Page 1 of Cowhand Crush

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Chapter 1


I knew this day would come eventually. I thought I was strong enough to handle it—temptation flirting with me around every corner and my self-control put to the test. God knows at my age that I should have more common sense than to pine after the boss’s daughter.

It didn’t start out like this. I’ve known Avery McCall since she was a little spitfire of six years old, marching around the ranch in boots two sizes too big for her. As a little girl, she shadowed her father everywhere, fearless, proud, and eager to get her hands dirty. When Grady wasn’t around, he assigned me to the task of making sure his beloved daughter didn’t get into trouble.

It was hard to believe the girl with perpetually scraped knees and a missing front tooth could turn into the beauty she was today. Avery’s dark curls were pinned up, exposing the slope of her neck. The snug fit of her jeans and tank top provided ample proof that she’d grown into a woman’s figure—slim and athletic, with a hint of lace bra at her cleavage when she bent over.

Not that I was looking. I shook my head and turned away, retreating into the barn.

High Plains Ranch was decked out for Avery’s welcome home party. Strands of fairy lights graced the porch. A buffet table stretched the length of the kitchen, bursting with food and plenty of booze to go around. Dozens of bouquets brimming with sweetly-scented apple blossoms and daisies lined the dining room, provided by Avery’s stepmother—Birdie, the local florist.

Even though all members of staff were invited, I decided not to go. I could blame it on the fact that I was just a cowboy—foreman of the ranch, a bachelor who didn’t have a knack for the small talk required at a party like that. Grady McCall was a wealthy man, thanks to his ranch, and his lifestyle showed that. I’d been in his house a handful of times to discuss business, and I always felt out of place as soon as my dusty boots crossed his threshold.

Deep down though, I knew the real reason I made myself scarce was Avery.

I saw the way she looked at me. She wore her crush on her sleeve, raw, sweet, innocent. When she was younger, it was easy to brush off. Now that she was in her mid-twenties, there was a responding tug of desire in my gut that scared the shit out of me.

I could not afford to fall in love with her. It would only end in disaster for both of us. And I wouldn’t do that to Avery.

Smoothing my hand over the mare’s flank, I lifted her leg and set to trimming her hoof.

“I had a feeling I’d find you out here.”

Avery came striding through the barn door, carrying a bottle of beer, and a paper plate with a large slice of cake.

“Your guests will be looking for you,” I replied, easing the mare’s hoof to the ground. I winced as I straightened my aching back.

Avery cast a sympathetic glance in my direction.

“You’re supposed to leave the trimming and shoeing to the younger ranch hands. Here, I brought you some cake and a beer.”

I grunted a thank you, and popped the top off the beer, savoring the chilled liquid as it slid down my throat. Even though it was only the first week of June, the summer heat was beginning to crank up.

“Can’t let the boys see me slowing down,” I countered. “Besides, we’re short on manpower this week. Beau is at home with his brand new baby.”

Avery brightened as she hoisted herself up to perch on a stack of straw bales.

“I heard about that! It feels like I have so much catching up to do now that I’ve graduated.”

Tugging off my gloves, I leaned back against the wall, and dug into the cake with the plastic fork Avery had provided.

“Give yourself some time to get settled in first. You’re going to be running this place before you know it.”

She snorted.

“Not if my father has anything to say about it.”

“Trouble in paradise already? You’ve only been home for a few days.”

Avery shook her head.

“Nothing out of the ordinary. You know how pig-headed Dad can be. I’m going to inherit High Plains, but he doesn’t want me lifting a finger to manage it as long as he’s alive and kicking.”

I nodded.

“Understandable. He built it. Won’t be easy to let it go.”

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