Page 6 of Spike

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“It’s a shared shower.” I scrunch my nose. “I feel like I’m just graduating school and coming here as a young person. I don’t share.”

“Well,” Spike mutters, glancing around, his arms crossed, “you can give this shit up and come home. Where you have a shower.”

Addison glares at him. “Stop being such a baby, Spike. She’s staying. This is good for her. You and your dick will survive two days.”

“Fuck off, Addison.”

She blows him a kiss.

I grin.

“I’ll be fine, I mean, it’s only two nights. At least my room locks and I don’t have to share with anyone.”

I was originally going to stay in a unit with a few other students for a night, but a room came up to share with another girl who comes and goes, and I was offered it for less. I decided to accept, considering it is right outside the campus and I can go to my classes easily from here. It’s only a couple of nights, and at least I can have time to myself here.

“Any fucker even so much as attempts to come in here, I’ll break their fuckin’...”

“Oh calm down,” Addi interrupts Spike’s rant. “She’s not going away to army camp; she’s doing a bit of study to become a nurse. You need to chill.”

His scowl makes me giggle.

“Just think,” I say, smiling at him, “you have Addi now to keep you company while I’m not there.”

He shoots me a warning look.

“I’m offended by that look,” Addison scoffs. “Now, I’m going to be even more annoying.”

“Fuck’s sake, I’m waitin’ outside.”

Turning, Spike shoves the door open and walks out. A girl walking past stops, her eyes widening, and she stares at him leaving. He can’t just come in and out, security and all that, but there are times I can let him in with my pass. It feels very ... teenager. Once he’s gone, Addison turns to me and starts laughing. “My gosh, he is not okay with this.”

I grin. “Nope, but he doesn’t get a choice. He will always support me, even if it kills him. I know he’s not happy though.”

“He’ll get used to it. I won’t lie, I’m kind of jealous. I wish I could get away for two days a week to lay in this bed at night in silence, with a book, and chocolate ...”

Exhaling, she flops onto the bed.

“You can come squish in with me anytime,” I say, staring at the single bed. “I can’t promise it’ll be comfortable, but it will be quiet.”

She stretches her arms out. “I might just do that, you know.”

“Door is always open, except between certain hours, then you have to sign in.”

Rolling her eyes, she sits up and stares out the window. “I think I could climb in here, no problem at all.”

I point to the screw that only allows it to go out so far. “Unless you’re the size of a newborn, I think you might get stuck.”

She huffs. “Well bloody hell.”

“Don’t worry,” I say, grinning. “We’ll get you in.”

“Oh, I can’t wait. I’m even more excited for the parties. Is it bad that I want to party even though I’m a mother now?”

I shake my head. “We’re allowed to live, too.”

“You’re right, we are. Come on, we better go see your moping man before I take him home.”

Nerves rattle in my tummy, but I keep my smile.

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