Page 4 of Stealing First

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“Well, I truly think working for him would be perfect. Plus, let’s be honest, if you told him he was as useful as a limp dick, he’d just laugh at you.” Charlie chuckles.

“Yeah, then he’d tell me I was a hemorrhoid because I was a real pain in his ass.” I smirk, remembering all the times Owen and I have gone back and forth. He’s the type of dad I always wished I had.

“If you can't find anything soon, I'm going to talk to him. He loves you, Mace. I know he’d jump at a chance to have you as part of his team.”

“But that makes me part of Cord’s team.” I wrinkle my nose in disgust. I don’t even like being around him. Sometimes I wonder how we ever got along enough to date for so many years.

And they were good years. I fell in love with him and dreamed of what our future could look like. I imagined us getting married and having beautiful babies with chocolatey brown hair and big gray eyes. Now, just the thought of being around him makes me sick to my stomach.

“Get over it. Cord’s always going to be a part of your life whether you like it or not. Cici and I are your best friends. Cord’s her twin and my coworker. You’re going to run into each other constantly, so why not get paid for it.”

“I don’t know! It feels like giving up if I accept a job from the Powell family!”

“Yeah, I can understand that. I kinda felt like that too, but Owen reminded me of something. He said he’s a businessman at heart and though he’d love to give jobs to everyone he knows and cares about, he won't do it unless it’s a smart move for him and his company. He’s not going to just hand you a job because of who you are to him, you have to earn it.”

I let the thought roll around in my head as we continue talking. She isn't wrong. Owen won't jeopardize his team or brand just to give me a job. He’ll only do what’s in his best interest as the owner.

Chapter 4


I slip into an empty booth with Smithy and smile when one of the servers comes to the table. She’s a cute blonde who works here a lot. She always flirts with us, but I think it’s because she wants a bigger tip. If it were something more, I think she’d be offering to meet us after her shift. Either way, she’s nice and always makes sure our table is taken care of.

“Thanks, Anna.” I smile as she walks away after taking our order.

“Man, I think Anna likes you,” Smithy groans. “I think something is wrong with me. In the past week, I’ve been ignored by almost every woman I’ve come in contact with while they fawn all over any of you assholes.”

“Anna likes tips, Smithy. Nothing more.” I chuckle and shake my head. “I think you’re letting your loss of Charlie get to you.”

“Seriously though, that woman is amazing,” he says softly. My attention snaps to him and he holds up his hands in defense. “I'm not going to try anything with her so don’t punch me! I’m just saying, she’s awesome. Does she have a sister?”


“What the hell? You’ve been holding out on this information! What kind of friend are you?”

“A good one who’s protecting Sophia.” I smirk, earning myself a glare.

“How do you know I'm not the love of Sohpia’s life? What if I'm the one for her?”

“She’s nineteen and her dad would murder you. Her sixteen uncles would help hide your body and her brothers would give outstanding alibis for all of them. Do you want her number now or later?”

Anna drops off our drinks and tells us she’ll be back soon to check on us.

“Alright, I get it. Hands off when it comes to the Robinson girls.” He rolls his eyes.

“Honestly, it should be hands off on any of the Mulberry Lane girls, Cici, and Macy,” I offer with a shrug.

“Well, that’s just not fair!” He slams his hand down on the table, being more dramatic than ever. Our beers slosh over the sides of the glasses, but he doesn’t care.

“Where’s Liliana? I wanted to ask her out on a date, but I haven’t seen her recently.” I glance around like I'm actually looking for her.

Smithy narrows his eyes on me and shakes his head. “That’s a low blow and you know it. Stay away from Liliana and I’ll stay away from your girls, deal?”

“Deal.” I smirk over the rim of my beer.

Slowly but surely, the guys arrive and slip into the booth with Smithy and me. When Cici gets here, I wrap her in a big hug and talk to her quietly for a few minutes.

It’s weird not seeing my twin every day. We turn to each other whenever we need anything, but not physically being with her is odd. I don’t like it one bit, and haven’t since I got my own place. We’re both getting older and we can't live together forever, but I miss her more than I'm willing to admit.

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