Page 52 of Spike

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This is so well planned.

Someone wanted me dead, and they very nearly succeeded.

15 – Ciara

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Serenity asks, her eyes wide with concern.

I nod. “Yeah, I’m just a little shaken up.”

“Whoever did this to you is going to feel my wrath,” Addison mutters to herself. “This is out of control.”

Pressing my fingers to the wound on my head that thankfully didn’t require stitches, I think about the night, and I’m still just as confused as I was before. I don’t know why this person is so adamant on seeking revenge when there is no proof I killed Alyssa. Not a single drop other than the fact that I happened to find her. So why are they so obsessed with me?

“We need to get to the bottom of this,” Jackson mutters, arms crossed as he stands in front of where we are sitting in the garage.

I have Mercy sleeping in my arms, and even though I know I should take her home and put her down, I just don’t want to let her go. Not yet. Danny is playing with Skye and Max, the two of them sitting on the floor surrounded by toys, and Ava is off in dreamland. This is my family, and, tonight, someone tried to take me from them.

I’m done being nice.

I want to know who did this.

“Damn right we do,” Spike grunts, pacing around, his jaw tight.

He didn’t take the news well; I don’t blame him. It was scary as hell.

“I don’t think you should go back until we figure this out,” Cade offers, his voice less clipped but still tight.

My eyes swing to his. “No, that’s not happening. I’m not bailing out because some idiot is trying to scare me.”

“They’re not just tryin’ to scare you, Tom Cat, they’re tryin’ to fuckin’ end you,” he argues, his gaze narrowing as he pins me with it.

“Well, either way, I’m not running. Whoever this is needs to be found, and the only way to do that is for me to be there. If I run, they will just find another way. This matters to me.”

“Cade’s right,” Spike murmurs, his eyes pinning me. “You can’t go back.”

Anger bubbles in my chest. “Well, I am going back.”

The flash of his glare tells me he doesn’t want to argue, but the fact is, I’m not hiding from this. I need to find who did this, and I’m not going to stop until I do.

“Not arguin’ with you, Tom Cat, I’m tellin’ you ...”

“And I’m not arguing with you. I will be going back, Danny. End of discussion.”

The room falls scarily quiet, and it’s Jackson who decides to speak.

“Maybe her goin’ back is a good thing, because we can get eyes on her and her surroundings and figure out who is doin’ this. If they don’t suspect we are there, we might figure out who this is.”

“I agree,” Serenity chimes in. “Send her back, let it seem like normal, and we can be watching. Whoever is doing this is doing it when she’s out so we need someone there to keep an eye on the situation and see when someone arrives.”

It’s actually a good plan.

“Someone could wait in her room while she goes out, or by her car, or anywhere that this person is bound to show up. All we need is a face ...” Addison nods, impressed with herself.

“It’ll be me waitin’ in her room,” Spike hisses, fists clenched. “And when that fucker enters, I’ll take his fuckin’ head off.”

“Then we have a plan,” I say, before anyone else can argue. “I need to figure out who this is.”

“Tell us what you have already,” Jackson encourages.

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