Page 59 of Spike

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“Things are stressful at the moment,” I tell him, trying to offer a convincing smile but I know I fail.

“You want to talk about it?”

I shrug. “I just ... you know things with Alyssa are stressing me out. The police still think I did it, and it doesn’t seem to matter what I do, they’re not looking anywhere else.”

He frowns. “Have you gotten a lawyer?”

I shake my head. “No, but I’m starting to think I should.”

“I think you should. They will walk all over you if you don’t get some kind of assistance. You did nothing, and they won’t be able to find anything if that’s the case.”

“You try telling them that.” I sigh. “I’m going to see if I can figure this out, so they leave me alone.”

“If you ever need a hand, reach out. I might not be able to help much, but I can offer you a listening ear.”

I smile, genuinely this time. “Thank you, I appreciate that.”

“Have you spoken to Alyssa’s family, maybe they know something?”

I shake my head. “I haven’t wanted to make things harder for them, considering what they’re going through.”

“I know her mom, she has been in a few times to discuss Alyssa. Maybe I could take you?”

It’s not a bad idea.

I haven’t spoken to her family because I haven’t wanted to bother them but maybe it’s time I consider seeing what they know. If they can give me some kind of hint as to who this might be, then I might be able to link it back to Cheyenne and figure this out.

“You know, that’s really kind of you. Maybe we’ll do that.”

“Just let me know. At least if you show up with a teacher, it won’t seem so confronting.”

He’s right.

Having him help me will seem less full on for her family.

I don’t want to upset them anymore.

“Thank you, I’ll consider it. I better get to my other class. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Chin up.” He smiles as he waves to me.

Leaving the class, I go to my last one before heading back toward campus where Spike is outside of the front gates waiting. That can’t be good, considering he’s meant to be in my room waiting for whoever has been doing this to come and make a move. Judging by the look on his face, it isn’t good news.

“Hit me with it,” I say on an exhale, stopping in front of him.

“He knows we’re lookin’ for him,” Spike murmurs. “He came to the room, but I couldn’t catch him. I moved too quickly, and he got away.”


I exhale a long, deep breath.

“So he knows we’re looking for him now,” I murmur, running a hand down my face.

This is bad.

The whole point of this was to watch him without suspicion but if he knows we’re watching, he’s going to be clever about his next move and he’s going to wait for the opportunity to strike when the club goes. He has been smart thus far, which means he’s not going to make a stupid move now.


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