Page 74 of Spike

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Her voice is weak and broken, but I run toward it, coughing as the smoke fills my lungs, and it becomes difficult to breathe. I reach her and my hands go to her face. I don’t have long; I can’t tell her how much I fucking love her right now. I just need to get her out. I move to her hands, feeling in the darkness until the cold metal of the cuffs grazes my fingertips.

I cut them.

Then, I scoop her into my arms and turn, charging back towards the entrance I just came in.

A large pole falls in front of us, forcing me to leap backwards as flames roar to life in front of me.

The only exit.




“Spike,” Cade’s voice roars at me from the outside. “Fuck man. Are you good?”

“Truck,” I gasp through the smoke. “Fire blanket. Move.”

A minute later, he has the blanket and steps in, throwing it over the raging log. It snuffs it out just long enough for me to leap over with Ciara in my arms. The second my boots hit the ground on the other side, I collapse, no air getting into my lungs. Landing on the ground with a thump, I hear Ciara’s moan of pain as she goes down with me.

It feels like a fucking eternity before we can focus on the situation we’re in.

My lungs feel like they’re filled with fucking fire.

Rolling, I pull Ciara into my arms, but she’s coughing too much.

She needs help.

“Call 911,” I gasp, pushing up and staring down at Ciara.

Her face is pale, and her eyes are bloodshot. Her hand is bloody and as I lift it into mine and look down at it, my anger only grows deeper. I’d know that wound anywhere. The fucker shot her. He fucking shot her.

When I get my hands on him, I’ll fucking kill him.

I will kill him.

Her name will be on my lips when I end his fucking life.

Nobody touches my woman and lives to tell the tale.

Fucking nobody.

22 – Serenity

Icouldn’t let him go.

Everyone was rushing toward that barn, but he was running away. He was going to escape, and we’d never find him again. For Ciara’s sake, I was unable to sit back and let him get away. So, I did the only thing I could at the time, I reached into the glove box, took Jackson’s gun and ran after him.

Nobody noticed.

They will, but we will be too far gone.

I don’t blame them. That barn was about to collapse with my friend inside, I don’t expect them to see anything else.

So, I did what I had to do.

I’m small, so running is easy for me.

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