Page 70 of Spike

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“Stop!” He barks, shooting me a glare so cold it sends shivers up my spine. “I won’t hesitate when it comes time to kill you, Ciara. You will suffer for taking her from me.”

“I didn’t take her from you,” I yell, pressing my back into the door so he can’t slam my face against the window again. “She left you. She chose to leave you. She was going to put a restraining order against you. She hated you. Couldn’t stand you. She chose Spike because he was a better man.”

“Shut up,” he roars, his hand lashing out again, but this time I catch it and twist his fingers.

I’m not really thinking, I just react. I bend them back as hard as I can until one of them cracks. A bellow leaves his throat as the car swerves off the road and rolls, forcing my hand away from his. The car flips over and over as it plummets down a gully. It all goes by in slow motion, as if we’re in a movie. The windows smash, the top crumbles in, and then we’re skidding to a stop at the bottom, the car on its roof.

It takes me a moment to gather my bearings. My neck aches and there is blood trickling from a wound somewhere on my head, but I’m alive. I look over at Gerard and see he’s awake, too, sitting in some kind of shock. I don’t have long. I unclip my seatbelt and then start kicking at the door, trying to push it open. It doesn’t budge.

Heart racing, I kick harder and harder, until finally it springs open. I move quickly, twisting and shoving my body, groaning in pain as I get out of the car and slowly push up to my feet. I don’t think, I start hobbling away, desperate to climb the bank and get out of here. It takes all my effort to climb, but I do it, my fingers clawing at the dirt as I scurry my way to the top.

Just as I step up and over the ledge, I see a car has come to a stop and a man is coming toward the accident site. His eyes are wide with concern, especially when he notices me.

“Oh shit. Ma’am, are you okay?”

Staring behind me, I see him, crawling up the side with the gun in his hand.

My heart skips a beat.


“We need to go,” I whisper frantically. “Now. Now. Please.”

The man looks confused, and for a moment, he just stands there.

I want to scream but instead, I hurry towards him, my arms frantically waving around to get him to understand what I’m saying.

This isn’t safe.

“There is a man back there and he’s dangero...”

I’m cut off when the man standing on the side of the road goes pale, and his hands go up. I know, I just know, that Gerard has made it up and is pointing the gun at this poor innocent onlooker. Turning slowly, I see Gerard standing, bleeding from a deep wound on his head, pointing the gun at the man.

“Put your keys on the ground and walk away. I won’t kill you. If you fight me, I will.”

The mans eyes dart to me, then back to Gerard.

He shakily pulls his keys out and drops them onto the ground.

“Turn and walk. Do not look back. I can easily find out who you are from your car. If you say a single word, I will come after you. Believe me, I’m not the kind of person you want on your back. I can and will kill everyone you love. If anyone asks, you got carjacked and you didn’t see the man. Your car will show up for you somewhere by tomorrow.”

He does as he’s told, and with every step away from us, my soul breaks a little. Gerard watches him leave, then turns the gun to me. “Get in the car. Right fucking now.”

With shaky legs, I get into the poor stranger’s car.

A minute later, Gerard is in, and his foot is on the pedal. This time he keeps the gun on me. “One fucking move, I’ll blow your brains out.”

I stare out the window as we pass the man. He turns to look at us, and I mouth help, but I know it’s no use.

There is nothing he can do.

I’m fucking trapped.

WE ARRIVE AT AN OLD, burned down house about two hours later.

I don’t know what direction we’re going in, I’m not familiar with this area so I can’t keep track. All I know is we’re not going back home, instead we’re here, at some vacant lot with no one around. The house, or what was once a house, is surrounded by woodland as far as the eye can see.

It’s basically a pile of burned timber, but behind it, there is a barn.

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