Page 78 of Spike

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“You’ll do no such fuckin’ thing,” Spike growls, stepping toward me and taking my chin in his hand. “We’ll get Serenity out. I promise you.”

“What about Gerard? He’s just going to get away with it. They’ll probably put him in some kind of protection, and we’ll never clear my name.”

“We’ll find proof. I fuckin’ promise you I won’t rest until I see that slimy little fucker go down.”

Oh, Serenity.

I will find a way to get you out of this, I swear it.

“Maybe we could go to that restaurant, get footage? I know he was there. What about the picture? Surely, that’s proof enough he was with Alyssa, even if you can’t see his face. We could track down the man he stole the car from. There has to be a way. He can’t have covered everything,” I say, my voice borderline desperate.

“Look at me,” Spike urges, taking my chin in his hand. “I will fucking bring him down.”

“Until then, Serenity is stuck in prison. Prison, Spike. She doesn’t deserve that.”

“We’ll have someone on the inside watch-out for her. One way or another, we will get her out. That cop is a slimy fucker, and I’ll find a way to bring him down. If I have to bust her out myself, I will...”

My eyes widen. “Is”

Spike grins. “No, baby, but if you think that will stop me...”



HUGGING AVA CLOSE TO me, I press my lips to her little cheeks and promise her over and over that we’ll find a way to get her mommy out. Jackson paces in front of us, a rage spreading across his face I have never seen. He’s wild, and inside, I know it’s killing him that Serenity is behind bars. In this second, though, there isn’t a single thing he can do about it. That would be the worst feeling in the world, and I wish there was something I could do to help.

I’m taking Ava so he can focus on getting her out, but it just isn’t enough.

“We’ll get her out, Jacks,” Muff tells him, his voice careful. “I swear it.”

“I know we’ll fuckin’ get her out,” Jackson barks. “But until then, she’s fuckin’ stuck in there and I can’t protect her. Do you think they won’t be diggin’ through her past, tryin’ to find somethin’ to pin on her? Her father was one of the worst fuckin’ bikers out there. If they get enough, we might not get her out.”

It’s a valid fear.

Serenity comes from a club that was dangerous and did more than one bad thing in their time. There are so many unanswered questions surrounding that club, and because of it, all the cops need to do is find one thing they can use against her, and she’ll be locked up for longer than any of us would ever dare say.

It’s a bad situation.

I can’t help but feel like it’s my fault. If I didn’t insist on going to that damn school, then we wouldn’t be here. All of this happened because of Gerard and his sick obsession with my dead sister. When I think of it like that, it almost seems pathetic. Like what a fucking joke. Still, it’s the bitter truth and nothing I say or do will change that.

I will find the proof we need, though.

I will show those god-damned crooked cops that he killed Alyssa and abducted me.

“We’ll hit the ground runnin’ to find out what we can before they do,” Cade assures Jackson, his arms crossed over his chest as he watches his friend with concern.

“That cunt is crooked.” Jackson barks. “He’s probably already way ahead of us.”

“I assure you, Jacks,” Spike growls, his eyes narrowing. “We will fuckin’ get her out.”

“Oh,” Jackson looks to him. “I know we’ll get her out, but it won’t be the way they expect.”


I don’t even want to know what they’re planning.

“Until then, we need all the hands we can get,” Muff looks to Spike. “Bring on your prospect, we could use him. He has links that we don’t.”

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