Page 9 of Spike

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“Let me put my things away, freshen up, then I’ll meet you back here?”

“It’s a plan.”

Turning, I walk off with a huge smile on my face. I can do this, and I think I’m going to enjoy it more than I first thought.

After calling home, getting changed, and meeting Paulie again, we head to a local bar where all the students who are of age go after classes. Thankfully, that means all those young ones aren’t here. Gosh, I’m making myself sound old. Getting ourselves a few drinks, we go and sit out front under a large umbrella and watch the cars zoom by.

Paulie tells me about his life, his parents, and the guy he’s crushing on. We laugh, and I find him incredibly easy to talk to. I tell him about the club and watch as he listens with wide eyes and his mouth slightly agape. He’s fascinated with club life and has a million questions. I answer them with a laugh until two girls come up to the table, stopping and smiling fondly at Paulie.

They’re older than both of us, but still both so beautiful.

“Hey, girls.” He waves, his energy addictive. “This is my friend Ciara. Ciara, this is Josie and Melly – they did their studies at this campus years and years ago, they’re both qualified now.”

I wave to the two girls.

“Oh, man, you look so much like your sister,” Josie, a beautiful blond says, her eyes widening.


These girls knew Cheyenne? I mean, I knew she tried out a few schools in this area before dropping out and being with Spike, but I guess I figured it was long enough ago that nobody would know her. I guess he made an impression.

“You knew Chey?” I ask.

Josie nods. “Yeah, she came in when we were on our last year. She made an impression. She preferred the partying over the work, so I don’t think she lasted long. She just up and left one day. I never heard from her again, but she had a memorable face and you look just like her.”

“I haven’t seen anyone who knew her yet. It’s nice to know people still remember her.”

Josie nods. “It was so sad to hear about her passing. I’m sorry for your family. She was a wild child. I loved her spirit.”

I smile, because deep down, I have a love/hate relationship with my sister and everything we went through. Even though I’d do anything to bring her back, I still didn’t always love the person she was. She could cause her fair share of trouble, and it wouldn’t surprise me to know she has a reputation around here.

“I’m glad to hear it,” I say, because I’m not going to talk badly about someone who isn’t here to defend herself. “She was wild. It’s a shame she didn’t stick around and finish what she wanted.”

“It sure was weird. One minute she was here, then she was gone. People talked about it a lot, plenty of stories about her getting involved with someone and it going bad, but who actually knows. Maybe she just wanted to go home.”

My parents live about an hour from here, so it doesn’t surprise me that Cheyenne would have just packed up and left when things got too hard. They always catered to her and justified every action and choice she made, and it didn’t matter whether it was right or wrong, they went along with it. Nobody ever pushed her to stay in school or do her best.

If Cheyenne didn’t like it, she could leave.

It was that simple.

“Maybe,” I say, taking a sip of my drink.

“Well, we better get going. It was great to meet you, Ciara.”

We wave them goodbye, and I exhale, glancing back at Paulie who gives me a wide-eyed expression. “Let’s get another round of drinks so you can tell me all about your sister. Judging by the look on your face, it’s a good one.”

I laugh.

Yeah, Paulie is fast becoming a friend I won’t want to part from.

3 – Spike

“You see, I don’t fuckin’ like people dealin’ on my turf. You’re makin’ a name for yourself, and I don’t like it. This is my town, and I’m fuckin’ done with you scumbags comin’ in and causin’ problems. I’ll give you a choice: you leave town, or I’ll make you disappear.”

Fingers curled into the shirt of a middle-aged drug dealer who is causing a fuck load of problems in town, I hold him against the wall, my face close to his, my body rigid as I make sure he knows I’m not messing around. This town is overrun by scum, and I’m sick of it coming in to try and take over what the club has created.

We are the fucking kings, and it’s about time everyone learned their place again.

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