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“So had you planned tonight, what would we be doing right now?”

When I looked over, he jerked his head away and looked out the driver’s side window. He probably didn’t think I’d seen him watching me, but I had. “Well?”

“I might have taken you down to that little carnival on the outskirts of town. You know that one that sucks all your money before they allow you to win anything?”

“Really?” I asked.

“Not into carnival games?”

“I didn’t say that. What else?”

“After I won you a bear, I’d have brought you here and we could have walked through the park, hand-in-hand, maybe sat at the water’s edge for a bit or taken a swim.”

I looked out toward the water and smiled. “Well, what are you waiting for?”

He looked over at me and frowned.

“Let’s go for that walk.”

We walked for a bit before taking a seat on one of the picnic tables in the park. Hudson surprised me by not sitting beside me but climbing up and sitting on the top of the picnic table, straddling my body. It was when I felt his large hands on my shoulders I wondered what was going on. I said nothing, I just sat there waiting to see what he was going to do.

I closed my eyes as he began rubbing my shoulders, then digging his fingers into my neck. I let out a sigh and felt my body relax as he continued.

“Feel okay?” he murmured.

“Mmmmyes.” I half moaned, enjoying the feel of his hands on me.

An hour later, we arrived back at his truck. He opened the door for me and then drove me home. I went up to my apartment alone, and once inside, I quickly changed, made a cup of tea, and then went into the living room and flopped onto the couch, turning on the TV.

I had such a great time tonight. Hudson was completely different on his own, and whatever had happened between him telling me he’d had a good time and him dropping me off had me hoping that he’d asked me out again sometime soon.


I’d woken over an hour ago but was still lying in bed, my arm behind my head, my phone in my hand. I stared down at the message I’d typed out, debating if I should change anything before I sent it. My finger hovered over the button, but then quickly hit delete instead. Then my phone vibrated. First it was Dax, then Tate, and then Liam. I knew it was only going to be a matter of minutes before Joe chimed in.

I threw the covers off and got up out of bed, heading to the shower. I’d had plans to send that message for days, but each time I’d type out the same thing, and then I’d sit and stare at the words I’d written, then I’d delete it.

I got dressed, grabbed a protein shake from the cupboard, shoved my phone in my pocket, and took off out the door. I was late for our pool game this morning.

I’d done nothing but try to stop thinking about that date the other night. It was odd I’d even given it another thought, to be honest. I didn’t date. I’d convinced myself over the years I didn’t need anyone, yet here I was wondering what it would be like to have someone in my life, a significant other, once again. I just hoped I’d healed enough to take something like that on again.

I shoved the door open and walked into Joe’s, slipped my shoes off, and made my way to where the boys were. I stepped into the room and almost immediately, my eyes landed on Maya. She sat on Liam’s lap on the couch, her arms around his neck, while Tate and Dax played pool.

“It’s about time you got here,” Joe said, coming in from outside with some drinks in his hand. We’d set up a bar fridge out on the back deck for our fire pit nights. It had made Everly happy to have her fridge back again.

“Yes, it is,” Maya said, getting up off Liam’s lap and coming around the table.

“Since when do you play pool with us on guys’ day?” I questioned.

“Since I want to know how that date went the other night,” she said, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

When all eyes turned to me, I wondered what the hell I’d done to fuck it up. I could feel the tension pouring off Maya and knew she was going to blame me for something.

“What do you want to know?” I questioned, not backing down.

“How was it?”

I looked over her shoulder to see all the guys now watching us. Talk about feeling ambushed. The guys had asked about my blind date, but I’d just shrugged and said it went fine.

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