Page 3 of Stealing First

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Cord: Is she going to be there?

Cici: I guess you’re going to have to show up if you want to find out.

Chapter 3


“What made you think cursing out one of our biggest clients was a good idea? Do you know how much damage control I need to do just to get him to think about staying with the company?” Bryan leans across the desk, trying to appear more intimidating.

“If he’s your biggest client, then why was I handling his account? Shouldn’t one of the better publicists have handled the account?”

“Sadly, you’re the best one I’ve got!” Bryan sighs and scrubs a hand down his face. “You can't just say whatever you want to a client. Shouldn’t you know this by now? I don’t understand how you can tell people what to say or how to act in public, or even clean up their image, but you can't control your own mouth. How does that even happen?”

“I could’ve controlled my mouth.” I roll my eyes like a child. I don’t want to have this conversation right now. I just want him to do whatever he plans on doing so I can go home. We’re both well aware of how this meeting is going to end, I'll get fired or get written up. Either way, I don’t care anymore.

“Then why didn’t you?” He slaps his hands down on the desk. I think he’s trying to make me jumpy, but I'm not scared of him. His Napoleon complex is getting on my nerves. We get it, you’re a tiny man, now leave me alone.

“I didn’t want to.” I shrug my shoulders and stare at him like I'm bored.

“Macy,” he groans, pinching the bridge of his nose. He almost looks like he’s praying for strength, but I'm fairly certain he thinks too highly of himself to ask God for help with anything.

“Listen, Bryan. That idiot was going on and on. He actually asked me to replace his wife as the model for his new stroller.”

“And you decided to yell at him after he complimented you?” He stares at me like I'm crazy and maybe I am. I don’t know why I even thought public relations would be a smart job for me.

Yes, you do. You thought it would be a good way to support Cord and help him with his career.

I ignore the point my brain is trying to make and attempt to focus on Bryan again. Not only do I not want to think about Cord, but I don’t want to be reminded of how I made such a massive life decision with him in mind. I could’ve been a doctor like my brother and sister-in-law. I could’ve been a teacher or a lawyer, anything other than a public relations specialist.

“Well, he wanted me to model after I told him he needed someone new moms could relate to. Someone who didn’t look like they just stepped off the runway. Someone who wasn’t dressed to walk the red carpet. Apparently, he views me as comely and mediocre.”

Bryan barks out a laugh so loud he actually startles me. He’s holding his stomach and gasping for breath. I'm not sure if he’s laughing because it’s insane of anyone to view me as comely and mediocre, or if he finds it hilarious someone pointed it out to me. Either way, I'm annoyed.

“Are you going to do it?” Bryan swipes away the moisture under his eyes after he’s regained his composure.

And just like that, I'm positive I’ll be fired today. There’s no way I can stay employed here after punching my boss in the nose… right?

“You got fired?” Charlie’s voice comes through the phone loud and clear. She’s speechless and I can't blame her. This morning when I entered the office, I never imagined it would be my last day, but I'm not upset about it. I hated that place.

“Yeah,” I sigh. “Apparently it’s unacceptable to tell your boss he’s about as useful as a limp dick and he needs to pull his head out of his ass.”

“You what?”

“I might’ve also punched him?” I wince as the words come out, knowing that was definitely the wrong move.

If Bryan hadn’t dropped to the floor like a sack of bricks, I’d be a little worried he might sue me. But his ego is way too big for him to admit someone my size took him down. Nope, he’ll tell everyone he was mugged and fought off his attacker. Anything to save face.

“You didn’t!” She gasps. “Macy!”

“What? He laughed at me and told me I should take the modeling position. I merely suggested where he should shove it and he got offended. Things kinda snowballed from there.” I wince again. Today was not one of my finest days as an adult.

“What are you going to do?”

“I'm not sure yet. I’ll be fine for a while. I have a good amount of money saved, but I’ll need to start looking for a new job.”

“I could talk to Owen.”

“No, I don’t want him to pity hire me.” I wave my hand through the air in dismissal like she can actually see me.

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