Page 43 of Stealing First

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“It’s fine. I was there with her and we found him standing on the doorstep waiting for her. I sent her inside and I got him to leave. Has he been in contact with you?”

“Yeah, he wants a second chance. He’s gotten his life back together and seems to be more like the dad I remember from when I was little. He was a good dad back then. He wants to be a part of my life. And my kids’ lives.”

“And Macy’s life.”

“Pretty much… How is she? She hasn’t seen him since that night he was carted off by the police.”

“She’s hanging in there. She was destroyed last night, but she’s ok now. I think she’s really confused because she was blindsided.”

“Dammit! I was going to tell her, but I wanted to do it in person. I’ve been on-call a lot over the past two weeks with my partners being on vacation, but I was planning on calling her tomorrow after I caught up on sleep. I'm an idiot to think he wouldn’t try to find her when I wouldn’t give him any information.”

“It’s fine. But don’t call her. She’s processing and I told her I’d call you and deal with your dad. I’ll give her all the information she needs to make a decision, but it will keep the pressure off of her.”

“Are you guys back together?”

“I'm trying.” I smile as I think about how amazing it’s been to have Macy in my life again. How peaceful it is to sleep with her in my arms every night.

“I always thought the two of you would end up getting married. Hell, I even looked forward to having you join the family.”

“Is that your blessing? Because that’s what I want, Liam.”

“You’ve always had my blessing, Cord. You treated her well and showed her what real love was. No one else could handle her the way you do and I realize that.”

We continue talking for a few more minutes, then a call comes through from an unknown number.

“Hey, I gotta go. I’m pretty sure this is your dad calling.”

“Ok. I’ll talk to you later. And Cord? Thank you for looking out for her and being the middleman.”


I end the call and switch over to the unknown number. I can only imagine how much fun this conversation is going to be.


“Cord? It’s Micheal Hayes.”

“Hey, I was actually just on the phone with Liam.”

“Damn, you’re really checking up on me. Should I expect some private investigators to be poking around in my life?” There’s slight teasing in his tone, but he almost seems hopeful.

“Three of them. I don’t trust just one person to get me the information I need.”

“Wow, ok. I didn’t expect that, though I'm not upset. I'm sure I’d do the same if I were in your position.”

After Macy went to bed last night, I called Dad and had him contact his private investigators. They were on the case before the sun rose this morning and I’ve already been getting emails with information. I'm sure more will follow, then Macy will have everything she needs to make the right decision for her.

“How’s Macy?” He asks softly.

“She’s a wreck.”

“I didn’t want to hurt her.”

“I'm not sure it’s possible to walk back into someone’s life after being gone for so long and expect not to hurt them in some way. Especially after the things you did.”

“She told you everything?”

“Yeah, it only took me fourteen years to get the entire story from her… Listen, I'm going to be straight with you. I don’t have long to finish this call. The owner of the team is staring daggers at me right now and telling me to get my ass back to work.” I hold up a finger to Dad, telling him to wait. He rolls his eyes dramatically, but I know he’s not actually upset. He knows I have my hands full right now. “Macy’s going to need time. You can text me any information you want her to have. Phone number, address, apologies, whatever. I’ll pass them all along to her, but you won't be getting your hands on her phone number. You won't be showing up at her apartment again, though that doesn’t really matter because she’s living with me. Any contact you have with her will go through me until she says differently.”

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