way to avoid it and I'm not sure Schmidt realizes that.

“Nah, I really just wanted to brag to the girls about how much sexier Schmidt is than you. And I'm fairly certain he’s hung like a horse, but I thought that would be unlady like for me to say in front of the whole group.” She plants her hand on her hip and raises a brow at me. She’s daring me to fight back, I will and she knows it.

Schmidt sprays his mouthful of beer all over everyone as he chokes on the drink he just took. He sucks in a loud breath and coughs a few times.

“Aw, what the hell, man!” Wheeler glares down at his shirt that’s now covered in beer.

“Are you ok, handsome? We don’t need you dying on us before I get to confirm my suspicions.” Macy pats Schmidt on the back.

“Macy, stop,” Schmidt says softly. He’s not someone who likes to be the center of attention and she’s forcing him into the spotlight.

Schmidt might seem like a pushover, but he isn't. Not really. He’ll go along with the flow until he gets pissed, then he’ll stand up for himself and put people into their place. Most of the time he surprises the hell out of people when he does eventually speak up.

“Excuse me?” She takes a step back and blinks down at him. She’s not used to people calling her out on her shit. I'm one of the few people who consistently do it.

“I’d really rather not be the center of attention and you’re making that impossible. We can go out to only a few places without getting bombarded by fans and cleat chasers, I’d rather not draw any curious looks because you’re yelling about the size of my cock. And to be honest, you can say whatever you want about Cord, but we’ve all seen each other naked. Every player at this table knows what their teammates are working with. You’re just embarrassing yourself.” He gives her a soft smile full of pity.

I hold my breath, waiting to see how she’s going to respond. My girl has three choices. She’s going to cause a huge scene and embarrass everyone here, stomp out of here and refuse to talk to anyone, or she’s going to cry.

Macy stares at him for a full ten seconds before she lets out a huff and spins on her heels. She marches straight to the door and pushes her way out into the cold night air. I figured that would be her reaction of choice.

Causing a scene would make Schmidt annoyed and make her look bitchy. Crying would make her look weak. Stomping away makes her look childish, but she’ll blame it on the alcohol. It’s the easiest option for her, and honestly, she still might cry and just doesn’t want an audience. Macy isn't going to let herself look weak in front of anyone.

“Ugh, can I get out so I can go talk to her?” Charlie tries to push Wyatt out of the way.

“Nah, I’ll deal with her. We both know this isn't going to stop until we have it out with each other.” I sigh as I climb over the guys and follow Macy outside.

Chapter 5


I suck in a deep breath and blow it out slowly as I pace around the parking lot. I want to go home. I want to put as much distance as I can between me and Kennedy’s Pub.

It’s embarrassing enough to be called out for making things up, but to have a complete stranger do it is a whole new level. Especially a stranger I thought had a thing for me. How was I supposed to know complimenting his dick size was going to be a turn off for him? Since when are men shy about that?

“Mace, what are you doing?” Cord sighs as he steps through the entrance to the pub and spots me. He doesn’t hesitate to close the distance between us and wrap his arms around me. I fight against him, trying to get out of his grip, but the idiot is too strong.

“Let me go, Cord!”

“Shh, c’mon, baby. Someone’s going to think I'm hurting you and we both know I’d never do that,” he whispers in my ear, making some of the fight melt out of me. He’s always possessed the power to rile me up, but also calm me down quickly.

“But you did hurt me, Cord. You hurt me a whole hell of a lot.” I push against his strong chest again, but he tightens his hold rather than letting me go.

“You’re the one who walked away, Mace. What did you want me to do? Chase you down and drop to my knees? Did you want me to beg you to take me back? We both know that wasn’t going to happen. I wasn’t the problem.”

“Really? And what exactly was the problem then?” I step away and this time he lets his hands fall to his sides.

“You. You were the problem.”

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I rear back like someone just slapped me and stare at the man I once loved. Not anymore. No flipping way.

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