Page 48 of Spike

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“Ah, girl, there is a big scary biker in the hall asking for you.”

My head whips up from the book I was trying very hard to study to see Paulie standing in front of me, his eyes wide, a slight smirk on his face. He’s not even in this class, so the fact that he’s here means that what he’s saying is true. My eyes dart to Gerard, who is watching Paulie deliver his message, concern on his face.

“Spike?” I whisper.

“Yep. Oh, man, seeing that guy never gets old. I have shivers.”


Pushing to my feet, I tell Gerard I’ll be right back and leave.

He can’t really stop me from leaving, considering I’m a grown ass adult.

Not that I think he would.

Stepping outside of the classroom, I see Spike standing in the hall, arms crossed over his chest, watching the students walking past him, some of their mouths slightly agape. Oh man. This is really happening. He has chosen now to come in here and do what exactly? Say sorry? Break up with me? Tell me some horrible news? I don’t know, but when his eyes swing to mine, I pause, and my body stiffens as my breath gets stuck in my throat.

God he’s beautiful.

I have missed him so damn much.

He uncrosses his arms and strides toward me. Paulie literally squeaks beside me, and it takes everything for me not to elbow him. He’s acting like a love-struck teenager. When Spike comes to a stop, he doesn’t speak—instead, his hand reaches out and curls around the back of my neck as he pulls me forward, crushing his lips down over mine.

Paulie cries out, then claps, but I’ve lost focus on anyone but Spike.

His hot mouth.

The comfort of his body against mine.

I melt into him.

When he pulls back, his hand slides around to my chin and he tips my head back. “I fucked up. No other words. Just simple. I won’t do it again. You and those kids are the reason I breathe, and if I ever made you feel like you weren’t, then I’m so fuckin’ sorry, baby.”

I swallow the lump in my throat. “You hurt me.”

“I know that, and it won’t happen again.”

“The club?”

“It’s fixed.”

I could sigh with relief.

“Made a mistake doin’ what I was doin’ but I was strugglin’. Should have told you, and I didn’t. That won’t happen again either. Forgive me?”

“Oh, lord, forgive him, girl,” Paulie shrieks.

Spike moves his eyes from mine to Paulie’s and stares at him for a minute, his face slightly twisted in disgust, then he’s focused back on me. I try not to laugh. Paulie will grow on him; I know he will.

“I guess I can forgive you, in time.” I grin up at Spike, and his face breaks out into that smile I have missed so damn much.

“I’ll take it.”

He kisses me again and we’re interrupted by the clearing of a throat. Pulling back, I see Gerard standing at the door to his classroom, giving us a look that tells me he is less than impressed by our public display of affection. Spike gives him a once over before looking down at me and offering me a lazy half grin. “I’ll be waiting for you to finish.”

Paulie fans himself, and I let my hand lash out and slap him.

Bloody devil.

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