Page 72 of Spike

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“You don’t need to do this,” I say, as he shoves me towards a large structure pole in the middle of the barn. “I won’t say anything. Just please...I have kids.”

He ignores me as he pulls a set of handcuffs from his jacket pocket and shoves me against the pole. I know if I let him cuff me, I’ll never get free. I have to fight; I have to at least try. I won’t let this creep get me down without effort. It’s just me and him, if I can get the gun away from him that is.

It’s worth a damn try.

I do the only thing I can think of, I kick out.

I have the beauty of being flexible, so I use my leg to kick the gun out of his hand. He doesn’t see it coming, and for a moment, he stares at me in shock before jumping into action. He launches at me as I drop and scurry for the gun. If I can get it, I will shoot him, no questions asked. His hard body lands on top of mine, crushing me into the dirt. Squirming, I keep trying to move toward the gun even though his weight is holding me down.

“I’ll fucking kill you.” His voice is a low growl as he takes a handful of my hair and jerks my head back.

I keep fighting.

But he’s stronger than I am.

He presses a hand over my nose and mouth, the other holding my head back with a large clump of hair. I squirm as the air quickly becomes trapped in my lungs. He’s going to kill me. I thrash and fight, I try to bite his fingers, but he’s too strong.

“Stop fighting or this will be how you die.”

My vision blurs and I know I have no choice.

I have to stop fighting.

I let my body go limp and only then does he release his hand. I suck in a breath, never realizing just how good it feels when it fills my lungs. The burn as they expand is incredibly relieving.

Gerard moves off me, taking the gun before I can.

He spins it on me, and he fires.

For a moment, I wonder what he shot at, but then I feel the pain ripping through my hand that is planted firmly on the ground. Staring down, an agonized scream rips from my throat as I see the hole that has been created from the bullet. Blood gushes out and pain unlike anything I’ve ever felt consumes me. Gerard leans down and hauls me up. I’m screaming and trembling as the realization that he just shot a hole in my hand totally takes over.

It takes all of my attention, so I don’t realize when he jerks my hands behind my back, and cuffs me to the pole.

Standing in front of me, his eyes fill with delight when he understands that he has won.

“I’ve never done anything to you?” I cry, my voice shaky with pain.

“It’s because of you she’s dead.”

“No. It isn’t.”

“We’ve been over this. I don’t owe you any further explanation. I never thought I’d get the chance to fight for her life, but here I am. You deserve this. She didn’t deserve to die.”

“She couldn’t fucking stand you, you creep,” I scream, letting my legs fly out from beneath me to try and kick him once more.

He laughs.

“I’ll enjoy watching you burn.”



Spike. Help.

21 – Spike

Flames roar from the ceiling of the barn as I skid the truck to a halt.

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