Page 75 of Three Single Wives

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Eliza watched her face carefully, and Penny’s expression said it all. The father of this child wasn’t going to be pleased with the pregnancy. Eliza would bet money on it. But young and stupid? Roman was many things, but he was neither of those. Was Penny lying about the father, or had Eliza assumed wrong?

The front door opened then, interrupting the tense conversation. Roman’s long legs stretched before him, carrying his trim physique around the corner where he came to an abrupt stop in the entryway to the living room. A flicker of surprise crossed his face, stamped out quickly as he crossed his arms and studied the three women before him.

Eliza cleared her throat. “Welcome home, honey.”

A layer of tension as thick as butter descended over the room. Roman’s gaze slid to each of the ladies in turn. When his gaze landed on Penny, Eliza watched as she returned his stare. Penny didn’t look surprised but perhaps defiant. Instead, it was Anne who had gone pale. Curious, curious.

“Did I misplace my invitation?” Roman asked nonchalantly. “I wasn’t aware we were having a dinner party.”

“It’s book club,” Eliza finally managed. “We’re just chatting. Catching up on personal news.”

“I see.” Roman glanced around the room. “Anything exciting in the world of books?”

“I don’t know about books,” Eliza said briskly, “but we’ve just learned Penny is pregnant. Isn’t that wonderful news, darling?”


Defense: At the time you found out you were pregnant, were you in a relationship with the baby’s father?

Penny Sands: I…er…I thought I was. But it ended shortly thereafter.

Defense: Why did the relationship end?

Penny Sands: He wanted me to get an abortion. I wanted to keep the baby.

Defense: Yesterday, Anne Wilkes testified that she drove you to a clinic on October 24, 2018. She stated that you were thinking about getting an abortion.

Penny Sands: I wasn’t really considering it.

Defense: Then why did you go to the clinic?

Penny Sands: It’s hard to explain.

Defense: Try.

Penny Sands: I was broke, young, in a tenuous relationship that, in retrospect, was doomed from the start. I thought the baby deserved better than me. So yes. I went to the clinic. I walked inside, made the appointment. Anne—my closest friend—came with me. But I couldn’t do it.

Defense: Why not?

Penny Sands: Because I loved the baby already.

Defense: What happened when you told the father that you were planning to keep the baby?

Penny Sands: He threatened me.

Defense: Did you call the police to report it?

Penny Sands: No, I didn’t.

Defense: I have here, from the victim’s notes, that you were the one who threatened him. And then he took out a restraining order on you.

Penny Sands: I sure did.

Defense: Sure did what?

Penny Sands: I told him that he’d be sorry if he ever interfered with my life or my baby’s again. If that’s a threat, then yes. I threatened him.


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