Page 58 of Spike

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I take off after him, but he’s already got a hell of a lead.

Not to mention, he knows where he’s going.

Barking at him to stop, I chase him down the halls and out the front door.

There are no people around, the halls are quiet because everyone is in their classes. Out front, there are a few people getting around, some coming back for lunch. By the time I’m out the front door, I’ve lost sight of him. With an angry bark, I frantically look around, trying to see if I can spot him, but he’s gone.

A young couple are staring at me with wide eyes.

“Did you see a man in a hoodie?” I ask, trying to keep my voice calm so I don’t completely scare them.

The man shakes his head.



This is bad.

This is bad because he now knows we’re looking for him, and I just lost the chance to find him.

Pulling out my phone, I call Muff, who is watching the parking lot today.

“Yo,” he answers, and judging by his tone, he hasn’t seen anyone because he’s too calm.

“I lost him,” I growl. “I reacted too quickly, and he got away.”

“Fuck. Did you get a look at his face?”

“No, he was wearin’ a hoodie and turned before I could get a look at him. Did you see anything?”

“He didn’t come through this way; he must have come in from a different entrance.”

“Fuck,” I bark.

“One thing is for sure, he has access to the dorms which means he has to be involved with the school somehow. Otherwise, how the fuck would he get in?”

“Could have an old pass of Alyssa’s,” I say. “Wouldn’t be hard to use it.”

“I think their security is better than that, I would assume they would have collected all her passes back.”

“You’d fuckin’ think so, but I don’t know anything right now.”

“Well, either way, he’s got access, and that isn’t a good thing.”


It fucking isn’t.

We obviously knew he could get in, considering he painted her fucking wall, but we were hoping it might have been a one-time thing, maybe he came in with someone else or still had a pass. But now ... how the fuck is he getting in? Is the security on this place so fucking bad that he still has a pass from someone he shouldn’t?

None of it makes sense.

But it’s getting way too close to home now.

17 – Ciara

“You seem off today,” Gerard says, handing me a study book after class so I can catch up on some work I have missed because of everything going on.

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