Page 42 of Stealing First

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“I never thought that, baby. I swear I was head over heels for you after the first time Charlie introduced us.”

“We were like twelve.” I chuckle.

“Yeah, but I knew you were perfect even then.” He kisses my cheek, showing me he loves me without trying to make anything more intimate. He’s not looking to have sex tonight, he just wants to be here for me.

“I think Liam saw something in his face that night. He made me go straight to the bedroom and lock the door. He knew something was different that night and he made sure I was safe. I cried the entire time, but when I stopped hearing Liam responding to him, I knew something was wrong. I called Miranda and she came with Noah. Noah was able to pin my father to the ground and get him away from Liam, while Miranda checked on me, then took care of Liam. I begged them to call the cops. I didn’t care if I would be separated from Liam, I couldn’t let him get killed just so I could stay with him.”

“That must’ve been horrifying, sweetheart.”

“It was. I’ll never forget the wild look in his eyes when we entered the house that night, or the empty gaze I saw when I left the house with Frankie’s mom. She fostered me until Liam was able to get full custody and she convinced the judge to keep me out of court. Because of that, this is the first time I’ve seen him since that night. When I saw him standing there, I felt like that scared eight-year-old all over again, Cord. I was watching every move, trying to gauge if he was going to hurt me.”

“You know I’d protect you.”

“Yes, but that didn’t end well the last time someone attempted that.”

“I’d hope I can defend myself a little better than Liam could in high school.” He rolls his eyes playfully. “Has Liam mentioned him? It sounded like he’s talked to Liam.”

“No. I guess I'll have to call him tomorrow and figure out what’s going on.” I blow out a long breath.

“I can call him if you want.”

“You can't handle all of this for me, Cord.”

“No, but I can handle as much as you’ll let me. If I call Liam, I can figure out all of the information. It will give you a chance to process it on your own terms, then we can figure out what to do. You won't feel rushed or influenced in any way.”

“Would you really want to do that?” I stare up at him as tears fill my gaze.

“Of course, baby.”

I’m lucky to have him in my corner. I'm not sure what I did to deserve someone like Cord Powell in my life, but I never want to let go of him.

Chapter 24


During our lunch break, I grab something to go from the restaurant, then settle inside of a pod. Dad had a dozen of these pods installed in a lounge. They’re all sound proof and give players the opportunity to make phone calls or work without being distracted or interrupted by anyone else.

Most players use them when they need to talk to their agents or to call their families before games. We each have our little ritual before we start a game and no one wants to mess that up.

“Hello?” Liam’s voice flows through the line. I haven’t spoken to him in years, so I'm not sure what his response is going to be.

“Hey, Liam, it’s Cord Powell.” I hold my breath as I wait. This could go so many different ways.

“Oh, hey, man. What’s up?” There’s no tension or anger in his tone. It’s almost like Macy and I never broke up and I call him daily.

“I know you’re probably busy, so I'm going to cut to the chase. I don’t have much time before practice starts again anyway.”

“Ah, right. I always forget you’re a big-time player now,” he says in a teasing tone, making me chuckle.

“Yup, I have my own jersey and everything.”

We’re quiet for a second as I try to figure out a way to break this to Liam. This isn't something I want to discuss, especially over the phone.

“What’s going on with Macy, Cord?” All playfulness leaves his tone and I settle back into my chair. This isn't going to be easy.

“Your dad showed up at her place last night.”

“What the hell?” He roars.

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